Chapter 101: I can’t live without meat!

Although the matter of the Cornwall elves was fooled by Lockhart through Hermione’s great power. But Lockhart’s reputation among the little wizards was inevitably getting worse.

After all, Lockhart really didn’t have much ink in his stomach. In class, most of the time is boasting about myself, and then the rest of the time is reading the contents of the book as written.

Most of the little wizards have begun to believe that Lockhart is just a idiot. Only a small part of the people remained, still believing that Lockhart was a hidden great wizard like it was written in the book.

And Hermione was one of the few remaining people.

In this regard, Bell is noncommittal.

Because he recently encountered a big trouble, he really didn’t care about those boring things.

The big trouble for Bell is: ‘he has no meat to eat! ’

Of course, the so-called no meat to eat does not mean that Bell really can’t eat meat.

Because before, Bell made a major decision on platform 9 and three-quarters, so that little Shanna experienced dramatic emotional changes from great joy to great compassion in a short period of time.

Little Shanna, who thinks she can’t stand the grievance, will not just do nothing after being taken home forcibly, so she simply gives up.

Although for the sake of own beautiful little skirt, little Shanna did not really burn all the beautiful clothes of own bad mother. But if you don’t add a bit of blockage to the two bad guys at home, how could the little girl’s heart be relieved.

For his own Little Sister, Bell did not know exactly what he did. But judging from the furious look of my mother’s adult in the last video, it was obvious that she was tossed by Shanna.

Therefore, Bell was hit by Chiyu.

All the delicious magical animal meat that you can often eat before has been confiscated!

In fact, Elena was unwilling to confiscate her son’s magical animal meat from the bottom of her heart.

After all, my son is so well-behaved and he never asks for anything. His only little hobby is eating good food.

Therefore, Elena actually felt very heartache, very heartache.

So why does she still do this?

It’s very simple, because she really can’t control that little girl Shanna!

Why hadn’t she noticed before that her little daughter could toss so much?

If Shanna continues to toss like this, it is estimated that Bell will not be able to go home for the holidays.

Because there is no home to give Bell back!

Elena thought about various methods and tried various methods, but none of them worked!

Can’t you really tie up your own little daughter?

Then one night, when she saw Shanna proudly report her own ‘great achievement’ to Bell, Elena realized it!

Shanna has a fatal weakness, that is her Big Brother-Bell!

Therefore, Elena had no choice but to choose this tactic.

Bell has to recite the Little Sister’s pot with tears.

So he chose to accept the punishment from his mother calmly.

But although the words are beautiful, but it has been more than a week and he has not been able to eat a delicious meat once, Bell is really itchy.

So how long will this punishment last?

Sitting in the common room in Ravenclaw, Bell stared blankly at the ceiling above his head, and gently combed Fina’s hair with his hands.

For more than half a year, Shanna’s body shape remained unchanged.

At first, Bell still felt a little worried, thinking that something was wrong with Fina’s body. However, after carefully checking with magic power, he found no problems.

At the same time, after communicating with Fina through the use of Sensational Mind, Fina herself also said that there is nothing uncomfortable about it. So Bell speculates that Bibi’s growth might be abrupt?

Regarding own speculation, Bell is not sure about it. After all, he only has a general understanding of magical animals and is not proficient.

But in any case, Fina is not like a fire dragon. In just a few months, her body size has expanded dozens of times, which is always a good thing. At least Bell does not need to worry about the placement of Fina.

You know, although keeping magical animals is a tradition in Hogwarts…

‘and many more! Hogwarts tradition! ? ’

Bell looked down at Fina, and couldn’t help but stop. A smile slowly cracked at the corner of his mouth, as if a hunter saw his prey.

Don’t get me wrong, Bell is not going to eat Fina. Fina is a gift from Little Sister Shanna, the baby is too late, how could it hurt him?

Lying in Bell’s arms, Fina, who was comfortably enjoying her master’s touch, felt her master’s hand suddenly stop, and looked up at Bell in doubt.


“Fina, we are going to have a good time.”

Bell smiled and patted Fina’s head, put it on the table, and stood up.

“Are you going back to rest, or are you going to gather some ingredients with me?”

“Ooo~ Ooo~”

Fina leaped vigorously, and after borrowing strength from Bell’s shoulder, she lay on top of Bell’s head. Obviously, Little Fina is very interested in the so-called gathering of ingredients and wants to hang out with Bell.

“Haha, you snack food, as soon as you hear something delicious, you can’t sit still.”

As a big foodie, Bell laughed at Fina unconsciously.

Bell scanned a circle of the common room, and after confirming that no one noticed him, he cast a simple expulsion spell on his body without a wand. Then, he started his second night tour after coming to Hogwarts. The destination of this night tour is the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts.

The Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts strictly prohibits little wizards from entering.

Of course, just listen to such words. In fact, there are often naughty little wizards who go to the Forbidden Forest to take risks. And without going deep into the forbidden forest, there is no danger. Otherwise, the professors would have used enchantments to block the Forbidden Forest. How can it be the same as it is now, just a few words of warning?

And the dangers in the depths of the forbidden forest are not as many as the professors said.

Most magical animals have certain thinking ability. They all know that they are actually Life under the protection of Hogwarts. If you want the good days to continue, you must not hurt the students in Hogwarts.

Therefore, creatures like horsemen and other Life in the depths of the forbidden forest, after discovering the little wizard, generally choose to expel the opponent from the forbidden forest instead of harming the opponent.

And if you are lucky enough to encounter some mild-tempered creatures, the little wizards may be able to play with each other happily for a while.

Speaking of the most dangerous magical creature in the Forbidden Forest, there is no doubt that it is the eight-eyed giant spider raised by Hagrid.

The eight-eyed giant spider has a cruel temperament and likes to eat people. So Hagrid has been able to live steadily to this day without being imprisoned in Azkaban. It really can only be said that he is a fool.

Is it really okay for Dumbledore to keep turning a blind eye like this?

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