Hundred Chi Sect’s mountain range!

“What the hell is this all about?”

Seeing Yu Haoran unfathomable mystery’s sudden Self-destruction fleshy body and Divine Soul, not at all endless void powerhouses that were disturbed by any interference, his expression was bewildered. !

Secret of the vengeful ghost ghost kicked by the secret

After all, through three days and nights of uninterrupted fighting, not only did Yu Haoran’s fight with self-mirror fail, but his strength also improved by advanced by leaps and bounds.

The original Valkyrie Grade 6 cultivation base only has the strength of Paragon Grade 3 Early-Stage.

Today, it is still the cultivation base of Valkyrie Grade 6 but has the strength of Paragon Grade 3 Peak Realm.

Therefore, in this case, he has no reason or motivation to seek his own way.

However, when they saw the self-image of the same Self-destruction fleshy body, and Yu Haoran’s love, relatives and friends did not show any flustered expression, they immediately guessed that Yu Haoran should not be a self-destructed self-destruction fleshy. Body and Divine Soul, he must have the means to resurrect.

And the fact is as the endless void powerhouse guessed!

At the moment of self-destruction fleshy body self-mirror, at the position of Yu Haoran Self-destruction fleshy body and Divine Soul, a green seed exuding vigorous vitality quickly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the green seeds began to germinate and grow quickly.

Jie Yuan is not in love with the enemy

At the same time, the self-mirror Self-destruction fleshy body’s position also appears with an identical seed, and at the same time, the shell breaks and sprouts and grows.

“Desperate squirrels, help me!” Seeing the speed of self-mirror rebirth, Yu Haoran, who has grown into a small sapling, was instructed against the slain squirrels that have integrated into Life Essence.

“Fusion of life!”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s orders, the ready-to-kill spirit rat was ready to extract the destiny power of the destiny stone tablet, and then forcibly integrated into the growing young sapling.

The original identifiable growth rate of the fleshhy body, after incorporating the power of the rules of destiny, grew and grew quickly like a rocket, and stretched out four branches in advance before self-mirror.

“Brother Hao, help me!”

Although the speed of rebirth has been far faster than self-mirror with the help of the rogue rat, Yu Haoran decided to continue to use the yin and yang life and death environment to continue to improve the speed of his rebirth in order to finally break the self-mirror.

“Yin-Yang Life and Death Mirror, Life and Death will never be separated!”

Hou Yuan Ke Fang Ship Shuo Nao Yuanyuan

After hearing Yu Haoran’s order, the first Avatar neither left the space-time tower immediately nor took out the Yin-Yang Life and Death Mirror, but opened his right eye slowly.

Immediately after, Right Silver immediately sprayed a milky white energy exuding a strong and vigorous vitality, and directly penetrated the space barriers of the space-time tower, then quickly integrated into the growing tree.

A Study of the Enemy’s Hate and Mo Nao

All the energies focused on the rebirth of Yu Haoran. Although they did not find any abnormalities, as the Space Spirit Space Tower’s Artifact Spirit, Tower Spirit found that the first Avatar was not right at first.

First of all, the first Avatar who is proficient in Pill Dao does not have the cultivation base and strength to directly penetrate the space barriers of the tower in space-time.

Sun Qiu Qiu Qiu Gui hates and causes trouble

Secondly, the Yin-Yang Life and Death Mirror refined under special circumstances, up to the Peak limit of Innate Spirit Treasure, also does not have the ability to directly penetrate the space barriers of time and space.

Finally, the quantity and quality of Life Essence integrated into the tree are far beyond the life Essence that Yu Haoran can fully excite the Yin-Yang Life and Death Mirror.

However, Yu Haoran is at the critical juncture of the Life and Death crisis, and Tower Spirit, who is skeptical, has no energy to track down the cause of suspicion for the time being.

With the full help of the murderous spirit rat and the first Avatar, Yu Haoran completed the process of rebirth in a blink of an eye.

The process of self-mirror rebirth is only halfway through.

“Pick the stars!”

Without the slightest hesitation, the Trapping Immortal Sword quickly appeared in my hand, directly cast the Sword Art of the destiny stone tablet to memorize the inheritance, and then chopped the four branches just stretched out to the self-mirror.

When Sword Art condenses the meniscus sword energy and successfully cuts off the two branches of the self-mirror, the instant moving Space Law martial skill allows Yu Haoran to appear in front of the tree at the same time.

Quickly lift the seal of the finger seal, and then throw Du Fengyuan’s projection directly onto the tree.

Immediately afterwards, the Space Law martial skill, which moved instantly, allowed him to quickly return to his original position while directly detonating the projection maintained at Paragon Grade 7 Peak.


With the explosion sound enough to make the entire Heavenly Profound Continent feel a violent shock, Du Fengyuan’s projection directly condenses the self-mirror to regenerate the big tree, which has exploded into countless powders and dust.

Although Du Fengyuan’s projection successfully destroyed the self-mirror, Yu Haoran did not relax to take out Yuan Tu Divine Sword at any time, ready to attack the self-mirror that can be reborn in any case.

Fortunately, with the black black clouds in the mountain range, the black clouds in the mountain range started to twitch again, and the golden lightning of the clouds re-boiled, Yu Haoran finally sighed in relief.

Because this represents that the last Thunder Tribulation of Thunder Punishment has been safely passed, and then it is time to enjoy the fruits of victory.


Seeing that Yu Haoran even survived the self-mirror of nine deaths and still alive, and thought of the fierce means he had just dealt with.

The endless void of Paragon and the semi-immortal powerhouses, while feeling a chill, immediately used their powerful strength to assist the project that had been condensed beforehand to rush to Heavenly Profound Continent.

At the same time, the shock waves of the destroyed forces forced thousands of Valkyrie, powerhouses in the Paragon and Paragon Realm realms, and rushed to the mountain range where Hao was.

“Blood Deficiency Senior, Gibbon Senior, Senior Brother Lu, sister, ready to start!”

After seeing the endless void of at least one hundred Paragon and the powerhouse in the semi-robber Immortal Divinity Realm world, they are speeding up to Heavenly Profound Continent.

When he saw at least one thousand Valkyrie, half-powered Paragon and Paragon Realm in the mountain range around the mountain range, and accelerated to rush to his mountain range, Yu Haoran quickly used the mind to notify the bloody beast hidden in the mountain range and the others Let them use pre-prepared means to defend against strong enemies.

And he himself sits in the void with his knees bent, and waits for the reward from the thief Thunder Punishment.


Without any obstacles, the powerhouse in the world of more than a thousand Valkyrie, semi-robber Paragon and Paragon Realm rushed to the edge of the mountain range.

But as their murderous-looking plan to rush into the mountain range and prepare to slay Yu Haoran waiting for God Punishment’s reward, the entire mountain range suddenly burst into a thick white mist.

“Everyone be careful, these white mists have the effect of limiting the mind.”

With the eyes completely out of action, rush into the numerous powerhouses in the mountain range, and use instinct to view them with instinct.

However, when it was later discovered that the divine mind could not leave the space of understanding the sea, a powerhouse with a cultivation base reaching Paragon Grade 3 Peak immediately reminded loudly.


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