Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 172: Wolf **** shadow

(Thank you for the monthly ticket of the 丿神灬天巛巛童鞋, there are four monthly tickets plus more, everyone works hard)

Wu Lingfeng gently served Xia Lu after eating, and then asked her: "I ask you one thing."

"What, let's talk about it..." Xia Lu said in confusion.

"I heard the news yesterday, the Werewolf priest said that there is a poisonous meter, planting a poisonous gas source on the 100,000 cavalry, and then offering the flesh and blood of the 100,000 cavalry can summon a poisonous snake, and the exhalation can make the whole The life of the city of Arbas died, and it is said that this snake is a totem of the snakes. Do you know how to deal with it?" Wu Lingfeng asked.

Xia Lu frowned and thought about it. "Well, if it is a source of poisonous gas, there are many kinds, then if you can sacrifice blood and blood to summon a viper, then there is only one poisonous gas, 'the poison of the snake', but as said The serpent totem can only be summoned by the priests of the snakes. I didn’t think that a priest of the wolf can do it. There is only one explanation. He is at the level of the gods and has the blood of the snakes in his body."

"Well, the key is how to deal with it. If our soldiers are connected with them, then they will be contaminated with poisonous gas sources. When they are contagious, I am bothering about this matter..." Wu Lingfeng frowned.

Xia Lu also frowned, said: "Unfortunately, my current strength is low, only the level of high priests, if a little advanced, it can be eliminated, and now the solution is only to use energy such as vindictiveness or magic to isolate, then use the light system For purification, this 'snake poison' is very powerful and the infection is very fast. But if it is cleaned up in time, there will be nothing..."

Wu Lingfeng nodded and said: "Well. I still think of it myself, trouble you. Then rest, your body is still weak..."

Xia Lu nodded, pulling Wu Lingfeng's hand and said: "I'm sorry, I can't help you this time, but you are careful, and then the "soul drug lord" is in trouble, my pure body has already It’s broken for you, don’t let the other person capture your soul. But my pure blood purifies your body, your body is already resistant to this toxin, and it will be weak for a while. The soul curse has only one effect. Once it is lifted, the second effect will be weakened a lot."

Wu Lingfeng nodded and left the bedroom, and called Galen.

"When it's time to go to the battlefield, you are following me. With all the power to purify the enemy's toxins, how long does it take for 100,000 enemy troops to purify?"

Galen nodded and said: "If you use magical techniques, you should use it all your strength. It should be very easy. After all, the cross behind me stores more than 50,000 souls, consuming all the power of the soul. It should be possible, the faith will reply every day. Once. This is a very easy thing. If it’s just before, I will definitely have a long time. But now I have the magical support of the soul faith, just for a moment.”

Wu Lingfeng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that he still underestimated the power of Galen. Recently, Galen has been purifying the soul on the battlefield. Both human and orc have been purified and recovered into his cross.

"Well, I have given it to you, your strength is not strong now, I am also happy..." Wu Lingfeng said happily.

Galen nodded and said: "Now I can't wake up like Eve, but the ghost of the golden cross can collect the power of the soul. If this power is good, it will be very powerful. The order of the soul is pressed. In terms of the number of souls, the number of souls is several levels of magic: 1~9 is the first order, 10~99 is the second order, 100~999 is the third order, 1000~9999 is the fourth order, 10000~99999 It is the fifth order, 100000~999999 is the sixth order...

In terms of the number of souls, there are currently more than 50,000 souls. You can use the fifth-order magic. If the number of souls is collected in seven digits, you will probably be a true god. You can become a leader without your own level. The gods, if they reach the nine-digit or ten-digit number, then I can also play the **** of the light in this world, so at present I mainly rely on the power of faith, and then assist the power of the system, so I want to put myself The main way of cultivation is transformed into the power of faith. ”

Wu Lingfeng nodded and said: "Well, you think very well. You practice according to your own cultivation methods. Your goal is to replace the bright god. Seeing your growth, my heart is also emboldened. I can use it more in the future. Go to your strength, go back..."

"Yes, I am very honored to be a reliable force in your hands..." Galenton said happily, finally his efforts can become the strength of Wu Lingfeng's trust. Now he is no worse than the small dark, he can also become the protagonist, not the small Dark their supporting role, the moonlight night after a few days is his time to show his talents, the ability to collect the power of the soul faith during this time to play out, to everyone shocked, including their own master.


The black wind caught the night and the night, Wu Lingfeng designed a few roads to ambush, waiting for the arrival of the werewolf, this time, he wants them to come back!

And on the first road, Napoleon and others ambushed far away, let the three princes of the werewolf go over, and then waited for them to go far, Napoleon began to order the soldiers to seal the valley, and made a lot of traps, just waiting for them to come back. .

On the werewolf side, the three princes of the werewolf and the werewolf shaman did not have any doubts. Although they found a little change, they thought it was a wind and a blow. After all, they were sneaked out. All the soldiers on the wall of the city of Arbas had their right arm. Tied with white strips, so they suspected that Wu Lingfeng must have died.

When Wu Lingfeng died, the three princes and the werewolf shamans of the werewolf suddenly became excited, as if they were at the same time.

And the three princes of the werewolf and the werewolf shamans have no more doubts. After all, they don’t think there are any orc priests in the city of Arbas who know how to do shamanry witchcraft. Even if there is, the person who knows the detoxification method of 'soul drug lord' It is impossible to have...

In a short while, the werewolf army came to the front of the city wall seven or eight miles away, and then go forward is the trap that Shirley led the logistics team. However, the werewolf army suddenly stopped moving forward, not that they found the trap. Instead, the wolf people discovered that Wu Lingfeng and other human soldiers who killed the wolf waited for them in front of the city wall.

Wu Lingfeng makeup became an ordinary soldier and took off his robe. The wand was also closed.

The three princes of the werewolf snorted and said: "The beasts are still fighting, but today is their death, and the leader of the other party has not come out. It seems that it is really dead..."

The Werewolf Shaman nodded and said: "Of course, my soul curse is not casual, definitely dead, then summon the wolf **** first, and lead the other's strongman..."

Werewolf Three Princes Wolf nodded. Said: "Well, please let the priests prepare a lot..."


Suddenly, the werewolf shaman Salvador bowed his head and shouted, and his body flashed silver light...

The other werewolf priests heard the roar of El Salvador, and immediately began to lift the totem pole in his hand, raised it, and then fell heavily, making a sound of a stone-like percussion, followed by an inexplicable curse in his mouth.

"Sacrifice, Tomb. Prayer, the elements of the Seven Gods, the beam of the moon, the restraint of the flying dragonfly. The shackles, the ancient totems, the moonlight of the first ancestor. Offer my soul, seek the wish. - Totem's Double Wolf!!"

The singing time was very long, with the chanting of all Werewolf priests. Gradually, a silver magical array floated into the sky. From the moon in the sky, a thick silver light merged with the magical array, and the whole space began to roar, and the dust of the sky flew up.


Then all the werewolf priests began to scream and scream, and they all condensed a green magic ball from their mouths. These green magic **** are vitality. Calling the wolf **** is not an ordinary spell. It requires vitality, magic. The elements are not the most important, and the moonlight in the sky is also very important.

Suddenly these green magic **** have been integrated into the silver magical array. For a time, the silver magical array shines brightly. A solid double-headed wolf jumps out of the magical array, and the two-headed Xiaoyu Sirius that Wu Lingfeng saw before. Almost, but there is a silvery crescent on the top of the two wolves.

The huge double-headed Xiaoyu Sirius is more than 30 meters tall and more than 50 meters long. It falls on the ground and stirs up a dusty sky.

"Sword Eight Big Brother..." Wu Lingfeng said slightly.

Jian Ba ​​came out from the team that killed the wolf, and the body flickered in an instant and came to the front of the huge double-headed Xiaoyue Sirius. Naturally, he avoided the trap.


The two-headed Xiaoyue Sirius looked at the sword's arrogant eyes, and was very angry. Although it is not an entity, the power has not reached its peak, but it is still a wolf god. The **** himself is angry at the contempt of the mortal, so it Gently lifted a wolf's leg and slammed it to the sword.

"When..." Jianba did not escape, and finally met a powerful opponent. The whole body was wide open, and the whole body turned into a blood-red look. The eyes became red in a flash, and the hand directly reached the sword and blocked the two-headed Xiaoyue. Sirius's slap.

In the eyes of the two-headed Xiaoyue Sirius, there was a sudden burst of surprise. Jianba easily took over its attack. What happened? Then it quickly took a step back and saw the body of Sword Eight splattered a lot. Blood, not caused by it, but the sword eight initiative to open.

"Run away!"

Jian Ba ​​directly activated the red-eyed state of the runaway.

"Runaway" can make itself into a state of violent movement, which can increase the strength, movement speed, attack speed and abnormal state resistance, and the effect lasts for a certain period of time; but its own intelligence, physical defense, and magic defense will be reduced.

It is a powerful trick to abandon defensive power as a powerful trick.

"Blood violent!"


Sword Eight once again opened a state, "Blood Rage" will reduce a certain amount of hp every time to increase its own hit rate and hard, some skills can also reduce cooling time and increase attack power, and ordinary attacks will be converted into Two-blade attack.

"Bloodthirsty" erupts its own blood gas, making itself more sensitive to blood. During the duration of the skill, using the blood gas series skills for the enemies in the bleeding state will greatly improve the effect. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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