Hundred Chi Sect is in the mountain range!

With the endless void and the half-death immortal powerhouse on the Heavenly Profound Continent, all of them hunting down the giant Spirit Eater with the chaotic Spirit Stone, the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect is in a quiet moment.

Forcibly dispersing Yu Haoran, who is greedy for the chaotic Spirit Stone, knows that it will not be in danger in a short time, so he continues to absorb and devour the milky white energy of the Thunder Punishment reward, thereby fully improving his cultivation base. And strength.

It is in this state of mindlessness that it only took less than ten minutes to successfully raise the cultivation base to the limit of Valkyrie perfect realm.

With the ability to absorb and devour the eighth God Punishment’s coming of chaos, and the power of the rules of destruction transformed by chaos, the rule of life and death mystery, which is about to be promoted to the rule, has given him the Paragon Realm that directly impacts the existence of supreme.

However, the breakthrough experience of Valkyrie, Emperor Wu, Martial Venerable, and Martial Saint realm gave him a deep understanding of how important the limit accumulation before realm breakthrough was.

Therefore, after forcibly suppressing the urge to break through the Paragon Realm world, Yu Haoran began to use the milky white energy swallowed to impact the fleshhy body grade of the Paragon Realm world.

Ten minutes later, the fleshhy body bottleneck raised to Peak’s limit realm showed a slight loosening trend.

Without the slightest hesitation, take out a drop of Wan Yao Ling Milk extorted from the ancient Monster Race, and then cooperate with the milk white energy of the Thunder Punishment reward to launch an impact on the Fleshy Body-grade Paragon Realm.


20% minutes later, as Yu Haoran within the body sounded a dull, thunderous sound, a powerful momentum emerged from him immediately enough to crack the void barrier.

Sun Yuan does n’t want to be a ghost

However, the moment when the powerful momentum emerged, it was quickly collected by Yu Haoran.

In addition to the blood-empty beasts and the others who kept in their respective positions, consciously aware of his realm breakthrough momentum, he continued to hide in the mountain range three ten thousand meters of the Lord of the Buddha and the Paragon Grade 9 Peak in the endless void. Powerhouse did not find any abnormalities.

Endlessly Ghost Sun Shumo Moon Moon Ball

Fleshy body broke through Paragon Realm smoothly, and after upgrading to Paragon Grade 1 Early-Stage, Yu Haoran conveniently used the milk white energy absorbed and swallowed, all used to enhance the divine force in Dantian.

In less than ten minutes, the dantian divine force successfully broke through the bottleneck of the realm with the double cooperation of milk white energy and Wan Yao Ling milk, and successfully advanced to the Paragon Realm world.

Like the realm breakthrough of fleshhy body grade, the powerful momentum formed by the divine force breakthrough has not yet emerged, and was forcibly suppressed and retracted by Yu Haoran.

Except for being familiar with his Tower Spirit and vaguely knowing that his divine force was promoted to the Paragon Realm world, the Blood Void Beast and Lu Yuan and the others in the mountain range were unaware.

After the realm of the Divine Force is promoted to Paragon Grade 1 Early-Stage, the milky white energy of the Thunder Punishment rewards is absorbed and devoured, all used to upgrade the Soul Power grade, and it only takes less than ten minutes to go smoothly Promoted to Paragon Realm Realm.

After Soul Power’s realm was promoted to Paragon Grade 1 Early-Stage, Yu Haoran devoted half of his energy to continue to absorb and devour milk white energy, which was used to balance the realm of fleshhy body grade, divide force and Soul Power.

The other half of the energy is to use the destiny stone tablet to remember the huge information of inheritance, and the inheritance memory of the ancient twelve ancestors, which is used to impact the cultivation base of the Paragon Realm.

The breakthrough of the Paragon Realm requires both the power of the rules and the promotion of the mystery and the rich experience to expand the insights of the horizon.

Fortunately, the memory inheritance of the Destiny stone tablet, the inheritance memory of the ancient twelve ancestors, and the rich and colorful experiences of the past century make Yu Haoran’s experience not to be lost in those powerhouses that rob the Immortal Divinity Realm.

Therefore, when the realm of the fleshhy body grade, divide force, and Soul Power were promoted to Paragon Grade 2 Peak, the most difficult breakthrough mentality cultivation base also successfully broke through the Paragon Realm world.

By this time, nearly two hours had passed since the time of receiving Thunder Punishment.

The thunder pool, which was enough to cover the entire mountain range, was reduced by 30%, leaving only the size of the original forest.

Based on the size of the remaining Thunder pool, combined with the speed at which it absorbs and swallows white milk energy, Yu Haoran knows that it will take up to twenty minutes for the reward of God ’s Thunder Tribulation to disappear completely. It was safe and easy to spend.

However, when I was thinking about the strength of the space at the shore of Qinghu in the mountain range of Qinghu, I felt a strange feeling suddenly appeared in my heart.

If you go back to your own Hundred Chi Sect of Martial Dao *, you will have an unexpected harvest. While Yu Haoran continues to absorb and swallow the energy of milk white, he recalls the entire process of Valkyrie realm breakthrough, not at all that strange feeling appears. The gains made him feel a little disappointed inside.

However, after thinking about the nine Thunder Tribulations that come from Thunder Punishment and the endless rewards of Thunder Punishment, the disappointment is fleeting.

As Yu Haoran reabsorbed and devoured milk white energy again, as the area of ​​the thunder pool in the void above the mountain range continued to shrink, the Tower Spirit and the Blood Void Beast and the others were always vigilant, and the vigilant attention gradually relaxed. Down, the scope of the control of divine cloth also continued to shrink.

Therefore, no one has noticed that the clouds and fog in the empty space above the mountain range are gradually getting wet, and no water mist has emerged from the numerous jungles and mountain ranges in the southern region.

Of course, nothing is absolute!

The Lord of the Buddhism, hidden in the void about three ten thousand meters away from the mountain range, has already discovered the slight changes in the entire southern region in advance.

Originally, with the retreat of the Paragon Grade 9 Peak and the semi-immortal powerhouse in the endless void, and the horror powerhouse of Heavenly Profound Continent, the Lord of the Taoism who only had Paragon Grade 3 Peak in the cultivation base has lost Yu Haoran and killed him. Son of Luck, Destiny Stone Tablet and Suppressing Sea Divine Bead.

The reason why he did not leave immediately was because the Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong seemed unintentional, but in good faith reminded Yu Haoran of the warning that the calamity was not at all.

For the Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong, the Lord of Buddhism knows him far more than the average person.

Because in the ancient times, Sun Wukong faced the confusion of the Paragon Realm world that he could not break through for a long time. He had been rehabilitated for a long time and he had been conferred as a Battle Saint Buddha by Buddhism. He knew that he was a Buddhist People who do not lie.

Now that he said that the disaster of Yu Haoran was not over, there must be another disaster before the reward of God Punishment for Thunder Punishment ends.

With the Great Sage Equal of Heaven, the cultivation base of the immortal Peak Realm, the calamity that can be valued by him, I am afraid that the degree of danger is not inferior to the powerhouse of the Immortal Divinity Realm.

Therefore, the Lord of Buddhism who has been paying attention to the changes around him can discover the small changes in the entire southern region in advance.

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