Chapter 434 Become a Wizard!

Professor McGonagall seriously suspected that the Sorting Hat was already confused.

How could such a troublesome little wizard not belong to Gryffindor Academy? How can it not belong to Gryffindor Academy!

You should know that Gryffindor College contributed 80% of the violations of school rules at Hogwarts.

Most of the remaining 20% ​​came from Slytherin College.

Occasionally, a student at Ravenclaw College violates school rules, such as lying in the library at night and reluctant to walk.

As for Hufflepuff, those honest little badgers really rarely make mistakes. Although there are very few people out there.

In addition, even the group of little snakes in Slytherin, without touching the Gryffindor cubs, are actually very honest most of the time.

Of course, except for a little witch in the second grade.

So, with Bell’s tossing temperament, shouldn’t he enter Gryffindor Academy?

In that way, the two students who tied for first in the grade would be their Gryffindor!

Just thinking about it really made Professor McGonagall very excited.

“What did I do?”

Bell turned around and glanced at the Slytherin dining table behind him, his right fist banged hard on the palm of his left hand, as if suddenly realized.

“Oh~! I see! It’s because I came to Slytherin to eat here!

But the professor, didn’t you say that you have to stay at the Ravenclaw table honestly only on important occasions? ”

“No! And I didn’t tell you anything better than that!”

Seeing Bell pretending to be stupid, Professor McGonagall really wanted to take out his magic wand and teach him a lesson.

She has never seen it so skinny!

“Okay, okay, I get it. It’s just a joke, professor, don’t take it seriously.”

Feeling that if this continues, Professor McGonagall is afraid that he will really vomit blood, so as a “three good” student, Bell decisively admitted.

That’s right! He is the murderer!

“So, what does Professor Karkaroff plan to do?”

Bell asked indifferently.

As the saying goes, the body is not afraid of the shadow leaning, he is just defending what he is afraid of.

“Humph! Come with me! You guys are not allowed to follow!”

Seeing that Shanna and Hermione beside Bell were also anxiously trying to follow up, Professor McGonagall sternly stopped.

With a wave of his hand, Bell motioned to Shanna and Hermione not to follow. Then he followed Professor McGonagall and walked out of the auditorium.

After a silent journey, Bell looked up and saw that this is not the school hospital. He thought Professor McGonagall would take him to the office.

Before the door was opened, a quarrel came out of the door.

Of course, if it is a quarrel, there is actually only one person yelling.

“Outrageous! Outrageous! Dumbledore, your methods at Hogwarts are so dirty! Don’t miss our Durmstrang, and participate in the next Triwizard Tournament! I really want to take it with him right away. My students, get out of this dirty place!”

Karkaroff roared furiously.

Last night, when he suddenly learned that Krum was seriously injured and went to the hospital, he refused to believe it at first.

After all, no one knows Krum’s level better than him.

Even in the face of the professor’s attack, Krum did not say that he could be defeated, but it was not a problem to send out a distress signal and persist until he arrived.

However, when he saw Krum lying in the Hogwarts school hospital with his head wrapped in a zongzi, Karkaroff began to wonder… Isn’t this really Krum?

Although in terms of clothes and body shape, it does look like Krum. But because the face was so tightly wrapped, Karkaroff couldn’t see the other person’s appearance at all.

After confirming repeatedly with Madam Pomfrey that the alien-headed student on the bed is really his baby Krum, then, endless anger hit his heart!

Sure enough, the rumors are not credible!

Karkaroff has always heard from others that Dumbledore is not only extremely powerful, but his personality is worthy of admiration.

‘I admire your grandma’s legs! ’

If it weren’t for the last trace of his face as Headmaster Durmstrang, Karkaroff would really yell at him.

Look at Krum’s miserable appearance, whoever tells him that Dumbledore is noble, he must vomit.

This is more than he did!

If Dumbledore can be called noble, then Karkaroff is afraid he can be a Sage!

Take a look at what Hogwarts did in this Triwizard Tournament.

First, an inexplicable fourth warrior was brought out, which turned the original three-point situation into the dominance of the Hogwarts family.

As for what the lunatic Moody said, is someone trying to murder Harry?

Nonsence! He is so stupid!

The selection of the Warriors was all done by Dumbledore. He felt that the age line was not reliable at the beginning, but it turned out that something went wrong in the end.

To say that there is no tricky inside, he absolutely doesn’t believe it anyway.

But one of the words Moody said, he still agrees.

That is, it must be a very clever confusing spell to affect the Goblet of Fire and let it select the fourth warrior.

Karkaroff didn’t know exactly how clever confusing spells were needed to do this kind of thing. Anyone at Hogwarts could do that kind of thing, and Karkaroff didn’t know.

But there is one thing, he is very sure.

Dumbledore can do it!

Had it not been for Mrs. Maxim, if the two of them couldn’t beat Dumbledore together, he would have asked Dumbledore’s wand to be checked with a flashback spell.

But even if he didn’t do that, he still firmly believed that it must be the Confusion Charm used by Dumbledore!

What Karkaroff didn’t even expect was that Hogwarts had brought out two warriors, and they had already occupied half of the country, but they were still not satisfied! ?

After seeing Krum’s outstanding performance in the first game, everyone at Hogwarts who felt that even if two people were playing together, they were still not Krum’s opponents, they came up with such an insidious method and attacked off the court. Krum!

As for what the so-called eyewitness said, Krum and a student at Hogwarts clashed and attacked each other first, and then he was counter-killed. Unbelievable.

Just kidding, which little wizard can defeat Krum? And is this an overwhelming victory?

What about when he has dementia? Ghosts don’t believe this kind of nonsense!

Therefore, there is only one truth! There must be a professor who attacked Krum secretly!

And based on the existing clues, Karkaroff inferred that the person who shot was Dumbledore!

‘Please be a wizard! ’

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