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Wu Lingfeng's hand hit heavily on the huge ice cubes. In a moment, the ice cubes broke into the shape of a skate, and quickly attacked the wind with impermanence.

"Puff puff……"

The ice skates are inserted into the impermanent body, and suddenly bring a lot of blood. The windy state of blindness is equal to the chicken placed on the table. If you want to kill it, Wu Lingfeng observes it. The wind is impermanently through the eyes. If you don't open your eyes, you won't be able to release the dodge magic. The dark field expansion spells have blind special effects, and the three seconds of blindness is enough to make the wind invincible.

"No, it's so simple..."

“Is this the strongest person in the ancient family?”

"Cut, I thought I had more expectations?"

"Who knows, the ancient family has blown this cowhide too..."

"No, the King of the Dragon is a famous mainland, and there is a guy who doesn't know where to come out, hehe..."

"It’s not too white. I saw the power of the human king. People called the human king is not white. I just can't cope with the tactics just..."


Suddenly, the whole duel arguments rose up. Obviously, I was disappointed that the impermanence of the wind did not show enough strength.

When the last piece of ice skate flew to the wind, the three-legged gold in the sky could not stand, and a flame suddenly melted the ice, and then the huge claws caught the impermanent and rapid retreat.

Wu Lingfeng looked at the three-legged Jinwu and said with a sneer: "Do you have to fight? If so, can I not bake you?"

"Humble humans, baked me. You are too crazy, my flame energy is quite the same as the sun, you have to bake me, haha, it's so ridiculous, have the ability, you can try it." Three feet Jin Wu disdainfully said that it is the avatar of the world. To roast himself, he has not found a flame that is more powerful than himself!

"Well, I will let you see the true flame!"

[True* super* Jialuo black inflammation* whirlwind shield]! ! ! !

In an instant, the flame energy of Wu Lingfeng emerged. Among the hands, a black flame shook and formed, and gradually began to become huge under the control of Wu Lingfeng...

When Wu Lingfeng condenses magic. Everyone suddenly noticed that the surrounding sky became dark and was caused by the powerful energy of the flame in the hands of Wu Lingfeng.

The flame in the hands of Wu Lingfeng has not been released yet. Everyone has already felt a horrible wave of volatility. The faint feeling of the spirit has a huge tingling sensation, and the body feels burning!

Altolia suddenly received the spiritual fluctuations of Wu Lingfeng. Let them leave.

Altolia suddenly said: "Leave, the farther the better, the ruin will soon be destroyed, and the guy will start serious..."

"Well, I have already felt the power of terror. Let the ghosts and gods fear the flames, what the flames!" Gigton said with some surprise.

"This flame is the first time I saw it. The power of horrible destruction, the power of pure destruction, has surpassed the simple power of the flame." Soderros was also shocked.

Then Altolia quickly retreated.

"Destroy the Holy Fire!"

"Destroy the Holy Fire!"

"Recession!! Energy is constantly increasing, involving even the gods will be destroyed!"

"Terror, this is the flame created by the creation gods in order to destroy the dissatisfied world!"


Some of the deep magicians present suddenly stunned and feared. There is nothing wrong with it. It is the legendary annihilation of the flame. Although it is not a complete state, this state is not what they can afford!

After hearing the words "annihilation of the holy fire", the king of the Paladins also turned pale and reached the extreme. He suddenly said loudly: "Everyone escapes from the duel in order and does not want to die!!!"

After letting go of this sentence, the Paladin King quickly left the duel field accompanied by the guards. At this time, everyone in the field had already understood what, and they ran out of the duel in a panic.

"Ah, don't squeeze me, let me go out..."

"Bastard, which guy is touching the old lady's ass..."

"Ah, who pulled me..."

"I don't want to die..."

Suddenly everyone yelled and fled to the outside, and then they could not escape.

The three-legged gold in the sky is cold and sweaty again and again. This is really to roast his rhythm. This SB is impermanent, provokes that someone is not good, and provokes a madman. This contract is a pit.

Now, the three-legged Jinwu has a feeling of riding a tiger. If it is to escape, it is really a scum, and it is a cowhide. If it is not gone, it must be finished. It will destroy the flame. The flame is the flame that destroys the world. Absolutely not something that it can withstand. This kind of horror flame in the ancient times can be practiced. I didn’t think this guy actually burned. Really, it seems to be able to escape. It just woke up and didn’t want to destroy it. Here it is.

Wu Ling is cold and cold, will he let them escape? For a moment, the body teleport appears in the forward of the three-legged Jinwu, sneering and throwing the huge black fire shield in his hand to it! ! !


The temperament of horror began to spread, and the space began to break. The space was burned by a black flame and a huge hole was burned. The entire duel field was filled with a horrible chaotic flame space, all in all moments. Being burned into a powder!

The black flame is like a horrible horror beast. It begins to devour the whole world. All the things entangled by it are evaporated and destroyed. The end of the ruined earth is nothing like this. The center of the black flame is the three-legged gold ......

At this time, the wind is impermanent, you can already see things. You don’t have to look at it. He also feels the terrorist power of the black flame. He made a decision when he bit his teeth. Two huge magical arrays appeared on his feet, which are heavy in the three-legged golden foot. At a glance, the body flew out of the moment. Through the anti-seismic forces of the three-legged Jinwu, the wind ran out of the black flames, but one hand was burned into fly ash! The wolverine fell to the ground and then quickly escaped...

The three-legged gold utton was angry and reached the extreme. The sorrow said: "The wind is impermanent. You, this little man, are so daring, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah... I want to curse you, curse you guy!!"

Not waiting for the three-legged Jinwu sorrow, its body, instantly burned by the black flame, the power of the sun, there is still the sun to destroy the flame! !

Wu Ling Feng is a calm and awe-inspiring moment of the wind, two people are dead in the flame, it is better to escape from a person, the rabbit is dead, the dog is cooking, the bird is doing, the good bow is hidden, this is only the case, only Said that the three-legged Jinwu chose a master who is not the master of Ming.

However, what surprised Wu Lingfeng was that after the body of the three-legged Jinwu was burned, a branch was left.

Wu Lingfeng reached out and held the branches in his hands. There was a lot of life energy and flame energy on it. It was actually the existence of Garro black inflammation. It must be a different treasure. It should be accepted first, and it might be useful later.

When the three-legged golden foot died, Wu Lingfeng suddenly reached out and sucked, and all the annihilation sacred fires were sucked into the body and turned into energy. Keeping this flame has been burning outside, but it is not extinguished, the energy is not exhausted. It will not disappear. This is the capital of the Knight Kingdom. It is not the other place. Wu Lingfeng can’t just destroy it here. Otherwise, there is no way to explain it to others. After all, if it really destroys the Paladin City, it will be an international dispute. There will be big troubles.

When you see it, the reason why Wu Lingfeng used such a huge annihilation of the holy fire today is to shock the younger generation. Hey, he has been gentle and gentle, everyone has rode on his head. Really, he is not What kind of bullying ball, today is to let everyone see his absolute strength, not casually can be oppressed.

The shock of Wu Lingfeng today has obviously played a role. Most of the audience present are the important descendants of the royal family and the important leaders of various forces. Now Wu Lingfeng’s annihilation of the sacred fire has made them look pale, if not run. Fast, definitely turned into ashes, and at this time everyone knows the true strength of Wu Lingfeng, he is not relying on what his men and women grow up, he is also a strong existence, low-level gods invincible, let you be more powerful A annihilation of the holy fire will also turn into gray.

The king of the Paladin is also ugly, not against Wu Lingfeng. He does not dare to have any opinions on Wu Lingfeng. Now he seems to be a madman who plays with fire. He has provoked that there will be no good fruit to eat, and make him angry. It is the ancient family of those **** who want to fight against the human king. It is necessary to involve his kingdom of the Paladin. This is good. Wu Lingfeng will definitely think that he and the ancient family are in the same breath. He does not want to be with the Dragon King. Right.

At first, the king of the Paladin and the impermanence of the wind can defeat the Wuling style. Then he chose to support him. After all, the wind impermanently praised Haikou to him, and he certainly won. At that time, the wind was impermanent and confident, so the king of the Paladin believed him, but unfortunately, Now that I saw the power of Wu Lingfeng, the Paladin King understood that he had chosen the wrong person. The impermanence was just a pirated goods. The Wuling style of the people was a genuine licensed product. I was afraid that you would blow the cowhide, and you would be afraid of the goods, your cowhide. Blowing up again, the quality of people is strong enough to be there, how can the pirated guys compare with the genuine, what is the trial of the sea temple is a false achievement, blowing your mother's leather, people need this fiction? ......

Other kings and princes and princesses who were present at the scene also began to change their original intentions. Obviously, everyone now recognizes that Wu Lingfeng has a strong strength, and the impermanence has become a clown!

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