Chapter 114 The Perfectly Ended Halloween Banquet

The thrilling and interesting food gathering activities have temporarily come to an end, and the current stock is probably enough for a few months.

What makes Bell most happy is that Sanna spoke highly of the spider leg meat. Little Sister’s own eating is more important to Bell.

After enjoying the food, it is time to devote yourself to busy study and research. I almost forgot that own ‘big plan’ hasn’t been completed yet, and there is really not much time left!

Before you know it, time has come to the eve of Halloween again. Bell can’t help feeling that time has passed by… slow!

In Bell’s feeling, the last Halloween party was like something that happened in the previous life.

So how long will it take for my own Sanna to enroll? He can’t bear it anymore!

No matter how resentful Bell’s heart is, it can’t affect the good mood of the other little wizards.

Halloween is not only the first important holiday in Hogwarts every school year, but also delicious pumpkin dishes and wonderful performances at the eve banquet. Every student at Hogwarts looks forward to this day very much.

Today, Hermione’s mood is even better.

The smile on the little witch’s face has not disappeared since she got up in the morning. She even borrowed some cosmetics from her roommate and put on a light makeup.

For Hermione, last year’s Halloween was like a nightmare. Although the final result is good, the process is really unbearable. And until the end, she only ate some pumpkin pie that had been cold in the lounge, which was not delicious at all!

So strictly speaking, this is the first Halloween in the true sense she spent at Hogwarts.

This time, Hermione will never allow anyone or anything to disturb Own’s good mood! If anyone dares to do that, don’t blame her for being crazy! If she is really anxious, she will let Bell go to bite someone!


Bell sneezed suddenly.

He looked up strangely and looked around. In terms of his current physical fitness, although it is still not invincible, but the cold virus should not be able to help his body.

‘When was the last time I sneezed? ’

“What’s the matter, Bell?”

Hermione asked quietly.

She looked at Bell in a strange way, wondering why the other party was inexplicably unhappy since the morning.

Shouldn’t festivals be happy days? Obviously everyone is very happy. Even the professors have deliberately reduced this week’s homework.

Except Snape.

“No, it’s nothing.”

Bell, who didn’t know what was going on, threw the matter behind his head. It’s no big deal anyway.

Hearing Bell’s answer, Hermione did not delve into it. The two are now reading books and doing homework in the library, and they are not suitable for conversation.

Although because of Halloween, there are only two people in the library, Hermione and Bell. But because of this, all of Mrs. Pince’s attention was focused on the two of them. Just the two simple conversations just now made Mrs. Pince ready to move.

And Mrs. Pins, at this moment, is crazy MMP in her heart.

Today is Halloween!

She guards the library every day and keeps the precious books from the gang of Damn it kids. It’s easy for her!

Finally waited until the holiday, no little wizard would come to the library to read, she still wanted to relax.

As a result, this year I don’t know what’s going on. There are actually two unhealthy little ghosts. Where are they not good? They have to come to the library for a date! ?

Is the library a place for dating?

There is a pit in your mind! ?

The evening banquet went very smoothly. In order to make up for the regret last year, Hermione also specifically asked Bell to use the magic that she had used before to help her quickly digest the food in her stomach, and then ate it again.

This made Hermione’s roommates look at her in surprise, wondering what exactly happened to Hermione that made her so defiant? Could it be that the confession was rejected?

Reminiscent of the morning, Hermione put on makeup for an unprecedented time, and the Eight Trigrams little witches who felt they were the truth, gathered together and muttered in excitement.

After Hermione returned to the long table in Gryffindor, and just disappeared suddenly, Penello who suddenly appeared at this moment asked curiously: “Bell, what did you just do?”

Penello was very puzzled by the bewilderment that Bell put his hand on Hermione’s belly and then Hermione left happily after a while.

“It’s a little magic, it can help digestion. But if you use it regularly, it can lead to weight gain.”

Just wanting Bell to help himself digest, so that Penello could eat more delicious pumpkin pie, after hearing the second half of Bell’s sentence, he quickly got rid of the unreliable thoughts in his mind.

A girl her age is when she is most concerned about her own weight. Every increase of 100 grams will make her feel like the end of the world is coming.

“Speaking of senior sister, why did you run away suddenly? Sure enough, do you actually hate Hermione? Why?” Bell asked suspiciously.

“Who, who ran away! You just ran away! I’ve always been standing here, okay? It’s because you didn’t notice me as soon as you saw Hermione!”

The more Penello talked about it, the more it made sense, and at the end of it, he accidentally believed it.


Faced with the behavior of the senior sister, Bell was speechless.

Can you make some sense?

In fact, Penello didn’t know how he felt about Hermione.

If it is annoying, it should be annoying.

As for why… secret!

However, more should still be jealous. Envy Hermione, who came from a Muggle family, can have a fate that is completely different from her own.

At today’s dinner, Dumbledore also invited a singer to perform. The singing was really good, even Bell couldn’t help but be immersed in it, feeling relaxed all over.

Although Bell doesn’t know those people, but listening to the conversations of the other little wizards, those people seem to be very famous?

Of course, corresponding to their reputation, appearance fees also seem to be very high?

So is Dumbledore not afraid that the professors will trouble him collectively? You know, the professors at Hogwarts have not raised their salaries for many years, and the appearance fee tonight may be able to match the professors’ salary for half a year?

In short, in the atmosphere of joy and joy, this year’s Halloween banquet ended perfectly. After Dumbledore’s usual short speech, the little wizards walked out of the auditorium in groups.

Believe that they will have a good dream tonight?

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