Chapter 119 Does anyone remember the trio standing in the corner?

“And it’s not the time to argue about this. The writing on the wall and Mrs. Loris hanging below should be cared about now, right?”

Bell pointed to the words written in red liquid on the wall. That was the beginning of everything tonight.

Since the appearance of Dumbledore and others, Filch shed moving tears from the moment the protagonist became a passerby.

His cat no longer knows how long it has been hung there, at least longer than Malfoy has been lying on his stomach. And he didn’t dare to take off his cat, for fear of unpredictable consequences, leading to the complete death of poor Mrs. Loris.

Now, has anyone finally started to care about his cat? From the beginning, he had been hoping that Dumbledore could rescue his cat quickly.

From the moment Malfoy jumped out, Harry, Ron and Neville, who had instantly become passers-by from the protagonist, also shed moving tears.

So what is going on in this world? Or what happened to this Hogwarts?

Although at the beginning, the three of them were panicked about the fact that they and others were bumped into by so many people at the scene of the crime.

But later, the three of them were inexplicably no one cares about them? The three people couldn’t help but have some small emotions in their hearts.

Such big blood-red words are written on the wall! The three of them are at the scene of the crime! So none of you are curious about what happened? No one came to ask why they appeared here?

The three of them stood on the edge of the field with entangled faces, neither walking nor not.

Seeing Bell cruelly rubbing against Malfoy, although he felt a little bit dark in his heart, but he was more afraid, so he didn’t even dare to make a sound. My legs are almost numb after standing for a long time.

Now Bell finally mentioned them. Had it not been for the professors, all three of Harry would cheer loudly.

Finally don’t have to be embarrassed here!

The audience is awake like a dream.

Yes! They stopped at first because they saw the words on the wall and Mrs. Loris’s ‘corpse’!

Blame the guy in Slytherin, he didn’t know how to bluff, and the building was crooked.

As everyone turned their attention back to the main event of the evening, Dumbledore gave a satisfied smile in the dark where no one noticed.

The script finally came back.

“Come with me, Argus.”

Dumbledore took down Mrs. Loris.

“There are three of you, Harry, Ron, and Neville, and the three of you will come together.”

Lockhart hurried forward.

“My office is upstairs, the closest to here, principal, you can go to my office.”

“Thank you, Guidro.”

Dumbledore nodded.

Lockhart hurriedly led the way. When passing by Bell’s location, he also made a deliberate circle.

I’m sorry. When Dumbledore invited him to teach at Hogwarts, he didn’t tell him that the little wizards at Hogwarts are so cruel.

Lockhart didn’t want to stay here for a moment, nor did he want to approach the guy named Menethil in the future.

Lockhart still knows how sloppy he is. If one day the other party sees him unpleasantly, if you give him twice, then his first-time fame will really be ruined.

And the most important thing is that he is familiar with the little witch named Hermione!

They are already called by names, can you be unfamiliar with them!

During breaks, the other party often comes to his office and asks about the contents of his book.

When writing similar questions to fans, Lockhart didn’t know how many times he had answered them. Therefore, when answering questions to the other party, he can be regarded as handy, and the flicker’s favorability is almost admired.

God knows that savage kid named Menethil, if he knew that he had been fooling his little girlfriend, would he still have his life to get out of this school? No matter what, it has to be worse than the one on the ground before!

At this moment, Lockhart quietly made a decision in his heart.

‘Worthy development, don’t waver! ’

After Dumbledore and others left, the remaining professors organized the little wizards to return to the lounge.

On the road, Hermione was still chattering to Bell.

“Bell, why are you stopping me!? Those words on the wall won’t disappear by themselves, anyway, it’s been a long time, so it won’t matter if you keep it for a while!”

Hermione said dissatisfiedly.

As for Harry and others, will it suffer more?

The little witch said she didn’t care about it!

She was not familiar with Harry and others.

It’s better to say that she would like the three of Harry to bear more torment! In that case, maybe next time they want to violate the school rules and do bad things, they will hesitate for a second or two?

“If you let me fight with Professor McGonagall again, maybe I can share some of the punishment you have received. Maybe you can deduct some college points.”

Bell looked at Hermione in surprise. He did not expect that the little witch, who has always regarded the college points as her life, would take the initiative to request the deduction of college points one day! ? And the reason is him! ?

Oops, what should I do if I suddenly feel a little moved?

By the way, why do you feel that Hermione is a little cute today?

It must be an illusion!

If Hermione knows that she deliberately got up an hour early this morning, asking her roommate for advice, and putting on her makeup seriously, but only now is discovered by Bell, it is estimated that the little witch will immediately go to Professor McGonagall and take care of what happened before. Let me say it again, and try to get Bell to be deducted another 100 points!

“It’s okay, Hermione. You know, we Ravenclaw never value college points. So no one cares how many points I deduct, probably.”

Bell said lightly to Hermione. At the same time, the dissatisfied sight that is pierced from the surroundings is blocked.

Just kidding, he is the first in grade! Just look at Hermione, who is also the first in grade, to know how many points a student of God can add to own college every year! Although he is not as good as Hermione, how many points are there for him?

Yes… right?

In short, it doesn’t matter. What’s wrong with occasional deductions? As the saying goes, the old will not go and the new will not come.

In class, he never answered questions. So far, Bell, who has not added a point to Ravenclaw College, brazenly strode down the corridor.

“Then you must tell me when you are in confinement, and I can help you at that time.”

Hermione looked at Bell firmly, and said unquestionably.

“……All right.”

Bell reluctantly agreed.

It seems that after going back tonight, he needs to think about how to persuade Hermione to open and close her eyes about cheating.

Bell, who doesn’t know what the confinement content is, has already begun to pave the way for cheating.

A good boy must not learn!

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