Chapter 431

The poor little wizard looked at Krum, who was lying on the ground terribly, and froze in place and did not dare to move.

“Counting I owe you a favor, if you encounter any trouble in the future, you can come to me and I will help you once.”

After looking at the poor child in front of him, being frightened and overwhelmed, Bell thought for a moment and added.

“Good, good!”

When I heard that there was still such a good thing, the fear in the little wizard’s heart disappeared in an instant.

Just kidding, this is the favor of Bell, who has many terrifying titles. With these words from the other party, he was equivalent to obtaining a talisman. In Hogwarts, wouldn’t it be walking sideways?

Look at those nasty Slytherins, dare you still bully him now!

After seeing this little wizard who didn’t know which college he was, he happily went to clean up the Krum on the ground, no longer worried that the other party would bleed and die, thus causing trouble to Bell, holding Hermione’s hand, toward the auditorium. Walk quickly outside.

If you don’t run at this time, you won’t be able to run away later!

Anxiously following her boyfriend’s back, when she was some distance away from the auditorium, Hermione said worriedly:

“Bell, you wounded Krum badly, and Professor Karkaroff of Durmstrang will not give up.

Or, let’s go to Professor McGonagall now. Acknowledge your mistake with Professor McGonagall, and I believe the professor will help you talk to Professor Karkaroff. ”

“What are you afraid of.”

Bell waved his hand indifferently.

He wouldn’t talk to Professor McGonagall about life and ideals now.

He just wanted to take Hermione back to the suitcase. Who dares to stop him, don’t blame him for turning his face!

“Don’t worry. You know, it was Krum who used the spell to attack me first. I am a defensive person!”

At best, it is an over-defense.

He is still a little wizard, he can’t precisely control his own power, isn’t that normal?

So under the crisis, in order to protect himself and his own girlfriend, he did not use too much force. Isn’t that justifiable?

Therefore, in the case of righteousness, even if he went to the Ministry of Magic and the Auror, he was completely worthwhile!

No way, reasonable, just so confident!

As for that Karkaroff?

The bereaved dog.

Bell is not Hermione, he knows that Karkaroff is a 100% original Death Eater.

And unlike Snape, Snape’s family was a spy, and Dumbledore was covered, no one dared to move.

And Karkaroff, by betraying other Death Eaters, managed to escape the fate of being imprisoned in Azkaban.

Betraying your companions, even if those companions are not serious guys, but this behavior is still shameful.

Not to mention how many people despise Karkaroff because of this, just say that the fish slipped through the net among the Death Eaters, I don’t know how many people want to kill Karkaroff all day long.

Therefore, the guy Karkaroff, it’s okay to stay honestly. If the other party really dared to bite him like a mad dog because of what happened tonight, that’s not true. Bell can only do something good and hang Karkaroff’s whereabouts on the black market. .

I believe that when the time comes, the other party should be busy receiving his enthusiastic old friends every day, and there is no time to bother him.

“But, I heard people say that Professor Karkaroff’s character is not good, what if he secretly attacked you?”

Hermione said worriedly.

In addition, what Hermione did not dare to say was that there was news about Professor Karkaroff’s character, she had heard from the three of Harry.

She was afraid that Bell would be jealous when she knew it.

According to the three of Harry, the source of the news is Professor Hagrid.

Although she and Professor Hagrid can’t say how familiar, she still trusts what Professor Hagrid said.

After all, these years, people who are more honest than Professor Hagrid are really hard to find!

“Heh! Just him? If he dares to stand, I dare to let him lie down and go back!

Hermione, you have to know that not every principal of the magic school has the terrifying power of Dumbledore.

That guy Karkaroff, there is a high probability that even Mrs. Maxim can’t beat him, and the gap between him and Dumbledore is even more so. ”

It’s not that Bell looks down on Karkaroff, but he really can’t understand how on earth Karkaroff got into the position of the principal of Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

Whether it is virtue or strength, Karkaroff is really too much worse.

“It’s Professor Dumbledore!”

While correcting the improprieties in her boyfriend’s words, Hermione also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Influenced by Professor Dumbledore, Hermione has always believed that the principals of all schools of magic are very great and powerful wizards.

In fact, not to mention Hermione who is not familiar with the magic world, even the other little wizards in Hogwarts, under the influence of Dumbledore, many people will subconsciously have this misunderstanding.

Even Bell thought so when he was young.

It was not until later, after a detailed understanding of Karkaroff’s information, that he overturned his preconceived misunderstanding.

“Well, it’s Professor Dumbledore. Okay, Hermione, don’t think about the trivial things. It’s already late, and I’m sleepy. Let’s go back to bed soon.”

After speaking, Bell grabbed Hermione’s hand and walked quickly toward the Ravenclaw lounge with the pace of “God blocking the killing of the gods, Buddha blocking the killing of the Buddhas”.

‘Ghost believes that you really want to go back to sleep! ’

Following Bell, Hermione rolled her eyes cutely.

But she didn’t resist, instead she squeezed Bell’s hand, expectant and nervous, and accelerated her pace.

Since most people are attending dances in the auditorium, the corridors are very clean. Only occasionally can I see a few pairs of lone men and widows. I do not know when they sneak out of the auditorium and hide in dark corners everywhere. All kinds of indescribable things.

And the scenes of this scene, the more and more He is so sensitive that his whole body is hot, and his mind is even more imaginative.

Feeling the temperature of Bell in the palm of her palm, the last trace of hesitation and resistance in Hermione’s heart disappeared without knowing it.

Entering the suitcase in a familiar way, Bell took Hermione’s hand and walked straight into the bedroom.

He drew out his wand and placed a soundproof barrier and a defensive barrier in the room.

Especially the defensive enchantment. Just in case, Bell also deliberately spent a lot of magic power to strengthen the strength of the defense enchantment.

Even if Shanna used explosive spells to bombard wildly outside, this defensive enchantment could last for about 5 minutes, gaining enough time for the two people in the house to clean up the ‘battlefield’.

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