Chapter 477: Bell’s Bad Idea

After watching the fierce battle before, Sebastian knew very well that although Voldemort was unable to cast many powerful spells because of his lack of magic power in his body, this did not affect his superb spells.

Even a simple smashing spell, cast by Voldemort, is much more powerful than ordinary wizards do not know.

Therefore, Voldemort’s previous strength is still better than most wizards, at least Sebastian is not sure that he can defeat the opponent.

“Sai, Sebas, what are you in a daze? Get me a few bottles of healing potions. Give me some treatment by the way.”

Lying on the ground, Bell’s whole body was twitching slightly, and from time to time, several blue and white arcs could be seen from his body.

After the intense battle ended, Bell could no longer suppress the pain in his body. He couldn’t even move a finger now.

“Oh? Oh! I’m sorry, Young Master!”

Recalling his thoughts by Bell’s speech, Sebas quickly took out a bottle of potion from his pocket, squatted down, and slowly fed Bell to drink it.

Then, he used Transfiguration to transform a large bathtub on the ground.

Bottle after bottle of healing potions were poured into the bathtub by Sebastian as if they were free of money. After the bathtub was filled with potions, he carefully picked up Bell and gently put it into the bathtub.

“Those who are good at healing spells! Get out of here!”

Sebastian shouted at the action team members who were cleaning the battlefield not far away.

At this moment, the old housekeeper is very dissatisfied with this bunch of idiots.

Didn’t you see Young Master hurt like this? Unconsciously come over to help?

Sweep the battlefield, sweep the battlefield, and sweep out the flowers.

Each 10-person team of the special operations team will be equipped with a team member who is good at healing spells to increase the survival rate of team members.

After all, the special operations team, as the sharpest knife in the hands of the Menethil family, among the cronies, the lives of every member of the team, are very precious, and they can’t be exchanged for any amount of gold.

Within 3 seconds, 10 wizards who were good at healing spells appeared beside Bell.

“Slow down! You guys slow down! Didn’t you see Young Master seriously injured! What if the wind is too big and aggravates Young Master’s injury!”

Sebas hated iron and steel. One person gave it a kick.

He has already decided, and he will tidy up these brats when he goes back.

Obviously it’s a milk, but I always want to output it. Isn’t this under-spraying!

Ten wizards who are good at healing surrounded Bell. They pointed their wands at different parts of Bell’s body, and worked together to quickly perform the treatment.

Some are responsible for extracting residual lightning in Bell’s body, some are responsible for eliminating carbonized necrotic tissue, and some are responsible for regenerating muscle and skin.

Relying on the tacit understanding cultivated by fighting side by side all the year round, the healing wizards methodically healed Bell’s injury.

By the way, it was the first time Bell was pointed at by so many wands.

The potion drunk in the body, the potion soaked in the body, and the treatment of the spell, in this three-pronged luxury treatment, Bell’s injury is improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Feeling the numbness in the body gradually disappeared, Bell, who once again gained control of the body, not only let out a sigh of relief.

Supporting heavy eyelids, the feeling of emptiness in his body at this time made him really want to fall asleep to death like this.

But tonight’s matter is still near the end of the process, and he has to hold on for a while.

It didn’t take long for Goodwin to trot over.

Learning from the valuable experience and lessons of the previous treatment of wizards being kicked, Goodwin did not use flying shoes sensibly to prevent the strong wind caused by moving too fast from affecting his Young Master’s treatment.

“Young Master, the captain, the battlefield has been cleaned up. All 34 Death Eaters were killed without alive. There were only a few minor injuries, no serious injuries and deaths from our personnel.

In addition, Young Master, your classmate, Mr. Harry Potter was seriously injured and unconscious, what should we do? ”

Goodwin reported concisely.

“What? Harry is still alive?”

Bell was really taken aback.

In the fierce battle before, Harry can survive tenaciously? Is this the legendary law of immortality for the protagonist?

“Yes, Young Master. When the battle broke out, Harry Potter happened to be surrounded by the Death Eaters. Therefore, most of the attacks were blocked by the Death Eaters outside, and they were not affected. other side.”

“That’s right, he deserves to be a boy who survived a catastrophe.

But it doesn’t matter. Heal the injury for him, and check his memory to see if there is anything he shouldn’t see or hear.

After you’ve cleaned it up, you can do it yourself, as long as you don’t lack arms or legs in the end.

By the way, remember to send Harry back to Hogwarts before tomorrow evening at the latest. ”

Bell didn’t want Dumbledore to have any bad associations because they detained Harry for too long.

After the battle with Voldemort, he no longer wanted to face Dumbledore.

“Okay, Young Master.”

After bowing respectfully to Bell, Goodwin turned around and wanted to continue arranging the next action.

“Wait! By the way… Have we forgotten something?”

Tilted his head questioningly, Bell always felt as if he had forgotten something, but he didn’t seem to have it?

He was extremely exhausted, and his mind was like a computer of this era, running too slow to death.

“Young Master, do you mean Mr. Cedric Diggory?”

After thinking for a while, Sebas asked uncertainly.

“Yes, yes… Ah! It hurts!”

After being reminded by Sebastian, Bell, who finally remembered what he had forgotten, sat up excitedly.

Then he lay back grinning again.

The movement was too large, and the injury was involved.

“What about Cedric’s corpse? Anyway, people can be considered to have died in the line of duty, we have to take him back to a great funeral!”

Having said that, Bell had to sigh again:

Sure enough, the danger of the profession of the “Protagonist’s Friend” is not covered, and it is better for him to walk around Harry in the future.

“This… Young Master, Mr. Diggory’s body… the one that was destroyed in the battle and couldn’t fight it.”

In fact, Goodwin tried his best to speak euphemistically.

But the actual situation… more than just unable to put it together!

Most of Cedric’s body was either burned to ashes by flames, or turned into coke by thunder and lightning, and now it is not easy to find an arm or leg or something like that!

“Ah!? What should I do?”

Strictly speaking, the reason why Cedric’s body was destroyed, Bell is the culprit.

In this regard, Bell is really embarrassed.

“Or, just find a more complete body and transform it into Cedric’s appearance?”

Bell, whose brain hurts as soon as he used his brain, barely came up with a bad idea.

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