Chapter 103

“Fina, did you help me protect Big Brother?” Shanna asked with a smile.

(Sure enough, how cute my Little Sister looks, Fina is afraid of Shanna or something, it may be an illusion of own.)

“Ooo~! Ooo~!”

Hearing Shanna’s questioning, Fina stood tall on Bell’s shoulders, her head moving up and down frantically. By the way, he patted own small chest with a small paw, and looked like “Give it to me, no problem.”

“Then why did you sleep in Big Brother’s arms just now?”

Shanna’s smile became a little gloomy.

(Sure enough, my Little Sister is so cute even when she has a little emotion, Fina is afraid of Shanna or something, it must be her own illusion, really hammered!)

Fina stopped moving as if she had been pressed the pause button. It is obviously a cat face, but it clearly shows a face with the characters “囧”. Very interesting.

Cold sweat quickly oozes from Fina’s body, and within a short time, Bell felt that the clothes on his shoulders were a little damp.

In order that Fina would not be dehydrated due to excessive sweating, Bell decided to speak out to help the poor little guy.

“Okay, Sanna. Fina is still a baby, and it is understandable that she needs a long sleep time. I’m going to keep looking for ingredients, right tonight?”

“Well, since Big Brother has said so. Big Brother, you have to be careful. I heard that some bad guys are not willing to be eaten obediently. This morning, my dad was still saying that someone was beaten by a fire dragon. It hurts.”

Shanna is a little worried that own Big Brother will get hurt. Although in her mind, own Big Brother is the most powerful person in the world, the little girl is still worried that Big Brother might get hurt.

And often the most powerful person in the story will always be defeated by a few weak people. This is really unreasonable!

“Don’t worry, Shanna, I’ll pay attention. Good night.”

“Good night.”

After finishing the video call with Shanna, Bell continued to search.

Speaking of which Bell has been searching for more than 2 hours, he feels a little sleepy. In the end, not to mention the eight-eyed giant spider, he couldn’t even find a spider silk.

Originally, Bell was very happy about being able to ‘get out of Europe’. But now he seriously doubted that he was not a fake European.

Seeing the moon above his head get higher and higher, Bell decided to search only until 12 o’clock in the morning. If he didn’t find anything by then, he would go back to get some wine and get Hagrid drunk.

He really doesn’t believe that Hagrid can’t be fooled!

Perhaps the eight-eyed giant spiders don’t want to see their poop shoveler being harmed by Bell. Not long after Bell made a decision in his heart, he found an eight-eyed giant spider lying on a tree, preparing to hunt a fawn.

Arabella is a male eight-eyed giant spider, and at the same time it is the eighth child of Aragok, the patriarch of his family. For them with eight eyes,’eight’ is a very lucky number. So it has received the attention of the entire ethnic group since childhood.

From small to large, Arabella has enjoyed the treatment second only to his own father, Aragoc, whether it is the food he eats or the nest where he lives, which allows it to grow healthily.

After decades of growth, Arabella now has grown into a giant with a height of 3 meters. Even among the thousands of spiders in the entire population, only its parents can surpass it in size.

Arabella has always been proud of her strong body and deadly venom. Therefore, although it is supported by a huge ethnic group, it does not actually need to come out to hunt prey by itself. But it still chooses to hunt by itself every time.

Arabella believes that only by eating the prey that she has caught can make herself stronger and stronger.

Now, Arabella has been waiting motionless in the tree for nearly an hour. As a good hunter, patience is a necessary quality. Only by waiting patiently, can you get the joy of harvest.

The effort paid off, and a deer appeared in Arabella’s eyes.

It can be seen that this little deer has just been born. For some reason, it has separated from its own parents.

For this kind of ignorant and ignorant little guy, Arabella is 100% sure and can easily catch the opponent.

Although the fawn does not have much meat, one can only eat half full. But the meat of the fawn is very delicious, and the melted blood is also very sweet. Arabella likes the taste very much.

Remember that it was almost half a year since the last time we caught a fawn of this size. Even now, Arabella can still remember that wonderful taste.

‘No, I can’t think about it anymore. ’

Arabella moved her own mouthparts and swallowed back the dripping saliva.

Now is not the time, the target is still a certain distance from the best hunting location.

The more you hold the winning ticket, the more you cannot relax. You must persist until the last moment to ensure that the meat in your mouth will not fly away. This is the precious experience that Arabella has summed up over the past decades.

One step, two steps… It’s fast, it’s just a little bit close.

Arabella lowered her body slightly, and her legs began to accumulate strength.

The ignorant little deer didn’t notice the approach of death at all. It also enjoys the fresh and tender grass while enjoying the beauty of the night forest.

Finally, the deer entered the best hunting range delineated by Arabella. Arabella is like a spring compressed to the extreme, drawing out a series of afterimages, rushing towards…

‘Torn apart! ’

A spell of light fell from the sky, Arabella’s head and chest were like a spring compressed to the extreme, drawing out a series of afterimages, flew in front of the deer, and the strong wind that brought it bent the grass , Blow off the branches.

I’ve never seen a deer performing’Flying Corpse’. I froze for a while and didn’t understand what happened. However, it can be seen from Arabella’s hideous corpse that this thing is not something she can afford. So there is nothing to be entangled with, so let’s slip away for respect.

Seeing the little deer screamed like Erha who had entered the house and walked away, bringing up a slip of smoke, Bell couldn’t help silently giving himself 32 likes deep in his heart.

Today he did another good deed. Speaking of which, this is the first thing he has done…I don’t know how many good things he has done. It’s really embarrassing.

After chanting “Can’t be proud and complacent” several times in his heart, Bell walked briskly to the corpse of the eight-eyed giant spider.

This is the first time Bell has seen an eight-eyed giant spider.

Honestly, it’s a bit off appetite.

If Bell had known what the eight-eyed giant spider looked like before, maybe there would not be this night tour tonight.

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