Chapter 442

Seeing that under the snow wrap, Bell turned around like that, took two steps forward, and got out of the shackles of the snow, as if the snow were just phantoms, not real.

“How is this going?”

Shanna asked excitedly. This hand of Big Brother is too fun!

“Water escape technique. I should have told you that if you can fully cultivate Five Elements escape technique to Dacheng Realm, you can ignore most attacks.”

“Big Brother, have you completed it?”

It is worthy of being the Big Brother of his own, who has completed such a difficult Five Elements escape technique so quickly.

Under the guidance of her own Big Brother, Shanna also tried cultivation Five Elements escape technique. But she has just reached the entry level now, the kind that can’t even pass through a wall.

Of course, if it is the ‘Invincible Penetration Technique’, it’s a different matter.

There is no other way, like the words in the book, “Earth is Kun, Kun is the mother, and Yin”, and the “Water is impermanent, therefore permanent, easy to follow, easy to reversible”, and so on.

Shanna reads her head and can’t understand what it means.

“No, I just barely mastered Tu Dun, Shui Dun and Mu Dun, and it’s a thousand miles away from the real Five Elements unity.”

Because Shanna wanted to trap him first and then find a way to break through his defenses, she gave him time to cast the water escape technique.

If Shanna attacked directly, then he would not have time to use the water escape technique to resolve it.

“Well, the chat ends here, and the game continues.”

While Bell was talking, all the ice birds that had besieged Shanna flew behind him and gathered together to form a frost dragon.

The 10-meter-high frost dragon opened its huge mouth and let out a sky-shattering roar at Shanna, and along with the roar, a large number of snowflakes were mixed with magic power and spewed towards Shanna.

An ice wall rose, blocking the breath of the frost dragon.

Unlike when blocking the ice gun before, this time the ice wall, which Shanna had prepared for a long time, was completely different from the previous quick products.

Even though the breath of the ice dragon was powerful, it was barely blocked by the ice wall.

However, breathing is only the first step in an attack. After the breath was over, the ice dragon lifted its giant claws, and the broken ice wall was smashed into pieces with one claw.

However, Shanna, who was supposed to be behind the ice wall, was nowhere to be seen at this time.

Frowning, Bell was surprised to find that he had lost track of Shanna.

He knew that Shanna had moved away from behind the ice wall before, but the problem was that he didn’t perceive the appearance of Shanna’s Apparition.

Bell still believes in the strength of his Little Sister. He would not naively think that Shanna was trapped in the dimensional space and could not return.

So, where did the little girl go?

Closing his eyes, Bell maximized his own perception ability Ascension. Suddenly, he leaped sharply to the left.

“Boom~! ’

The giant claws of the ice dragon were hitting where Bell stood before. If he hadn’t escaped in time, even if he wouldn’t be injured, he would have to be smashed into the ground, embarrassed.

“This is really unexpected!”

Bell couldn’t help sighing as she watched Sanna rising slowly from the back of the ice dragon.

It turned out that Shanna used her own magical power fluctuations and the similarity to Big Brother to be as high as ninety-nine percent, and directly Apparated in the body of the ice dragon, hiding herself.

Also using the extremely similar characteristics of magical fluctuations, Shanna took advantage of the opportunity of her own Big Brother to focus on searching for her location, and seized control of the ice dragon with lightning speed, thus launching the previous unexpected blow. .

“But in the end it was avoided by Big Brother.”

Shanna pouted a little unhappy.

Originally, she wanted to scare Big Brother so much, but in the end, she only scared Big Brother.

“That’s because my perceptual Ascension has reached the highest level.”

Although it was because of focusing on perception, Bell was unexpectedly taken away from the ice dragon by his Little Sister. But because of this, in that state, it is almost impossible for him to be attacked.

After a brief exchange of two sentences, the fighting between the brothers and sisters resumed.

The only difference is that this time, the main attacker has become Shanna.

The little girl happily controlled the ice dragon made for her by her Big Brother (actually not), chasing behind Big Brother, biting her mouth with her claws, and spraying out frosty breaths from time to time.

After a few minutes of dodging, Bell finally sensed that the strength of the ice dragon’s body began to drop.

With Shanna’s current skills in transformation, it is impossible to deform an object of this strength. Therefore, after a period of raging, the strength of the ice dragon’s body will begin to decrease, until it reaches the level that Shanna can deform.

This is why, Bell has never counterattacked before.

Although he wasn’t unable to defeat the ice dragon of own, he needed too much magic power, which was not cost-effective.

After a while, Bell, who felt that the time was ripe, suddenly stopped dodging.

He stood still, watching the huge mouth bitten by the ice dragon without moving.

‘Crack~! ’

A translucent shield appeared on Bell’s body, blocking the ice dragon’s gnawing. But at the same time, cracks appeared on the surface of the shield, as if it would shatter in the next second.

Seeing this scene, Shanna was even more excited. She immediately controlled the ice dragon and increased her bite.

Cracks quickly covered the surface of the shield, but in this crisis, Bell not only did not show a trace of tension, but also slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

‘burst! ’

A violent explosion sounded, and the shield on Bell’s body did not shatter and dissipate like a normal iron armor curse that reached its limit, but exploded outward.

In fact, after the ice dragon’s strength was reduced, its attack was not enough to easily break Bell’s defense. Therefore, the cracks on the shield were actually made deliberately by him.

He injected a large amount of magic power into the shield, and actively destroyed the structure of the shield, causing the magic to explode to the outside, thereby generating huge destructive power.

Burst together with Bell’s shield, there is also the huge ferocious head of the ice dragon.

Then, Bell rushed to repair the ice dragon before Shanna, a flash, also appeared on the back of the ice dragon.

‘Howling wind strikes! ’

Shanna was knocked into the air by her own Big Brother again.

Bell pointed the wand at his feet, and the remains of the ice dragon broke down into ice cubes and caught up with Shanna in the air.

The ice cubes included Shanna, forming a large hockey puck with a diameter of several meters. Pieces of mysterious runes appeared on the surface of the ice puck, and Bell added an anti-phantom shifting barrier on the ice puck.

As the saying goes, everything is too bad, Bell thinks, today can almost end here. But in the end, he needs some time to prepare a gorgeous ending for his Little Sister.

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