Chapter 452 Perfect Stealth

Without worrying about Fina who was so worried that she scratched her head, Shanna first took out her personal terminal and called Phyllis and Lena back.

Then, waving her magic wand again, she put down little Gabriel.

‘Quickly come back…’

“Oh~! Ooh~!”

Before Shanna could get rid of the sleeping curse on Gabrielle, Fina was seen leaping over, as if she had picked up some food.

To be honest, Fina admires herself a little at this moment. Why hasn’t she noticed before that she is so smart?

Now that the Devil King Shanna was at a loss, it took less than 1 minute to come up with a perfect solution.

‘I’m so terrible! ’

Little Fina thought narcissistically.

“turn down!”

However, before Fina could think about it, when she should ask for some food as a reward, Shanna’s cold voice broke her illusion of the future.


Fina’s eyes widened in shock. It is such a good proposal that can kill two birds with one stone, how could it be rejected! ?

“If you kill all the murlocs, no one will know that we have been here?

Let’s not talk about whether we can find them all and kill them all, even if we can, but the result will be to make things worse! ”

Shanna stared at Fina with hatred for iron and steel, and said sternly.

Can she not think of such a simple method?

The problem is that this is not reliable at all, OK!

“Think again! If I can’t think of it, I’ll hand you over to that bad old man Dumbledore, and let him slice you up and study it!”


Fina was shocked!

It was familiar to the old man with white hair and white beard named Dumbledore. That is a character who is extremely afraid of even his own ‘shit shovel officer’. How can this little baby be able to deal with it?

So, didn’t you just have no delicious spirit pet pills to eat? How can it be ascending to the point of life and death in such a short period of time?

Little Fina, who likes to eat food, had to work her little head with all her strength again in order not to be eaten by others’ food, and think about new countermeasures.


Without paying attention to Fina, whose hair was about to be scratched bald, Shanna turned her head and continued her previously interrupted spellcasting.

‘Recover quickly! ’

The light of the spell was fleeting, and soon Gabriel’s eyelids were trembling slightly, and then she slowly opened her eyes.

“Sanna Big sis? Why are you? My Big sis?”

After opening his eyes, he realized that the Big sis that appeared in front of him was not the expected Big sis. Little Gabriel felt very strange.

“Your Big sis hasn’t arrived yet.”

With that, Shanna took off the scarf from a section of her neck and wrapped it around little Gabriel’s neck.

The snowflake pattern on the scarf flickered slightly, quickly dissipating the chill from Gabrielle’s body, and gradually restored the little girl’s face to be ruddy.

Feeling that Gabrielle’s young body no longer trembles in her arms, the resentment in Shanna’s heart finally reduced.

She couldn’t understand it. That group of bad guys, after fainting the little Gabrielle, tie them down to the water. The question is, why did they take away all the magic items from Gabrielle? Don’t even leave a constant temperature badge?

It’s outrageous!

Sure enough, Dumbledore is a super bad old man!

“Sanna Big sis, why are you here?”

Only then did Gabriel discover that she was still underwater, instead of having been rescued to the shore.

“I’m here to look for you. Why are you so stupid? Why do you want to promise a hostage?

You see Hermione is usually hot~ Such a stupid idiot, who knows that she refuses to be a hostage. You are usually a smart little guy. Why did you lose the chain at a critical moment? ”

Shanna looked down on little Gabriel distressedly.

She really likes this little guy who wants to be relatives with herself.

Hmm~ I probably like Fina so much.

“Because I believe in my Big sis, she will definitely come and save me.”

Speaking of own Big sis, Gabriel’s entire face seemed to glow.

Even if she doesn’t believe in herself, she will definitely believe in own Big sis.

However, perhaps this time, Furong is really going to disappoint Gabriel.

Seeing the image presented on the screen belonging to Furong, Bell couldn’t help covering his face with his hand.

At this time, Lotus was being entangled by several Grindillos.

“Get out! You guys get out of me quickly!”

Fleur’s voice was heard clearly on the screen. She waved the magic wand in her hand unruly, but couldn’t hit the flexible Grindillo.

I have to say that Furong’s performance is really substandard.

With her magic skills, if she can calm down and concentrate on the enemy, she should be able to repel or even completely kill the opponent in just a few minutes.

However, at this time, Furong was full of her Little Sister’s pale, haggard face, which made her unable to calm down at all.

She just wanted to rush to Little Sister’s side immediately, without delay for a second.

But the reality cannot be as expected, and Furong was first unfortunately attacked by Grindillo. Then, because he failed to knock down the Grindillo in the first time, several nearby Grindillo were also attracted.

At this time, she was anxious, and she was completely caught in the siege of Grindillo.

Judging from the current situation, if Furong still cannot adjust her mentality, she might even be defeated by these Grindillos.

“Bell, what should I do? Furong seems to be in big trouble.”

Hermione, who had just finished eating hibiscus and vinegar, couldn’t help but worry about her.

Although she was a student of Hogwarts, and Fleur belonged to Boothbarton, strictly speaking, the two of them should be in a hostile state.

But Fleur was the only girl among the four warriors. Although Hermione didn’t want to admit it in her heart, she did have some admiration for each other.

Beautiful, powerful, and heroic, Hermione hopes she can become as good as her opponent.

Not to mention, there is still little Gabriel’s affection.

Although Hermione has more complicated feelings for the little guy who has always wanted to steal her boyfriend…

“what can I do?”

After spreading his hands, Bell said that he is just an ordinary spectator, he can’t rush into the arena and interfere with the game, right?

Moreover, don’t look at Hermione’s now showing a worried look, Bell dared to use the dull hair on top of Fina’s head as a guarantee, once he really showed concern about Fleur, he even really tried to help each other. If the game is over, maybe he will kneel on the washboard.

‘Don’t want to trick me into being fooled! ’

“And don’t worry, so many professors are watching, and Furong won’t really be in danger.”

I didn’t see Mrs. Maxim over there, if it wasn’t for others to stop her, she had already planned to rush into the Black Lake.

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