Hundred Chi Sect’s mountain range!

“It turned out to be the three extinct spirits that carry the continuous destroying power of the ancient, ancient and modern times!”

After Shao Ri gave the identity of the pure world king Mu Baiying, after glanced at the sneer, silver moon and stars of the silver chessboard, a sneer sneered in his eyes, the expression also pointed out their true identity and origin.

“What a disrespect! Disrespect!”

Whether it’s the endless chessboard with destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth formidable power, or the knowledge of the Will of Heavens who can supervise all living things, the three destroyers have the strength and confidence to be proud of their heroes.

Sun far away from Sun Qiu Lonely ship I

Sun Yuandi is the only Sun ball by Lonely Ship. Whether he is the four guardian families inheriting from ancient times, or the five hermit inheritance families that are inextricably linked to ancient powerhouses, and the restricted areas and places in different periods, he basically The extent to which it can be done.

The half-dead immortal powerhouses who are regarded as endless voids should pay respect to them respectfully, and be polite when speaking.

And Mu Baiying’s contempt, his contempt for tone, let the burning sun, Yinyue, and the stars rise angrily, while a sharp murderous aura emerged.

In this regard, Mu Baiying laughed without paying any attention, and then cast his eyes on Tower Spirit, which expressed doubtful expression, expressing solemnly paid respect.

“The King of the Pure World Mu Baiying, I have seen the Purple Senior Senior!”

Enemy is far behind and hate you

“King of the world, have you and I ever met?”

Enemy is far behind and hate Yuao Kuo “ao …!”

The white robed old man called the King of the Pure World by the three destroyers in front of him, although the appearance and breath are very strange, Tower Spirit has a vague sense of familiarity, always feeling that he should have seen this person a long time ago, but no matter No memories of how a little bit.

And Mu Baiying’s solemn respect just now exacerbated this feeling in his heart, which made Tower Spirit unable to resist interrogation.

“Disappear without a trace, come and go like the wind! Nether shadow haunts, Paragon falls!”

In the face of Tower Spirit’s questioning, Mu Baiying said to himself that after a period of time that began to spread, the white robe gradually turned into a black robe.

“It turns out that you are the king of the nether shadow who sees the head of the divine dragon but not its tail!” Shouted suddenly after hearing a paragraph from Mu Baiying.

Carrying the scorching sun born of the ancient continuous destructive power, from the beginning, it possessed the ability to control the Will of Heavens, the consciousness that supervises all living beings.

Whether it is the four guardian families of inheritance since ancient times, or the five hidden inheritance families that are inextricably linked to the ancient residual powerhouse, and the restricted areas and restricted areas of different periods, he can basically achieve a level of knowledge.

Only for a force that emerged out of thin air in ancient times, he could neither locate it accurately nor really understand the specific situation of this force.

This organization is fully inherited from ancient and modern times, and was named the first shadow under the heavens Killer Organization.

“It turned out to be you!”

With the replacement of the white robe by the black robe, the appearance and breath of Mu Baiying have changed a lot.

This change in appearance and breath coincides perfectly with a person who is impressed by Tower Spirit.

And this man is one of the few friends of Tongtian Paragon, and he entrusted him to the King of Nether Shadow, who has refined many times the Magical Artifact, Mu Muying.

Lonely Nono


After seeing Tower Spirit already remembering who he was, Mu Baiying confirmed that nodded, and expression solemnly repaid respectfully.

“Junior has no shadow, I’ve seen the Purple Senior!”

Immediately afterwards, Mu Wuying’s face continued with a expression of gratitude.

“Purple Senior, not only are you a good friend of Brother Heavenly Dao, but you have also helped me and the nether shadow organization many times.”

“So, in your face, since the battle for the Hidden Dragon List in the Southern Region started, my nether shadow organization and Jingshi organization have never had trouble with Yu Haoran.”

At this point, the expression of gratitude was quickly replaced by the seriousness, and the black robe was replaced by the white robe at the same time.

“Now, regardless of Yu Haoran Child of Destiny’s identity, or his speed of extraordinary growth, there are deadly hidden dangers for the Nether Shadow Organization and the Pure World Organization.”

“So Mu hopes that Senior will be able to see Brother Heavenly Dao’s face, and don’t continue to interfere with Yu Haoran’s affairs.”

“Wuying, can you say this is possible!” Faced with Mu Baiying’s reminder or warning, Tower Spirit expression asked indifferently.

“That being the case, don’t blame Junior for shirking Junior for nothing!”

Tower Spirit’s rejection was not beyond the expectation of Mu Baiying. He justly declared that he was helpless and immediately offered his scepter.

“King of Nether Shadow, your opponent is us!” Mu Baiying was ready to fire against Tower Spirit and Yu Haoran.

“Scorching Sun Senior, please stop!” When the Three Extinction Spirits fully stimulated the formidable power of the World Extinction Board in preparation for the Dragon Scepter driven by Mu Baiying, the King of the Pure World, the consciousness returned to Yu Haoran of the body in a timely manner and stopped loudly.

Yu Haoran’s loud stop didn’t just stop the San Mi Ling from stimulating the move of the annihilation chessboard, but also Mu Baiying put down the raised scepter.

“Son of destiny, what’s wrong?” Although he stopped inspiring the move to destroy the chessboard, his hands never left the burning sun of the chessboard, his eyes asked with doubt.

“Scorching Sun Senior, you and the other two Senior opponents are not the King of the Pure World, but the terrible powerhouse.”

Reaching for a finger to enter the fifth horror powerhouse in the Southern Territory, Yu Haoran briefly explained, and then turned his eyes to the shadow of Mu Bai, which also showed doubtful expression.

“At the same time, Junior has already arranged an opponent for the leader of the Pure World Organization.”

“who is it?”

“Where is the powerhouse?”


Sun Fen Qiu’s Fang Shushu was blocked by Naofan

Hearing that Yu Haoran has arranged to deal with the King of the Pure World’s opponents, Tower Spirit and Shao-Ri, and Mu Baiying himself are questioning at the same time.

“The King of the Pure World, the opponent that the Prince Consort arranged for you, is a Senior who has the grace of cultivation, the protection of grace, and the grace of teaching.” Without paying attention to the Tower Spirit and the burning sun, Yu Haoran looked up. Seeing Mu Baiying’s reply.

Senior who can have the grace of nurturing, guarding, and teaching at the same time, seems to have only helped him create the Pure World Organization, and avoid the hidden Dragon Qi luck that was ruined in ancient and modern times.

“Senior, come on!”

Along with Yu Haoran’s violent drinking, a purple Divine Dragon with a body length of tens of ten thousand meters rushed out of his space of knowledge.

Hateful Cold Techniques

“Ao …!”

Immediately after, the purple Divine Dragon roar towards the sky rushed to the Mu Fengying standing on the edge of the mountain range.

When seeing the purple Divine Dragon, which was hidden by Dragon Qi, Mu Fengying’s face turned abrupt, and he couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

However, when he saw that the cultivation base shown by the purple Divine Dragon was only Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak, he quickly stiffened his body while flashing a sneer of disdain.

“Feng Ying, why have you betrayed me?” A giant dragon-eye like a mountain stared at Mu Fengying, Qian Qian Qi asked, who could hardly suppress his inner anger.


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