Chapter 448: Hacker Cube

Under the whistleblower of Bell, the ‘inner traitor’, the three Shanna quickly came under the statue of the female murloc.

“It’s now!”

After the angle of view on the screen was turned away again, Bell gave the final instructions.

When she heard the instructions, Shanna, who was at the blind corner of the surveillance mirror, immediately took out a black square the size of a fingernail from her arms.

She controlled the small cube with her magic wand and shot it at the surveillance mirror that just moved above her three heads.

After approaching the surveillance mirror, the small square suddenly unfolded, deformed into a thin iron piece, and stuck to the back of the surveillance mirror.

The insignificant light blue light flashed and disappeared, and the surveillance mirror continued to provide the little wizards on the shore with images of the murloc village without any pause.

However, if someone observes carefully, they will find that the image that appears on the screen at this time is exactly the same as the one that has appeared before.

“Okay, have fun.”

The setting of the surveillance mirror has been changed to loop playback. After that, even if the three Sanna appear in the surveillance range of the surveillance mirror, the three figures will not appear on the screen.

In other words, as long as the three little guys don’t make too much noise, there will be no problems.

Thinking of this, I don’t know why, an ominous premonition inexplicably appeared in Bell’s heart.

He shook his head and threw out the thoughts in his mind.

Before, Shanna found him and said that he wanted to play under the Black Lake in the second game, but he had told Shanna not to cause any trouble.

My Little Sister is so well-behaved, and if he promises his thing, then he will do it well.

Therefore, the ominous premonition in his heart, the feeling of imminent disaster, must be…from the “cute, beautiful… (10,000 words omitted here)…compassionate.” Beautiful girl!”

“Stop flattering! If you don’t make it clear to me today, no matter how you shoot it, it’s useless!”

Seeing Bell hung up the personal terminal, she immediately grabbed her hand and exaggerated, Hermione was unmoved.

Just kidding, some time ago, in order to coax her, Bell would compliment her in various ways every day, so that she has developed immunity.

So, he never wanted to get through it! We must explain everything today clearly!

“Say! Why did Shanna run under the Black Lake! What does she want to do in the game? Why didn’t you stop her!”

“This matter… it really doesn’t blame Shanna.”

Bell tried to defend his Little Sister.

“Don’t blame you for saying it doesn’t count, I don’t count if I say it, the professors say it! Don’t you say it? If you don’t say it, I will go to Professor Dumbledore now!”

With that, Hermione was about to stand up and walk to the referee’s bench not far away.

She doesn’t know Bell yet, even if Sanna blows up the earth tomorrow, in Bell’s eyes, she definitely doesn’t blame Sanna!

“Talk about it, I didn’t say anything, why are you in a hurry.”

Bell hurriedly took Hermione’s hand and pulled it back into the chair.

“Actually, it’s like this. You have also seen that Little Gabriel was tied to the stone pillar in the murloc village.”

Bell pointed to the screen in mid-air for the third time.

At this time, the angle of view on the screen just showed the 4 stone pillars in the center of the murloc village.

Among them, Gabrielle closed her eyes, her pale and pitiful face was clearly visible in everyone’s eyes.

“You have also been questioned by Professor McGonagall before, so you should know that this matter requires only your consent and it is confidential to others.”

With that, Bell pointed to the shore of the Black Lake again. There, the three warriors who are ready are quietly waiting for the game to start.

“But the problem is that unlike the other three, Gabriel is only 10 years old!

Moreover, the Big sis was still in Hogwarts, and without asking whether they agreed with Big sis, they tied Little Gabriel to the bottom of the Black Lake?

This is outrageous! ”

Looking in the direction of Bell’s finger again, Hermione could clearly see that Fleur was staring at Gabriel on the screen without blinking, her face even paler than Gabriel.

“You also know that Sanna and the others have a very good relationship with Little Gabriel. So of course, they are very worried about Little Gabriel’s safety.”

You know, Shanna has perfectly inherited her own Big Brother’s short-term nature.

After learning that little Gabrielle was going to be tied to the murloc village alone for an hour, Shanna almost rushed into the principal’s office angrily and burned the beard of the bad old man Dumbledore.

After the death of the other three people, and after Gabriel repeatedly emphasized that she was voluntary and had never received any intimidation, Shanna finally managed to suppress the evil fire in her heart.

But after thinking about it again and again, Shanna was still worried about Gabriel’s safety, so after returning to the dormitory, she, Phyllis and Lena together, the three decided to sneak into the Murloc before the start of the second game. In the village, save Gabriel first.

Then, they can play in the murloc village while waiting for Gabriel’s Big sis Fleur to pick up Gabriel.

Just do it when she thinks it. Early the next morning, Shanna picked a time when the ‘unpleasant’ Hermione was absent, found her own Big Brother, and explained her own idea.

Bell certainly has no reason to stop Little Sister’s noble act of caring for his friends.

But there is a problem, that is, at that point in time, the surveillance mirrors have been arranged. Once the figures of Shanna and others appear in the murloc village, they will be spotted by people on the shore the first time.

So, in order to fulfill his little wish of Little Sister, Bell spent three days forgetting food and sleep, and finally produced a new type of magic item, which is the small square that Shanna used before.

Bell named the small square ‘hacker’s square’.

As long as you put it on the surveillance mirror, the magic power set in the hacker box will invade the surveillance mirror and tamper with the surveillance mirror’s procedures, including but not limited to: fake images, looped playback of past images, The screen is locked, the running track is changed, and so on.

Of course, after all, Bell made it hastily, and the hacker box is still immature. It can only tamper with unmanned surveillance mirrors. And if someone performs real-time control, the change of the setting will immediately attract the attention of the controller.

After listening to Bell’s explanation, Hermione could barely agree with Shanna’s behavior.

After all, watching the pitiful, weak and helpless look of Gabrielle on the screen, Bell begged her again during this time, and Hermione, who had spent several unforgettable nights in the suitcase, was also somewhat maternal at this moment.

“So, it’s really not that you care about Furong, so you deliberately let Shanna take care of Little Gabriel in order to win Furong’s favor?”

Hermione cast a suspicious look at Bell.

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