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The man in the hail is Meglia, the blue gold dragon, and the original intention of this site is to protect this woman.

"Well, human, now I will entrust her to you, and of course the fragments of the Stone of the World. I hope that you can make good use of it, open the hail, release her, and put the pieces of the world stone on her chest. "Blue King Dragon King said.

"it is good……"

Wu Lingfeng nodded and pushed open the hail. He reached for the stone fragments of the world of Meglia's chest. It was only that the stone fragments of this world were different from those obtained before Wu Lingfeng. The silver lake saint gave him the same. The stone fragments of the world are crystal stones that shine with colorful light. Now the stone of this world is obviously only a pure crystal stone. Isn’t it special?

At the moment when the hail was opened, Meglia suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Wu Lingfeng in confusion. She said, "Who are you?"

Not waiting for Wu Lingfeng to answer, the Blue King Dragon King first asked Mejilia: "You... remember me?"

Meglia frowned at the blue king of the soul, and shook her head and said: "I don't know, don't know you, you know who I am? There is no other memory in my mind."

The Blue King Dragon King sighed and said: "Hey, you are Meglia, forget it, I am almost gone, you should have a new future, I should not interfere with your future any more, goodbye. ...to the person who loves..."

Gradually, the Blue King Dragon King began to disappear, his eyes filled with sadness and looked at Meglia, and sure enough, she was not her own. But it is enough, accompanied her for hundreds of thousands of years, her appearance has been deeply remembered... This is enough... I hope the son... I will give it to him... Mejilia will definitely Follow him to see the establishment of the new world...just stay with her at that time...not myself...

At the moment when the Blue King Dragon King disappeared, Wu Lingfeng suddenly felt like there was something in his head that seemed to rush out...

In an instant, Wu Lingfeng’s head shines with seven colors of light. A colorful crystal stone rushed out from the forehead of Wu Lingfeng, and then the colorful crystal stone became the appearance of the silver lake saint...

"Ah...oh... my knight, you are working hard enough, have you found the fragments of the second world stone?"

The moment of the appearance of the Virgin of the Silver Lake suddenly fell into the arms of Wu Lingfeng.


Wu Lingfeng suddenly looked at the saint of Silver Lake and said, "Are you not sleeping? How?"

The sacred woman of Silver Lake held out her index finger and pressed it on Wulingfeng’s forehead and said, “I sensed the second piece of the world’s stone fragments. People are already awake, and I want to recycle my avatar, Meglia is One of my avatars..."


Wu Lingfeng suddenly frowned, did not think that there was such a hidden thing, he felt good for a moment, Neptune Poseidon left the Temple of the Sea in this world. The silver lake saint is placed here, and then the remains of the seven-color dragon king have the legendary mage Mejilia of the ancient times. These two existences are one and the other, the body of the Silver Lake saint is what it is! ! ! !

工具好了, your mission has wherein MG Giaia, or not one of my business..." Silver Lake saints are lying in the hail together, and I reach out to the gaze Gently touched it.


For a moment, Megilia grabbed her head. A 82-minute amount of information began to rush into her mind, and all the memories of the ancient times reappeared in her mind...

Wu Lingfeng looked at Meglia, and then looked at the silver lake saint, and suddenly he found out that the appearance of the two people was surprisingly consistent. Before that, Mejilia had a familiar feeling. I didn’t think it was like this. The final BOSS Yilian on the 100th floor of the Temple of the Sea is also true...

For a moment, Meglia looked up at the silver lake saint and sighed. Said: "I did not expect that the ontology first found the right person, then... Yilian sister has already..."

"Well, I have already returned to my body. In the ancient times, the time and space of the sky and the moon [Xing Chen Yue Ji] Yi Lian has disappeared." Silver Lake saint nodded. Said, "My mission to her has been completed. I have found the source of the world and turned it into pieces of the world's stone. It seems that you have also found the source of the world. It is only the last step."

Meglia nodded and looked at Wu Lingfeng and asked, "Are you solving the petrochemical Dragon Emperor Bereske?"

Wu Lingfeng nodded and said: "Well, it has been solved."

"Oh, unfortunately, I am only her avatar, I have no power to choose to love someone, and as a saint, I must guarantee enough purity. Unfortunately, he is a good guy, but I have no way to love him. Because I have my own mission, I will disappear one day. Like Yilian, I have to die..." Meglia sighed, and she could feel her love for the petrochemical dragon Emperor Beresk. .

"You are better, Yilian is the guy who wants to devour me. In the end, this guy still chose me. The cow is useless. Hey, petite is the king..." Silver Lake saint got his little chest. Said.


Wu Lingfeng suddenly looked at the silver lake saint without words. At first she was not so lively. How suddenly changed now?

"Well, it really has her style. Queen Yue Ji, there is pride, but it also proves that the guy you chose is still OK. Ok, I have to complete the unfinished task. Really, in The moment I touched the world's source, I was emptied of my memory, and the strength was not strong enough, but fortunately there was no accident..."

Meglia nodded, her eyes closed, and the crystal stones holding her chest in her hands... Gradually, Meglia’s body began to fade, and the crystal stone began to shine with colorful light, as Meglia’s body became more and more Desalination, the colorful rays of the crystal stone are brighter and brighter...

Eventually Meglia disappeared, and the seven-color radiance of the crystal stone shined so fascinatingly.

The silver lake saint gently waved at the colorful crystal stone, and suddenly the colorful crystal stone entered the body of the silver lake saint.

"Well, another stone fragment of the world is handed over, and two avatars have been recovered. The power is stronger. You can come out and play at any time. Hey, let's go, people haven't seen the current world." The woman walked outside with her arms raised by Wu Lingfeng.


Wu Lingfeng can only helplessly nod. The identity of the Silver Lake saint is too mysterious. He does not know what his future is like, but he must not be separated from the silver lake saint around him. I am afraid I will ask, she also No more to say, in short, a word of identity - mysterious.

After walking out of the hail, Wu Lingfeng said to Altolia, Jig, and Jessica: "Okay, go back..."

"This guy is the woman that the petrochemical dragon emperor likes? How can it look like it? The petrochemical dragon will not have a hobby for the girl?" Jessica pointed to the silver lake saint.

Wu Lingfeng waved his hand and said: "Yes, it is not, you can be when she is smaller, Meglia, I can only say this..."

"What about the world's stone fragments? Let me see, don't you still have to look at it?" Jessica said excitedly.

Wu Lingfeng pointed to the silver lake saint and said: "This guy is holding it, if you want to see you ask her, I don't."

Jessica then put her gaze on the silver lake saint and said, "Can the stone fragments of the world show me?"

"No, that kind of thing is not something you can touch, you can do it, but I tell you that without the approval of the world stone, touching it will turn it into a blank sheet of paper, which means that it will empty all of you. Memory, you will forget everything, in this case, you will still do it?" Silver Lake saint said seriously.

Jessica suddenly frowned and said: "There is still such a world? The secrets of the family are not recorded, but maybe it will be, then I don't touch the ground, can you always see it?"

The Silver Lake saint continued to shake his head and said: "|No, the beauty of the world's stone will attract everyone's attention, and the thought of touching will be the same."

"Hey, then he can do it? He has a lot of power, I think it is very common, the devil is not like the devil..." Jessica pointed to Wu Lingfeng.

"How come to me, and I don't have to admit that I am a demon. I have no way to think so." Wu Lingfeng said helplessly, he did not feel that there is anything unusual about the stone of the world.

Silver Lake saint pointed to Wu Lingfeng and said: "He is different, kissed me, I am the stone of the world, or you want to kiss me, you really want to see, then ask me for a kiss... but I hate Asked by a woman for a kiss..."


Jessica was speechless, let her kiss this girl, forget it, she has no bad taste to that extent.

But what Jessica cares about is that this girl in front of herself calls herself a stone of the world. Isn't the stone of the world a kind of stone, but a living being? Then this Mejilia, guarded by the petrochemical dragon emperor, is the stone fragments of the world. Then the girl in front of her is vaguely not the real Mejilia, so where is Meglia going?

Unable to enter the hail, Jessica did not understand what was going on inside, but she felt that what happened inside must be a very important and secret thing. It must be a matter of the future of the world. Everything revolves around Wu Lingfeng. As the center is unfolding, as long as you follow Wu Lingfeng, I am sure I will experience some interesting things.

Jessica felt that she had to know more things. Only with the martial arts, this guy actually defeated the petrochemical dragon emperor. She did not know how to defeat. The will of the time was temporarily sealed, and the plan to return to the outside world was suspended. Let's take a look at this main world. Just follow Wu Lingfeng and you will be able to experience more exciting experiences.

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