Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 592: Military camp question

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After Wu Lingfeng and Natiya were warm for a while, they came to the military camp.

The beauty of Xiao Loli should be tasted slowly, because once they are, their shyness shows only a little bit. If they flirt with them slowly, they will fully taste their delicate and shy, so soft. Feeling will make my heart crisp.

Reminiscent of Natiya's little softness, Wu Lingfeng came to the military camp. At this time, Altolia had already queued all the soldiers. After Wu Lingfeng patrolled the circle, he did not immediately speak, but chose to dry them and wander. After a lap, Wu Lingfeng made people prepare the wine and ate it in the military camp.

After eating, Wu Lingfeng slept directly in the military camp.

The next day, Wu Lingfeng stretched out and walked out of the big account. After eating breakfast, he continued to patrol the standing soldiers. These guys have been standing for a day, and the sweat on them is like a wave, but there is no Wu Lingfeng’s decision to rest, no one dared to quit at will.

After watching the lap, Wu Lingfeng continued to rest, until after the afternoon, Wu Lingfeng officially began military training.


The first sentence of Wu Lingfeng asked very calmly to all the soldiers.

"Not tired……"

All the soldiers shouted out, even if they were tired, they couldn’t say it. After all, unless they didn’t want to do it, they would be obedient.


Wu Lingfeng smiled and looked at everyone.

The veterans are pouting one by one. This sentence is really pleasing to the ear. When fighting the orcs, Wu Lingfeng has some swear words, unlike a king. But his approach also makes everyone feel close.

The recruits are amazed. Is this a king, is it a military? And they said that they are not tired, it is entirely for Wu Lingfeng face, this is good. Instead, he was defamed.

"Hey, stand for a day, don't say it's you, even if I am tired, so I said that you are completely farting, in order to perform well, you will say something that is contrary to the real mood. Oh, falsification, interesting?

The battle between the day before yesterday and the Lich army is indeed our victory. If I say that this is a victory, you will be happy, and others must think that the kingdom of the dragon is really strong. It is considered powerful to defeat the Lich army.

But I won't say that, after the battle, there is no such thing as a celebration feast, because we have failed, yes, it is indeed a failure. Can someone tell me where we are failing? ”

Wu Lingfeng had a deep meaning and looked at all the soldiers.


For a time, all the soldiers were silent. Their battles the day before yesterday were indeed victorious. At least the lichs took the initiative to withdraw their troops. This is a victory. If they fail, they really don’t quite understand what it is.

Wu Lingfeng looked at everyone and looked at everyone's face. Said: "Know it, we are really failing, whether it is from my coach, or to you soldiers, all failed. As for what failed? I can tell you now.

The place where I failed was that the soldiers were unidentified, fighting with a group of miscellaneous soldiers, and where you failed, there was no effort to fight at all.

It is true that the reputation of the Knights of the Temple is coming out. It is very famous in everyone’s voice, but ah, this is a miscellaneous army. I am under control. No matter who joins, these new joins. The Knights of the Temple will not be anything but a good fortune. You may be very powerful in the face of other existence battles. Compared with the undead army, you are indeed elite, but the day before yesterday and the witch When the Demon Legion fought, I think you probably saw your strength.

How many people have sacrificed on the battlefield? Hundreds of people? Thousands? There are thousands of Knights of the Temple of the Knights who have been killed on the battlefield, and these dead guys are all newly joined Knights of the Temple, huh, I have abandoned these bones, why?

You are fighting hard, why do I still do this, even the bones of my soldiers are not personally collected?

Oh, maybe you think that I have lost the handsome character, but ah, I can only say that these dead people, damn, dead and deserved, but will reduce some of the burden of the dragon kingdom, hey, these people are really good to die, At least I am happy.

In addition to the veterans, what are the purposes of your recruits joining the Knights of the Temple? I know, I will help you out!

What you want is a comfortable life, the glory of the Knights of the Temple, the refuge of the Empire!

This is a disgusting idea. If the soldier enters the Knights of the Temple in this way, then it can only be said that this is a group of garbage, disgusting garbage and dregs, and death is also contributing to the world.

Because the temple does not need talent to be able to obtain the identity of the Knights of the Temple, but also to get a variety of powerful sacred, and has a lifelong imperial security system, even if you can not become an elite Knight of the Knights, you can also become a garrison of the Dragon Kingdom Empire or Missionaries, after arriving at the place, there will be a comfortable life, a beautiful girl will become your wife, have free goods and food for you to eat, have a variety of tips for you to collect, even if you steal and plunder, no one Dare to stand up and blame you...

Everything is really good for you. There is no better treatment than this. Maybe some of you have treated me as a fool king. You can get a lot of rewards without paying anything. Haha, am I right? ”

Suddenly Wu Lingfeng’s words were as loud as the thunder in the entire soldier’s square. All the recruits suddenly paled up. Wu Lingfeng’s words undoubtedly said their pain. They think so, the Dragon Kingdom is a Shannon, as long as he became a knight of the shrine, he enjoyed all kinds of welfare of the kingdom. Many of these recruits joined the dragon king city from other countries. They did nothing, unknown, but became the Knights of the Temple. Not the same...

Wu Lingfeng walked up to a new soldier, his eyes looked at him with cold eyes, and then asked: "Soldier, why did you become a Knight of the Temple?"

" order to become strong..." The soldier was looked at by Wu Lingfeng and suddenly said to his face.

"Let you... Mom's fart!"

Wu Lingfeng flew the soldier up, but there were people behind him blocking it, and did not fly out, but fell to the ground.

Then Wu Lingfeng bent over and reached out and lifted him up and said, "I will ask again, what are you for the Knights of the Temple?"

"I... I... a friend of mine told me that after becoming a Knight of the Temple, you can find a beautiful wife. The fox girl and the catwoman can also be jealous..." The soldier suddenly shuddered and said, was asked by Wu Ling. , telling the truth.

"Then you got it?" Wu Ling asked coldly.

"Yes, there is a beautiful human wife..." the soldier said truthfully.

"Then give me his mother's hard work, or lose the identity of the Knights of the Temple, or after your life, your beautiful wife will remarriage to others... know, you shit!" Wu Lingfeng threw the soldier in one hand. Said on the ground.

"Understand...I understand..." the soldier said quickly.

Then Wu Lingfeng walked to another vulture knight recruit, and asked: "What are you, for what is the Knights of the Temple?"

"I... I thought about it better..." The soldiers did not dare to look at Wu Lingfeng's face.

"Then did you achieve it?" Wu Lingfeng asked.

"Implemented..." the soldier nodded.

"Then you will give me more hard training and fighting. Without the identity of this shrine knight, you are a dregs and garbage, understand?" Wu Lingfeng said loudly.



After Wu Lingfeng questioned more than a dozen people, he looked at all the soldiers again and said: "It’s all a group of guys who want to live a happy life, but who knows who these happiness and beauty are for you? I am Laozi! I let you have money. Women have status. What if I don't give you these powers?

A group of garbage and shit-like existence, if I know that you have these ideas, you will not let you become a Knight of the Temple, a group of garbage that you only want to enjoy, know why the new recruits who died will die? I think you are very clear. After becoming a Knight of the Temple, you will be comfortable, not training, never familiar with combat skills, just want to enjoy, only lazy, huh, when you rest and ease, What are the veterans doing?

The veterans are trying hard to hone their combat skills. After learning the holy technique, they don't mean they will be used. They have strong powers that don't necessarily succeed on the battlefield. They need constant training to survive on the battlefield.

This is the practice of veterans. What about your recruits?

Oh, I really don’t know where you are arrogant, never train yourself. This is the reason for your defeat. The demon army you will face in the future is even more powerful. If you continue this way, the whole army will not be destroyed. impossible.

Therefore, I feel that it is necessary to carry out a disarmament plan. For those who have no potential, the Knights of the Templar will charge all their sacred rituals and turn them into an ordinary person to drive out of the kingdom of the dragon. The garbage will eventually become garbage, huh, I It's not so stupid, I will treat some garbage as a certainty, for you to eat for your enjoyment, for your enjoyment, but finally bring me a defeat, but I will not continue to be stupid.

So, those guys who just want to enjoy, your fantasies are over, and you are not a glorious shrine knight, but a group of dregs and rubbish! ”

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