Chapter 480-Barty Crouch Jr.

Unlike Bagman, who is “considerate to his subordinates,” the old senior Moody does not intend to be considerate of his lovely juniors.

I saw that when Auror stretched his hand to Moody’s waist, he opened it suddenly and took out the wand from his waist.


“Faint!” *4

Moody, who was still struggling with the trapped beast, had not had time to cast the Flame Curse in the end, and was hit by four Stunning Curses at the same time.

The iron armor curse appeared on the body, after successfully resisting most of the power of the 4 spells, it finally broke.

Kneeling on the ground, Moody supported the ground with both hands, barely falling over.

‘Except your weapons! ’

A red light shot from the tip of Salomon’s wand and hit Moody’s body. While taking away the wand from Moody’s hand, the curse knocked it away several meters away.

According to previous analysis, of Bagman and Moody’s, Moody’s suspicion is much greater.

Therefore, of the 9 Aurors, there are only 4 around Bagman and 5 around Moody.

As for Salomon, he focused his energy on the other professors in the arena just in case.

Seeing Moody’s being knocked into the air, several other Aurors quickly stepped forward. After controlling the opponent, they expertly searched him.

“Captain, it’s a compound decoction.”

An Auror opened the flask that Moody had been carrying with him and smelled it, and said loudly to Salomon.

“Well, use sensationalism to figure out his identity and purpose, and focus on searching whether he has any accomplices!”


Seeing his subordinates began to search the memory of ‘Moody’, Salomon did not relax his vigilance because of this.

He glanced sharply at everyone in the field to prevent the other party from being here.

“Mr. Redman, you Aurors… are all so crisp and neat now?”

Having also heard Salomon’s order, Dumbledore looked at the other person in surprise and asked.

In order to limit the Auror’s rights and prevent him from going violently, under normal circumstances, only after there is clear evidence that the other party is a heinous criminal, will the Auror be allowed to use magic spells such as dementia on the prisoner.

Why did the guy in front of me dare to do this when he came up? This is too rampant, right?

You know, even if it is him, he usually only sneaks in on the little wizards to use the mind of the gods. He didn’t even dare to do this to adult wizards. Will be discovered by the other party.

Of course, certain adult wizards who are really broken are not included, such as a certain Professor Lockhart.

“We have zero tolerance for Death Eaters, Professor.”

Salomon certainly knew what Dumbledore meant. Strictly speaking, his current behavior is indeed illegal.

But tonight, he even brought people to Hogwarts to arrest people, but he didn’t report to the director. It’s even less worth paying attention to the trivial things like reading the other party’s memory directly with the mind.

Facts have proved that this year’s Auror, although the overall strength is somewhat down, but the basic skills are still very solid.

Within two minutes, the Auror who was in charge of searching the memory of ‘Moody’ carefully scanned the other’s recent memories.

“Report, report, report to the captain!”

I saw this Auror stand up pale and squatted to Salomon.

“This, this person’s identity is Barty Crouch Jr. who died many years ago, that is, the son of Barty Crouch, the director of the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department who died unexpectedly some time ago.

Many years ago, his mother disguised himself as him and died in Azkaban.

He himself was kept at home by Mr. Crouch and escaped from the control of Mr. Crouch’s Imperius Curse during the Quidditch World Cup some time ago.

After regaining his freedom, he found the owner of the owner, the mysterious person whose name could not be mentioned. Under the instructions of the other party, he attacked Mad-eye Moody, disguised as the other party, and sneaked into Hogwarts. .

And his purpose is to replace the trophy with the door key in the final match of the Triwizard Tournament, and to ensure that Harry Potter can finally win.

At that time, the mysterious person will wait for Harry Potter’s arrival at the teleportation location of the door key, and use Harry Potter’s blood to complete the own recovery, recovery, and resurrection rituals! ”

Enduring wave after wave of panic in his heart, the Auror reported the memories he had searched before in one breath.

At the end of the talk, his voice was a little different.

Oh my god! What did he see! ?

That mysterious person, that scary, crazy, murderous mysterious person, is still alive! ?

Thinking of the terrifying posture of the mysterious person in the memory of Barty Crouch Jr., he felt that his legs were soft, and he didn’t sit on the ground with a strong butt.

What is even more frightening, and even desperate, is that if nothing else, at this time, the mysterious person should have been successfully resurrected and regained his powerful power?

‘Merlin! I beg your old man to show off his power and accept that evildoer! ’

After a short silence, the noise blasted loudly, breaking the tranquility of the night.

The little wizards looked at the Auror in the field in disbelief, and the ‘Moody’ professor who was said to be a fake.

Each of them grew up listening to the horror legends of mysterious people.

When I was young, I occasionally didn’t want to go to bed at night, and my parents would scare them that if they didn’t sleep obediently, the mysterious person would come to capture them and devour them.

It wasn’t until they grew up a little bit later that they learned that the mysterious person was already dead, that this kind of lie could no longer deceive them.

Over the years, they have indeed heard some rumors from time to time, such as ‘mysterious people are not actually dead, but are planning a comeback in secret’.

But the adults say this is nonsense, and the mysterious person has already been cold.

Therefore, they have always listened to that statement as a joke.

After all, they have been dead for more than 10 years, and now they are suddenly resurrected. It is too unmagical.

However, tonight, they heard someone say that the terrifying mysterious person has really come back to life! ?

And the one who said this was actually an Auror! ?

That’s Auror! Aurors can’t lie and talk nonsense! ?

The bewildered little wizards, after venting their fear in their throats, finally cast their blank eyes on Professor Dumbledore in the field.

The wizards of the entire British magic circle know that the only thing that mysterious people fear is Professor Dumbledore.

Moreover, Professor Dumbledore, as the principal of Hogwarts, has always been the pinnacle in the hearts of the little wizards.

It seems that as long as Professor Dumbledore is there, no matter what happens, it can be solved easily in the end.

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