Chapter 116 The status of a wizard should only be determined by magic!

“Thank you for your concern, but I know my own identity. And what we are discussing now should be about your apology to Hermione.”

Bell’s right hand shook slightly, and the wand appeared in his hand.

The little wizards around who had been staring at Bell were all surprised to find that they didn’t even see how the wand appeared.

After Draco noticed that Bell had taken out his wand, he also subconsciously wanted to take out his own wand. However, before he raised his hand, he realized that he was completely unable to move.

“what do you want to do!?”

Draco shouted in panic.

He didn’t expect that the other party not only did not recognize the mistake and reformed because of his words, but even pointed the wand at him! ?

When did the opponent cast the spell? Why didn’t he hear the curse?

“It’s a pity that you failed my kindness. So, this is just a small punishment.”

Bell raised his wand slowly, then swiped it down quickly.

Draco also flew up with the pointed tip of Bell’s staff. He hit the ceiling first, then fell to the floor.

The pain was so severe that Draco couldn’t even make a scream. He felt his own breastbone must be broken.

Draco wanted to reach out and cover his chest. But under the control of Bell’s curse, he couldn’t even move a finger.

A sense of fear that had never been felt before Draco.

‘why! ? Why, as a second-year student at Hogwarts and a wizard from a pure-blood family, he has no resistance in front of each other! ? Will I die? Will it just die worthless and humble? Do not! do not want! ’

Draco struggled violently. He is still very young, he still has a glorious future, he still doesn’t want to die!

A strong wave of magical power erupted from Draco, breaking through Bell’s restraint on him. In extreme fear, under the threat of Death, the magic in Draco ran away.

Generally speaking, the best way to eliminate fear is to eliminate the source of fear. For Draco, that source is ‘Bell’!


Feeling the surging power inside, Draco had never felt so good before.

Although the stinging pain from time to time in the body was a little upsetting, this little thing was not taken to heart by Draco, who was full of self-confidence. Now he has only one thing in his mind, and that is to kill Bell!

Seeing Malfoy who was smiling gradually, Bell didn’t fluctuate in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

Malfoy’s state is very dangerous now. If the magic of the riot is not properly channeled, it may even explode from his body like a bomb.

It will not be so easy if you want to fight back then.

Although Bell was very angry about Malfoy insulting Hermione. But he just intends to teach the other party a lesson and let the other party have a longer memory. He had never thought of killing Malfoy, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to be alive and kicking now.

So, looking at Malfoy’s hand extended to him, it felt like maybe The next moment, Malfoy’s hand would explode like fireworks. Bell, who claims to be tolerant and kind, still failed to turn a blind eye.

Bell lightly waved his magic wand, and the magic power gathered in Malfoy’s right arm was dissipated. Then, he waved his wand down again, and Malfoy fell back on the ground.

It’s still in that position, still in that posture, as if time has gone back. The only difference is that Bell deliberately increased the output of magic power in order to prevent Malfoy from making any more moths.

After all, it would be no good if Malfoy accidentally killed himself.

Draco was firmly on the ground, and he felt as if he was about to be crushed into a meatloaf. The breastbone that had been broken before seemed to be broken into powder at this moment.

“How is it possible!? The script shouldn’t be like this!”

Draco said with difficulty.

Although I don’t know why, he has indeed become extremely powerful. Even in the face of Dumbledore, Draco had the confidence to fight the opponent. But why! ? Why was he once again brought down by Menethil in an instant! ?

Someone is opening up here! Does anyone care?

Just when Draco was lying on the ground, he began to wonder if he was dreaming. After Bell shot, Hermione, who was in a daze, was finally awakened by Malfoy’s miserable cry.

“Bell! What are you doing!?”

Hermione was both scared and happy at this moment. The fear is that Bell will be punished. And happy, because Bell made such a big fire for her.

Hermione didn’t expect that she would make things so big because of her. Although until now, she still doesn’t know what ‘mudblood’ means, but those are not important anymore. The first thing now is to stop Bell!

Hermione ran towards Bell, trying to save Malfoy.

However, what Hermione didn’t know was that it seemed that Bell was suppressing Malfoy to the ground, but in fact Bell was suppressing the magic power running away in Malfoy’s body. So she was not actually saving Malfoy, but killing him.

Bell clasped his wand tightly in his right hand and pointed steadily at Malfoy who was lying on the ground. The free left hand waved back slightly, and Hermione, who had just taken a step, felt as if she was trapped in a mattress. Before she could take the next step, she was bounced back.

Knowing that Bell prevented her from approaching, Hermione, who could not help her, wanted to continue to appease Bell.

However, Hermione was surprised to find that although her lips were opening and closing, there was no sound.

The little witch, who couldn’t move forward and couldn’t make a sound, stomped her feet in anxious place, but she could only watch and could not do anything.

“For…why…you, you obviously have…with such a powerful…power, but…with Mudblood…you don’t have the glory of being a pure blood!?”

Draco felt like he had run out of time left. His breathing became more and more difficult, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

(In fact, it is because of the feeling that the magic in the body is completely suppressed by Bell).

At the last moment of this life, intense unwillingness, incomprehension, and the glory of being a pure blood enabled Draco to overcome fear and pain. He yelled at Bell for the last question.

“The glory of pure blood? There really is none.”

After solving the magical riot in Malfoy, Bell breathed a sigh of relief, and his tone returned to his usual casual appearance.

Although with the total amount of magic power in Malfoy’s body, Bell can suppress it with no effort, but if he doesn’t hurt the opponent, it’s a meticulous life.

Bell walked up to Malfoy, squatted down, and looked directly at the opponent’s eyes full of grief and anger.

“I am a wizard. The only thing that can determine the status of a wizard is magic!”

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