Chapter 128

Taking a horoscope, humming a tuneless tune, Bell strolled back to Ravenclaw’s common room.

“Fei~Na~ Do you miss me as your master?”

In a corner of the lounge, Bell found Fina lying on the sofa and sleeping comfortably.


Fina launched a serious protest against her unscrupulous owner disturbing her sleep.

“Well, you miss me so much, Fina is so good!”

Ignoring Fina’s little bit of resentment, Bell held it in his arms and lifted it up comfortably.

It’s so happy to run a cat!

Today is Sunday, and there are not many people in the lounge. Only some senior elder sisters in the upper grades had to work hard to review on weekends because of the upcoming wizard exams and did not have time to rest.

The little wizards in the lower grades either slept in the dorm or ran outside to play in the snow.

Bell tapped the ground with his toes, and an Illusion Art enchantment wrapped him inside.

The images and sounds in the barrier will not be transmitted to the outside. No matter what Bell does in the barrier, people outside can only see him beating the cat quietly.


“Young Master, what’s your order?”

As always, Lim appeared in front of him the first time Bell called.

“I don’t want to go to the auditorium for dinner at noon today. You can prepare some lunch for me.”

Bell ordered lazily.

“Okay, Young Master. Do you have any requirements for lunch?”

Lim asked respectfully.

“It’s nothing, as long as there is meat to eat, you can watch the other arrangements.”

“Okay, Young Master.”

“Also, you can get a pair of earrings from the workshop at home. You want women’s models, some beautiful ones, one that predicts danger, and one that has an iron curse.”

This pair of earrings was prepared by Bell to give to Sister Penello.

The elder sister is usually very kind to him. Some college arrangements are made by the elder sister personally to inform him, otherwise Bell doesn’t know how many times he will be called to the office by Professor Flitwick.

“Okay, Young Master, I’ll get it for you this afternoon.”

Lim glanced at his Young Master’s ear and left hand.

“Do you need me to bring some accessories for you?”

“……All right.”

Bell thought for a while, and just gave Hermione all the accessories except Ten Thousand Snakes. After all, who knows what outrageous things will happen in Hogwarts in the future? Let the little witch wear self-defense all the time.

“Remember that the style should be the same as before. Especially earrings, they must be completely and 100% identical!”

After Lim’s reminder, Bell suddenly remembered a very important thing!

The accessories he wears are all paired with his Little Sister. Especially the earrings, a pair carefully selected by Shanna, and then put them on Shanna and him one by one.

If this is to let Shanna know that he gave the accessories to others at will. God knows how long the little girl will have a temper.

Just imagining the lost look of his Little Sister, Bell felt heartbroken.

But with the things just given to Hermione, Bell can’t open his mouth to come back! So I can only work hard for Lim.

Bell quietly apologized to Lim in his heart.

“Okay, Young Master. Do you have any other orders?”

Lim has become accustomed to the weird requests that his Young Master makes from time to time.

As a qualified housekeeper, you must be able to achieve any wish of the owner!

Bell looked at Lim strangely. I don’t know if it was his illusion, he seemed to see a flash of fire in Lim’s eyes just now?

“One last thing. I hope you can mobilize the other house elves in Hogwarts, help me observe all the little wizards in Hogwarts, and see if anyone has been acting strange recently. Can it be done?”

Although in line with the principle of respecting the elderly, Bell did not intend to attack the basilisk. But this does not mean that Bell will do nothing.

At least it would be harmless to confirm the identity of the so-called Slytherin heir, and to keep abreast of the other side’s movements and other trivial matters.

“No problem, please leave it to me, Young Master!”

Lim patted own chest immediately and assured Bell.

The more and more difficult tasks, the more proving her value!

Not to mention that this task is actually not difficult.

“You may not know, Young Master. Since Young Master you decided to take in a large number of house elves, our Menethil family’s reputation among house elves has increased day by day. House elves working in Hogwarts , Everyone admires you very much. Now that I have the opportunity to serve you Young Master, I believe everyone will be very happy.”

Lim explained proudly.

“Yes… Is it? Ha… Haha…”

Hearing Lim’s words, Bell felt a little embarrassed.

He obviously wants more house elves to work for his home. As a result, when he reached Lim’s mouth, it turned out that he kindly took in the house elves! ?

It’s really a bunch of cute little guys.

“Yes, Young Master! Then I will prepare lunch for you first.”

After Lim bowed again, he disappeared. Bell remained awkwardly smiling.

Lim moved faster than Bell expected. Before dinner, Lim appeared in front of Bell with a few accessories.

Seeing Lim who was still panting in front of him, and the magic fluctuations in his body were obviously weakened a lot, Bell reprimanded with some distress.

“Lim! You don’t need to be so anxious. You consume so much magic power, and it is too dangerous to perform long-distance apparitions continuously! At least you should wait for the magic to recover some before the apparitions come back!”

“I’m really sorry, Young Master! Lim didn’t even think about the possibility of damage to the accessories due to the failure of the Apparition! Lim is so mindless!”

Lim said regretfully.



Bell discovered that perhaps the house elves are his natural enemies? At least when he was talking to other people, he had never been so speechless as he is now.

(Mainly, Bell hasn’t talked much with others.)

But when he talked to the house elves, he was often dubious about life…

“Ahem… um… It’s good if you realize that own is wrong. Forget it this time, you must pay attention next time.”

There is no way! Bell really doesn’t know how to answer Lim’s words!

I don’t know how many times I have said it. Klim is always ‘Young Master is right! ’, and then it will be the same next time.

So Bell is also desperate!

“Yes, Young Master! You are so kind! You forgave Lim for his fault like this! But Lim can’t forgive himself so simply! Lim will punish own afterwards!”

Wiping the touched tears from the corner of his eyes, Lim said firmly.

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