Hundred Chi Sect’s mountain range!

“Pick the stars!”

In the face of Yu Haoran, who was the first to attack, the ninth god robbed Thunder Punishment’s self-mirror, and an identical Trapping Immortal Sword appeared instantly.

Immediately afterwards, he also performed Sword Art, a destiny stone tablet memory inheritance.


As the two identical meniscus sword energy fiercely collided together, the void of the entire mountain range immediately sounded a deafening roar.

Along with the deafening soft sound, the self-mirror shows the meniscus sword energy condensed by Sword Art, which not only directly crushes the colliding meniscus sword energy, but also continues to cut to Yu Haoran.


Immediately mobilizing all his strengths, and cooperating with the Trapping Immortal Sword of his hand, he quickly cut out a sharp sword energy, and after directly smashing the chopped meniscus sword energy, Yu Haoran’s complexion instantly coagulated.

The same strength, the same Sword Art martial skill, and the same Trapping Immortal Sword, self-mirroring Sword Art’s formidable power, he used Sword Art’s formidable power to be at least 30% stronger.

This shows that the other party’s use of his own power and his understanding of martial skills far exceed himself.

No wonder Tower Spirit said that he couldn’t deal with the self-mirror at all. The means that the other party had was so powerful and terrifying.

However, through the tentative confrontation just now, he also vaguely found a weakness in self-mirror.

As for the weakness that was just discovered is right or wrong, further verification is needed.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran quickly put away his Trapping Immortal Sword, and then directly inspired the transformation of the ancestral witch.

“Boxing the world!”

When the Yu Haoran incarnation million metres of the Giant and performed the ancestor witch inheritance’s boxing skills, the self-mirror quickly turned into a far ancient ancestor witch up to millions of meters, and performed the exact same ancestor witch inheritance’s boxing skills.


As the two giant mountains fiercely collided, Yu Haoran’s mountains condensed with fists were instantly crushed by the mountains condensed by each other. At the same time, under the influence of the rebound of power, the huge body went back three steps without control.

Although the second tentative attack was also at an absolute disadvantage, Yu Haoran not only did not have the slightest panic, but his eyes gradually began to glow.

Quickly disperse the transformation of the ancestral witch, and take out an imperial realm top grade sword weapon from the storage ring, and then cast Sword Art taught by 诛 天 魔尊.

The enemy is not far behind



At the same time, the self-mirror of Zuzu’s transformation was also quickly ended, a sword of the same level appeared in his hand, and the exact same Sword Art was immediately cast.


Soul Art is a Sword Art specifically targeting Divine Soul. Yu Haoran, who is at an absolute disadvantage, was eventually damaged by Divine Soul, which caused him to spit a mouthful of blood.


When I saw Yu Haoran’s self-mirror Sword Art, he vomited blood after hurting Divine Soul. Whether it was the powerhouse hidden in the void around the mountain range, or the endless void Paragon and the semi-immortal powerhouse, his face immediately showed a pleasant expression. .

After all, since the beginning of Thunder Punishment, Yu Haoran has easily passed through the thunderstorm, the golden armor Thor, which represents punishment, and the four Divine Beasts that can transform chaos. His amazing innate talent and potential, and accumulation beyond his limits.

This is also why the endless void Paragon and the semi-immortal powerhouse gathered the project in advance, because they believe that Yu Haoran can finally overcome the thunder Thunder Punishment easily.

However, while everyone at the scene was pleasantly surprised, their expressions were puzzled.

Yu Haoran, who vomited blood because of Divine Soul’s injury, not only showed no trace of panic, but a happy smile on his face.

After quickly serving the medicine pill used to treat Divine Soul, Yu Haoran directly put away the sword of the imperial top grade, and then cast the breeze of cultivation during the Martial Apprentice realm, quickly approaching the self-mirror beyond 1000 meters.

And the self-mirror of the top grade sword weapon that also disperses the emperor realm, also exerts the martial skill of the pace of clear wind, and quickly welcomes Yu Haoran.

The breeze step, the low-level ordinary martial skill of the yellow grade, can only increase the speed by two to three times at most, usually only ordinary children of the small family, or Loose Cultivator without any foundation.

Therefore, the self-mirror’s use of his own power and understanding of martial skills are far beyond Yu Haoran. Subject to the restrictions of the light wind step, his speed is not much faster than Yu Haoran.

“Bang! Bang! Bang …!”

After the two sides formally confronted each other, Yu Haoran neither took out the Magical Artifact’s inheritance Sword Art nor inspired the strength of the ancestral witch’s fleety body to perform the inheritance boxing method, but simply relying on the Valkyrie Grade 6’s fleety body, the simplest Basic Fist Technique, Basic Palm, Basic Leg, Basic Fingering, etc.

The emphasis on his own foundation in previous and present life not only allows him to thoroughly grasp the essence of basic martial skills, but also the use of basic martial skills has reached the level of thought to the point of perfection.

Therefore, fierce fighting with each other, Yu Haoran completely changed the situation that has always been at a disadvantage, evenly fighting with each other, and sometimes even being able to attack the opponent’s key.

However, if you only use the basic martial skills to confront the enemy, you cannot completely defeat and kill the self-image mirror.

Therefore, Yu Haoran began to gradually improve the level of martial skill after he was thoroughly familiar with and understood the style and means of self-mirror through the engagement of basic martial skill.

Of course, the premise of upgrading the martial skill level is that he must master the essence of each martial skill, and ensure that the opponent who mirrors himself is not at a disadvantage.

Past and present experience, far from ancient ancestor witch and destiny stone tablet memory inheritance, allowing Yu Haoran to master martial skills of tens of thousands of different grades. If all of the martial skill essence is displayed and mastered, I am afraid that it will end in ten or eight years. This battle.

In desperation, Yu Haoran, while fighting with self-mirror, improved his understanding of martial skills, while transferring all the martial skills and secret techniques he mastered to Tower Spirit and Erdao Avatar, let them know Responsible for challenging the proper martial skills for yourself.

After analysis and discussion by Tower Spirit and Avatar, and then combining his own characteristics, he finally selected three boxing techniques, three palms, three fingerings, three Sword Art, and five secret techniques to improve his strength.

Even though the number of martial skills selected by Tower Spirit and the 20th percentile is not large, it has taken Yu Haoran three days and three nights to thoroughly master the essence of these martial skills.

That is to say, the last Thunder Tribulation of Thunder Punishment lasted for three days and three nights, which also completely created a record of Transcending Tribulation of the former and the last.

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