Chapter 489 I don’t know if someone likes to eat Martian alien species?


Hearing Bell’s question, Snape was silent.

Is it ridiculous? It’s…it’s normal?

Is it normal?

Are young people now so courageous! ?

“Does Dumbledore know about this?”

Snape asked.

“He will know soon.

So, professor, do you agree? If I don’t agree, then I will go to Professor McGonagall. ”

With that, Bell planned to stand up.

Of course, he was just acting, it was impossible to really go to Professor McGonagall.

After all, Professor McGonagall is Dumbledore’s loyal loyalty, and it doesn’t make any sense to switch to Professor McGonagall.

If Snape really refuses, then he can only take a little more time and find someone from the outside world to lift the tank.

To be honest, if he had to, he didn’t want to do that.

Unfamiliar people will inevitably need a period of familiarity after coming to Hogwarts, which may bring some confusion to Hogwarts.

He didn’t want Hogwarts to fall into chaos, which would affect his Little Sister’s mood.

The ‘naive’ Bell did not realize that if Hogwarts fell into chaos, it would indeed affect Shanna’s mood, but… this effect is likely to be positive.

Of course, maybe Bell deliberately ignored this possibility?

“and many more!”

Snape reached out his hand to stop Bell’s movement.

joke! How could he let McGonagall give that old witch to this kind of thing?

“why me?”

Snape stared at Bell, and asked suspiciously.

With a slight smile, Bell knows that this matter today is stable!

“Do you think there is anyone in Hogwarts who is more suitable than you?”


Snape said categorically.

It wasn’t him that, except for Dumbledore, the other professors were all rubbish in front of him!

Especially the little guy Flitwick, who brags about what a champion of the duel club he is all day long.

But it’s just a student club in Hogwarts. How can something of a playful nature compare with the actual combat experience he gained from the North and South wars when he was a Death Eater?

No shoes fit!

It’s just that a humble person like him generally doesn’t show off.

Only Flitwick, who feels inferior to his height, is so dazzling!

If Professor Flitwick knew that Snape had arranged him like this in his heart, he would be afraid that he would not want to ‘the old man’s chatting with a young man’s madness’, so he would run to Snape desperately after taking off his robe.

“Coincidentally, I think so too.”

Spreading his hands, Bell said with a smile.

He likes Snape’s not wanting face!


With a snort of complacency or admiration, Snape looked at the parchment in his hand again.

After scanning from beginning to end again.

“You… really have the final say?”

Snape’s tone was full of distrust of Bell.

He just confirmed it again. On this parchment, there was no indication of the successor.

With a slight smile, Bell didn’t care about Snape’s questioning.

He gently hooked his finger, and the parchment in Snape’s hand flew into his hand.

Facing a little blank on the parchment, the name of ‘Severus Snape’ emerged to fill the blank.

“Now, do you have any questions? If not, please join me and visit your new office.”


Snape has always known that Bell is not as rumored, because he is not liked by Menethil’s current patriarch William (this is true), so his status is very low (this is false).

Through Bell, Snape had obtained a lot of precious magical materials, so he knew that Bell had a certain right to speak in the Menethil family.

But what he never expected was that Bell’s rights were so high!

Even on such an important matter as the successor to the principal of Hogwarts, can Bell be able to make a decision in one word?

This is outrageous!

So what does Senior William think?

But thinking about Eleanor-senpai’s character, Snape felt relieved again.

What did that woman seem to have done? Isn’t it strange?

In front of other people’s sons, orchestration of other people’s mothers, only Snape, who was a master of Occlumency, could fool even Voldemort, could dare to do it.

“Let’s go.”

In the end, Snape still failed to reject the starry sky star that fell from the sky.

He only hopes now that he will not become part of this ‘pie’ in the future.

The two people who were full of expectation walked very fast, and soon they came outside the principal’s office.

“Uh…Professor, do you know the password?”

Scratching his head, Bell turned around and asked with some embarrassment.

This is indeed his negligence.

“Cockroach toffee.”

Bai Bai gave a look at the unreliable kid, and Snape stepped forward and said to the stone statue in the principal’s office.

As soon as Snape’s words fell, the stone statue came alive, jumped to one side, and let the entrance door open.

“No, when did Toffee come out of the cockroach series? Also, how much does Dumbledore like to eat cockroaches? How about sending him to eat alien species on Mars?”

(Although there are no alien cockroaches on Mars in this world.)

The corners of Bell’s eyes twitched uncontrollably after hearing the password uttered by Snape.

So, the ideological gap between people and people is sometimes bigger than that between people and dogs!

“The ghost knows. Hurry up and follow.”

After speaking, Snape ignored the precarious Bell three times behind him, and strode up the spiral staircase.

Obviously Bell had been urging Snape before, but after confirming that the content on the parchment was authentic and reliable, Snape was more anxious than Bell.

On this day, he has appeared in his dreams more than once!

Next, if everything goes well, he can follow his own ideas to protect Lily’s son!

No longer need to be mad at Dumbledore. Drink a bottle of quick-acting heart-saving water every night to ensure that the heart is not blown up!

Of course, no matter how impatient you are, you still have to be counseled when you should.

Therefore, Bell and Snape waited for a long time outside the principal’s office before finally getting permission to enter and successfully met the other protagonist tonight.

“Sorry, I just fell asleep accidentally. As you know, this man, when he gets older, becomes more and more sleepy.

Especially after being stimulated by something, the law of life is particularly easily disrupted, don’t you think, Mr. Menethil?

I don’t know if you came to me today, what is the matter?

Also, Mr. Potter, when will he be able to return to Hogwarts?

As the principal of Hogwarts, I must be concerned about the life learning of the students. If Harry missed too many lessons, I would be very upset, I hope you can forgive me. ”

Staring at Bell with a sharp gaze, Dumbledore said slowly, nonsense that he didn’t believe in.

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