[Thanks to the suckery, the sacred gods, the sacred sacred sacred sacred sorcerer, the ruling of the emperor's children's shoes, the monthly ticket, thank you for the small age ~ big drop of love children's shoes evaluation ticket, the second is sent, ask for a subscription]

The appearance of the Emerald Dragon Horse suddenly made everyone stop, and could not help but stop to watch. This is the first time that the creatures of the temple have seen it. The whole body shines like a jade jade. The double dragon horns, it is not ordinary at first glance. presence.

After Altolia and Ceseves dismounted, the Emerald Dragon Horse instantly became one and reverted to a green-haired girl.

"Go back..." Altolia said.

Sisefus nodded, pulling the green-haired girl's hand and following Altolia to the hotel where Wu Lingfeng was temporarily stationed. Of course, there were people who had been chasing along the way.

The ability to transform the adult-shaped World of Warcraft is a very powerful existence, which makes everyone reaffirm the preciousness of the Emerald Dragon Horse, which they have sometimes seen, but this Jade Dragon Horse is the first time they have seen it.

After returning to the hotel, it was already near the evening. After Altolia confessed to Wu Lingfeng, he started dinner and went to sleep.


The next day, the country of the Paladin is very lively, especially the duel of the Imperial Capital. It has already been occupied. Famous people from all walks of life around the world are sitting on it. There are royal princes and princesses of various ethnic groups. The head of the power, all gathered together, in order to see the duel of two people.

Shenlong King Wu Lingfeng VS ancient family winds are impermanent.

Who is the best new generation leader in the mainland can be known today.

"Haha. I haven't seen you for a long time. The strength of the Lingfeng brothers has been improved a lot. It is already in the stage of the gods. I am still a little bit worse. It seems that I have to work hard." The wild beast king Stark came to the duel field and took the initiative with Wu Lingfeng. He said hello, he is more optimistic about Wu Lingfeng, and he felt that Wu Lingfeng will win.

Wu Lingfeng and Stark shook hands and smiled and said: "You guy, the strength is growing very fast, the strength is great. In fact, I think you can completely take your second brother's orc empire, so Wouldn't it be better, believe in you, I don't believe him, I have recently listened to my men's returns, it seems that your second brother is connected with the ancient family."

Stark smiled and shook his head and said, "Haha. I still don't want to be good in that place. Hey, I used to suffer in the wilderness. I don't have any thoughts about the south. My stupid second brother actually Joined with the ancient family, the head was squeezed by the door. Rest assured, I looked at it in the north, if the stupid thing is dare to change, I will naturally clean the door."

Wu Lingfeng nodded and said: "This is good. You probably understand my strength, if they have a change. This time I will not be so kind, the whole orc empire will be ... you know."

"Ah, haha... I don’t want to call me so excitedly, haha..." Goode came over with two huge axes, and his strength has also entered the stage of the gods.

"Who told you to be low, haha, go home and eat more milk, raise it and talk to us..." Wu Lingfeng couldn't help but start Goode's joke.

Goodman was mad at the end of the day and said: "Human king, you are really kind. Brothers are here to cheer you up, you are so chilling."

"That's the time I ask you to drink, drink as much as you, the money counts me, how? Stark also comes together, everyone did not drink alcohol last time..." Wu Lingfeng suddenly said.

"That's a good relationship, haha, it seems that I can fill my stomach today. For the human king, are you awkward with Wilson? The Elf Forest is not the same recently..." Goode frowned and said. When he came, he invited Wilson to come, but the guy actually refused himself, saying that he did not want to meet with Wu Lingfeng.

Wu Lingfeng couldn't help but grin and said: "It's not because of the night elves, hey, there is no way. I want to give the night elves a little life. After all, they are only victims. If they are killed, it is really cruel."

"Well, haha, this guy, you are a little bit sloppy. Actually, you want to increase your strength. You have gathered the night elves. You didn't say hello to the Elf Queen in advance. If you marry someone else, it is naturally irritating." Goodhaha Laughing and said, what the human king thought about him, he almost understood, everyone was tacit, but the sudden indifference of the elves caused their alliance to have a tendency to break.

Stark whispered: "The elves are really too careful, but the night elves of thousands of people, and away from the Elven Forest, there is no harm to them. I see, now Wilson's guy may be tempered. Impermanence, they are together, human king, you can't lose today, otherwise, the elves can really withdraw from our alliance system."

Wu Ling snorted and said: "I am not afraid. Today, I am winning the prize. Since the Elf wants to quit, I will quit. The ancient family, hey, a group of small mice that have been smashed for so many years, but now they ran out. Stealing food, stealing it, hiding it, stealing it, how can the future of the mainland be handed over to them?"

"Also, ancient families are the most untrustworthy. When they are cheap, they come out. They are desperately trying to avoid them. A group of cowardly ghosts. The gods of the 10,000 years ago, the ancient families were scared to avoid, for fear. Destroyed, cut, disgusting guys." Goode said with a grin.

"Well, this can't be said that they are timid. It's just to preserve strength, but since they avoided it thousands of years ago, they still won't have anything to do after ten thousand years. After all, the timid lineage has also been inherited." Tucker said.

"Well, you are talking here, I am going down, I want to start..." Wu Lingfeng said, turning and walking towards the duel.

At this moment, the impermanence of the wind has stood in the duel field. Looking confident, he obviously feels that today is the time when he made a name for himself. Today he is stepping on the back of a person and boarding the strongest throne on the mainland. Wu Lingfeng is just a stepping stone of his own.

"Haha, the wind brother is so spirited today, it seems that he is ready to fail." Wu Lingfeng said on the opposite side of the impermanence.

The wind is impermanent and cold, and confidently said: "Today, I don't know who wins or loses. You are probably ready for failure? Haha, nothing, I will start with a lighter..."

"Oh, that is not necessary, you do your best, otherwise I am afraid that everyone will say that I won't win, nothing, you have the ability to use it, I am not afraid." Wu Lingfeng said with a brow.

"Well, I will let you understand what is really powerful." The impermanence of the wind began to condense the power of the body. Although his mouth was indifferent, he knew that Wu Lingfeng was still very powerful, so he only had to deal with it with all his strength.

The king of the Paladin took the time to stand up and said to Wu Lingfeng and the impermanence in the duel: "First of all, the basic rules of the game, magical martial arts can be used until one party falls to the duel, and if one party admits defeat The other party must stop fighting immediately, or it will be regarded as a violation. Secondly, I think everyone is an excellent talent on the mainland. In the future, we must face the invasion of the Mozu together, so it is best not to let the hand die, not to make that. Let the loved ones hurt the enemy fast, and finally... I announced that the decision will begin!"

At the moment when the Paladin King announced the decision to start, Wu Lingfeng and the wind imposing at the same time shocked the other side at the same time, Wu Lingfeng hands condensed the two swords of ice and fire, and the impermanence of the wind set out two soft swords on the waist.


At the moment when the sword and the sword collided, Wu Lingfeng understood the real power of dodge magic. The impermanence of martial arts was not so powerful, but through the correction of dodge magic, he instantly became a master of swordsmanship. The first confrontation made He fell.

The purple magical array in the impermanent eyes flashed rapidly, seemingly ordinary sword angle. In a flash, the trajectory of the sword changed slightly. The ordinary attack became awkward in an instant, and the angle of attack was everywhere. The key to Wu Lingfeng.

"The ice is separated!"

When Wu Lingfeng pressed his own body, a martial arts wind appeared around in an instant, and a large amount of ice condensed into ice.

The body retreated, and Wu Lingfeng manipulated all the ice to attack the wind.


The wind impermanently stretched out the index finger, bite it on the mouth, and then quickly wrote an Oracle on the sword of the soft sword. Then the soft sword in the hand suddenly flashed a blush of light, and the wind was impermanently holding a soft red sword. Sniper...

For a moment, a blushing sword gas condensed and slammed all the ice into two halves.

[True* Ice Crystal Bath]!

Wu Lingfeng pressed his hands on the ground, a huge magical array enveloped the entire duel field, and a powerful frosty atmosphere came out. A huge ice crystal column suddenly condensed in the sky, and then quickly fell down and smashed. The huge ice crystal column crashed one by one, that is, a fly could not escape from it. The entire duel field oscillated instantly. At the same time, a cold and cold color made everyone unable to back down, and the frosty interest was too strong!

Wu Ling Feng is going to look at the impermanence of the impetuous magic limit...

In other people's seemingly incomprehensible magical attacks, it is very simple in the eyes of the impermanent wind. Then the impermanent eyes turn quickly, and everything around them begins to slow down, and the passage of time becomes slower. When the ice crystal column fell from the sky, the wind saw its trajectory inextricably. It easily moved the body and escaped the bombardment of this ice crystal column. However, he seemed to turn slowly, but it was very fast for others. Seeing the impermanence of the wind moving in an instant.

The basic application of dodge magic - time deceleration, time is slow in your own eyes... slow down the passage of time!

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