Chapter 95 When a rash man meets another rash man, you never know what they will do

Because Arthur rejected Bell’s gift, and the 5000 Jin Jialong who had previously sold technology, he didn’t know when he was miraculously defeated by the family. So the Weasley’s speed car is still the Muggle car that Arthur modified himself.

Bell has seen that car.

It can only be said that the car can still move, all thanks to the magic of magic and the blessing of Merlin. Mr. Arthur even dared to drive it out. I really don’t know if this family should be said to be courageous? Or should they say they have no brains?

From today’s events, everyone can draw a conclusion: ‘The speeding car is still from Menethil’s family. If you buy a speeding car, please look for the Menethil speeding car, Mineth…’

Cough! I want to declare here that Bell is definitely not advertising his own speed car, he is not such a person!

Bell is sincerely considering everyone’s personal safety before recommending his own speed car. There is absolutely no selfishness! real!

Withdrawing his increasingly unreliable thoughts, Bell turned his attention to the professor’s seat again, just in time to see Professor Sprout exclaiming and hurriedly left the auditorium, presumably to check the situation of the beating Liu. NS.

If there is something irreversible in the beating Liu, then the Weasley family will probably sell the whole family to pay off the debt.

Of course, if their family can pull the lower face to hug the thigh of the little rich man Harry, then it’s another story.

“Bell? What’s wrong? You have been weird since just now. Is there anything so funny?” Penello, who was sitting next to Bell, asked strangely.

You must know that every time it was time to eat, Bell ate wildly from start to finish. As a result, the food has been served for a long time today, but Bell looked at this side for a while, and then looked at the other side for a while, just because it was not a good meal.

This is really abnormal!

Especially since I didn’t know if it was her illusion just now, an uncomfortable feeling of oppression suddenly spread from Bell, just like the feeling of facing the professor when she forgot to write her homework.

After the oppression disappeared, Bell began to secretly laugh again. It looked like a fox who stole a chicken. It was so cheap that Penello wanted to kick Bell.

“Huh? Did I laugh?”

Bell turned his head to look at Penello in surprise, unconscious of own weirdness.

“Did you smile yourself, haven’t you counted in your heart?” Penello rolled his eyes at Bell and said silently.

Bell hurriedly sorted out own facial expressions. If Lao Deng saw it, it would be bad. What should I do if I was wearing small shoes?

In fact, Bell really didn’t intend to laugh, but it was so funny that he was poked right into his smile. Bell felt that Dumbledore must be crazy about MMP in his heart now, and he might even have the heart to kill Ron.

The elderly are more than 100 years old, and they are still struggling to cultivate the little savior. They are shining and passionate in order to completely eradicate Voldemort’s career. It is not easy!

But look at Ron, what did he do! ?

He actually abducted the cute and obedient little Harry, and drove him to school with him! ?

Does he have a driver’s license? He dare to drive!

In fact, it’s not a big deal to drive a car to school, even if it was seen by many Muggles, Dumbledore didn’t care.

Anyway, the staff of the Ministry of Magic will erase the memories of the Muggles. If you want to be upset, Fudge will take care of the upset. Dumbledore will not care if Fudge will find that he has dropped a few more when Fudge gets up in the morning. Little things like hair.

The main problem is that Ron even dared to drive a speeding car and hit the beating Liu!

Isn’t a place as big as Hogwarts not enough for Ron to drag?

Where did he hit it badly, but he wanted to hit the beating Liu?

Is there a more dangerous place than there!

What if Harry accidentally broke his neck by the beating Liu?

He Dumbledore had been waiting for that prophecy for 11 years! Finally waited until Leek… ahem, it was Harry who grew up, and when Harry came to Hogwarts to go to school, he thought it was stable, but Ron was almost defeated by him?

Doesn’t he know that he is considerate and considerate of himself as an old man! ?

After a while, be sure to tell Arthur and Molly what happened today.

Look at their good son!

In recent years, the level of Arthur and his wife in nurturing children has become worse and worse!

Forget about Fred and George. Although the two little guys like pranks a little bit, they still know a little bit, at least they haven’t caused any major incidents so far.

And now this Ron is good, he usually looks awkward, and looks like a bully. In the end, who knew he was a blockbuster master? Almost stopped the old man’s heart!

I had known that he should be assigned to Slytherin so that he would harm the group of little snakes!

Dumbledore began to consider whether Ron should be replaced. Although a little stupid like Neville… well, a lot stupid. But somehow they have self-knowledge! At any rate, I won’t just be screaming!

Seeing Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Snape walking away quickly, Bell couldn’t help laughing.

So you will never know what kind of qualitative change will occur between the two of them when a brat meets another brat, and what outrageous things they will do?


Well, after Dumbledore’s figure disappeared from Bell’s field of vision, Bell finally couldn’t hold it back and laughed out loud.

The little eagles of Ravenclaw who were eating around all cast strange glances at Bell.

Not only Penello, many people have noticed the strangeness of Bell tonight.

Although in Bell’s perception, he is still a little transparent, no one will notice him. But this is not the case.

You know, Bell got the first place in the grade with perfect scores in all subjects in the previous school year, which is tied with the famous ‘House of Everything’ Miss in Gryffindor.

The senior students may not care about the ranking of the first-year students, but at least the little wizards in the second and third grades now have few people who don’t know Bell.

“What happened?” Penello tugged Bell’s arm and asked curiously.

She regretted sitting next to Bell tonight.

Penello usually sits next to Bell to eat when Hermione is away. After all, strictly speaking, she has only Bell who can talk to.

As for why we need to add a precondition?

……you guess.

But what Penello didn’t expect was that Bell would be nervous tonight, causing everyone to look at this side with strange sights, which made Penello feel a lot of pressure.

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