Chapter 463 Desperate Ginny

Ginny Weasley stood nervously in the Gryffindor lounge, staring at the entrance of the boys’ dorm without blinking.

God knows she is learning that her biggest competitor is her own pro Big Brother! ? At the time, Ginny’s heart collapsed.

The guy Ron, previously said that Harry was interesting to Senior Sister Qiu Zhang at Ravenclaw College, and she believed it to be true.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a blindfold!

What made Ginny feel most desperate was that after thinking about it for a long time and rigorously evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of herself and Ron from all aspects, she was shocked that she had no chance of winning! ?

It is said that she has been with Ron day and night for more than 10 years. This is the first time Ginny has discovered that her youngest Big Brother has such a strong ‘combat power’! ?

This is really hell!

However, as a Gryffindor, as the youngest daughter of the Weasley family, as a little girl who has admired and secretly loved Harry for several years since she was a child, she will not just take it easily!

After struggling and struggling for a long time, Ginny finally cheered up, regrouped, and decided to launch a frontal charge against Harry.

She wants to correct Harry’s wrong view of choosing a mate!

While Ginny kept cheering for herself, Harry, who was notified by Neville, finally walked into the lounge.

“Ginny? Is there anything you want to do with me?”

Harry looked at Ron’s Little Sister curiously.

Although he knew each other, he didn’t communicate much with each other.

I don’t know why, as long as Ron’s Little Sister sees him, he always hides immediately, as if he is repelling him?

This made Harry lost for a long time at the beginning.

He still wanted to have a good relationship with the family of his good friends…except for that Percy.

Therefore, when he suddenly learned that Ginny was looking for him, Harry had an inexplicable premonition in his heart.

“Ha, Harry! You, it’s wrong for you to do that!”

Ginny felt nervous when she saw this face that made her dream come out in front of her.

If she were to change to normal, she would definitely be tempted to run away again, right?

But not today!

Today, she shoulders Sacred’s mission!

“Huh!? What do you mean?”

Although asked like this, in Harry’s heart, he already knew what the other party wanted to say.

This made him feel very irritable.

“Just, it’s about you dating Ron! You, you can’t be dating Ron! You two are boys, how can you be dating! You should, should, and… be dating a girl That’s right!”

In fact, Ginny finally wanted to say that Harry should be dating her.

However, she really couldn’t say that kind of explicit words.

Wouldn’t it be equivalent to confessing to Harry!

Harry couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

As expected, Ginny came to him to talk about this.

In the past few days, he has heard too many scandals between him and Ron from other people.

If someone else was discussing the issue with him instead, Harry would definitely turn around and leave without saying a word.

But now standing in front of him is Ron’s pro-Little Sister after all.

Thinking of the misunderstandings Ron’s family might have after seeing the Rita Skeeter report, Harry felt that it was necessary for him to make it clear to Ginny.

“Ginny, I did not associate with Ron. You should know that we are good friends, and only good friends. There is only a pure friendship between us. There is absolutely nothing like that Rita Skeeter wrote. Have any super friendship relationship.”

Suppressing the irritability in his heart, Harry explained bitterly.

“Then why are you sleeping in a bed!”

Ginny looked at Harry disappointedly.

She didn’t expect that it was already this time, and the other party was still trying to cover up.

Now the relationship between him and Ron is well known throughout the British magic circle, maybe there may be rumors even on the European continent.

Now, is there still a need to cover up! ?

“We didn’t sleep in a bed!

…Well, I have slept a few times.

But that’s just after we were tired from playing together, we accidentally fell asleep.

And when I went to your house before, didn’t I just live in Ron’s room?

There was only one bed in Ron’s room. At that time, I didn’t see you let me sleep on the floor!

So don’t believe those nonsense of Malfoy, he is making rumors! ”

At this point, Harry couldn’t help grinding his teeth.

What else, Mr. Malfoy, who did not want to be named, besides Draco Malfoy, is there a second Malfoy in Hogwarts!

Had Snape stopped him that morning, Harry would have gone to Malfoy for a wizard duel.

The kind that can only live one!

“That, that’s because at that time, we didn’t know that you and Ron were in this kind of relationship!”

Ginny felt increasingly disappointed.

The Daily Prophet has written it clearly. Everyone in Hogwarts is saying the same.

As a result, Harry was still denying it!

Is it so difficult to admit own mistakes?

Does she really know nothing when she is young?

She had long felt that something was wrong between Harry and Ron!

That report just confirmed her guess!

“We really don’t have that kind of relationship! How many times do you want me to say it to understand!”

Harry, who was getting more and more irritable, began to gradually lose control of the anger rising in his heart. He shouted at Ginny, his eyes full of mania.

‘He yells at me! Harry yelled at me! ’

Looking at Harry in disbelief, Ginny was very sad.

You know, since childhood, even mother Molly has never yelled at her.

And now, she was clearly for Harry’s good, and wanted to lead Harry back on the right path.

But whoever came up with it, Harry not only refused to admit his relationship with Ron, but he even yelled at her!

Tears instantly filled Ginny’s eyes. She grew up so big and she had never been wronged like she is today.

she wants……

“Hey! Little Big sis! Stop crying. If you see this guy not pleasing to your eyes, how about I help you kill him?”

Just when Ginny couldn’t help but want to run away with tears, a small hand suddenly fell on her shoulder.

Looking back, Ginny looked at the school girl behind her, who was much taller than her.

She knew each other, it should be said that in the entire Hogwarts, almost no one did not know each other.

Slytherin College’s second-year student, even the potion genius that Snape praised, and the Little Sister of the big devil Bell who likes “cannibalism”-Shanna Menethil.

Ginny and Shanna have never had any intersection, nor have they had any communication. Therefore, Shanna was suddenly familiar with each other, which made Ginny very puzzled.

So she should run away now? Should we run away?

After all, the other party’s rumor is not very good.

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