Hundred Chi Sect’s mountain range!

Looking up at the black black clouds that started to stir up again, and the dazzling thunderbolt that re-boiled, Yu Haoran took a deep breath and swallowed the medicine pill that was prepared to consolidate the realm breakthrough.

Because according to the normal Transcending Tribulation experience, the last two formidable powers, the strongest gods, are Thunder Punishment. Whether it is the time of condensation or the time of final advent, the interval between each other will be longer and longer.

Therefore, while using Divine Pill to consolidate the realm after breakthrough and adapt to the surge of power after promotion, he waited quietly for the eighth God Punishment to come.

But beyond Yu Haoran and everyone else’s surprise, this time waited a bit longer.

After waiting for nearly twenty minutes, the black black clouds in the mountain range are completely calm.


At the moment when the black black cloud just calmed down, between Heaven and Earth suddenly sounded a deafening sound of pure loneliness, which also caused Yu Haoran and the eyes of everyone around to show a hint of doubtful expression.

Because in accordance with the normal Transcending Tribulation process, the form of each God Punishment Thunder Punishment is completely different.

It is the first, 2nd and third golden thunderbolt that Thunder Punishment just dropped, and the width and length are completely different.

Therefore, after experiencing the Golden Divine Dragon condensed by Thunder Punishment, the remaining eighth and ninth Thunder Tribulation should not continue to appear as the Thunder Punishment of Divine Dragon.

Sun Didi Yuan Ghost Ship Learning Mo Jiao My Love Technique

However, when the black black cloud rushed out of a Divine Dragon with a body length of more than ten thousand meters, and full of azure rays of light, the expression of confusion on the eyes of the crowd disappeared, and the expression of unanticipated expression appeared on the face.

Looking forward to the next eighth God Punishment, they can show the picture they suspect.

Of course, not everyone is expecting expressions.

For example, in the depths of the endless void, a huge planet full of vitality, and an azure Divine Dragon with a body length of millions of metres.

Such as the endless void, a huge planet full of deadly baleful qi, a white tiger with a body height exceeding millions of metres.

For example, in the depths of the endless void, a huge planet with red flames, and a handsome Vermilion Bird with a height of millions of meters.

For example, in the depths of the endless void, a huge planet wrapped by a thick Black and Yellow Qi body, and a 狰狞 Black Tortoise with a length of millions of meters.

At the same time, there is Yu Haoran floating in the mountain range in the Transcending Tribulation, and his face shows a non-dignified expression.

Sun Didi, the ghost of the Sun

The azure Divine Dragon flying fast from the black black cloud not only did not launch a violent attack on Yu Haoran, but turned around and flew to the eastern edge of the mountain range.


When the azure Divine Dragon just reached the eastern edge of the mountain range, a black tiger howling sounded immediately from the black clouds.

With the sound of a tiger howling through the sky, a white tiger with a height of ten ten thousand meters rushed out from the black cloud, and then turned back to the western edge of the mountain range.


When the white tiger had just reached the western edge of the mountain range, a crisp, screaming sound was heard from the black cloud.

Accompanying the light and crisp cries, a Vermilion Bird Divine Bird with a body height of more than ten thousand meters, and burning with a majestic flame, flew out of the black black cloud, and then turned to the south edge of the mountain range position.


The result of the long-awaited enemy investigation by the cold science department

Also when the Vermilion Bird Divine Bird just reached the southern edge of the mountain range, the black black cloud horse sounded a deep roar.

With a deep roar sound, a giant Black Tortoise with a length of more than ten thousand meters, slowly crawling out from the black clouds, and then turned around to climb to the northern edge of the mountain range.

Looking at the four Divine Beasts whose strength reaches Paragon Grade 3 Peak, occupying the four positions of mountain range East, West, South, North, respectively, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, trying to remove the endless pressure from the heart. There was a hint of ridicule in the endless void.

“Azure Dragon Paragon, White Tiger Paragon, Vermilion Bird Paragon, Paragon Black Tortoise. When you saw the eighth God Punishment facing this Prince Consort, they actually condensed the form of your body. Do n’t know why you think?”

After the enemy hated the ball, the ball was alone

“Our impression is very simple. That is, you Yu Haoran died in the eighth lane of Thunder Punishment.” The fiery White Tiger Paragon immediately couldn’t stand Yu Haoran’s ridiculous return.

In response, Yu Haoran’s eyes flickered with shame.

“White Tiger Paragon, because these four animals without any self-consciousness want to destroy me Yu Haoran, simply daydreaming!”

Although the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise occupying the four directions of the mountain range are condensed from the Thunder Tribulation, but in terms of shape and appearance, or breath and momentum, they are completely replicas of them.

Yu Haoran’s insult to the four-headed Divine Beast’s words is a shame to their four and a half-death immortal powerhouse Chiguo.

“Yu Haoran, you are courting death!”

Therefore, the irritable White Tiger Paragon sulked and immediately began to condense to the Project of Heavenly Profound Continent.

“Second Brother, calm down, all resentment will be said to God Puddle after Thunder Punishment is over!”

But when the White Tiger Paragon mobilized the power of the rule to condense the projection body, the Azure Dragon Paragon, which also suppressed the anger, was also low-instructed.

“Hu …!”

After taking nine deep breaths one after another, after finally suppressing the intense killing intent that was constantly tumbling inside, the White Tiger Paragon dissipated the rule power just mobilized, and then quietly waited for the end of Thunder Punishment.

Of course, the thing he was most looking forward to at the moment was that Yu Haoran was able to die in the eighth path, Thunder Punishment.

Seeing that White Tiger Paragon did not enter his temporary trap in the end, Yu Haoran flashed a disappointed expression and focused on the four-headed Divine Beast, occupying the four directions of the mountain range.





After the four heads of Divine Beast occupied the four directions of the mountain range in the southeast and northwest, respectively, they still did not launch any attacks on Yu Haoran, but after roar towards the sky at the same time, the body gradually merged into the mountain range void.

Then, from the place where the four Divine Beasts merged into the void, a gray gas like Chaos Spiritual Qi began to emerge.

“This, this, this is the chaos of the geo-fire feng shui!” After seeing the gray gas rising from the four sides of the mountain range, the Tower Spirit in the sea space was known, his eyes shouting with incredible discomfort.

“Tower Spirit, what is chaos?” Yu Haoran asked, frowning slightly, after hearing Tower Spirit’s shouting cry.

“Yu Haoran, the origin of chaos breeds all beings, and the chaotic Spiritual Qi breaks down the innate Spiritual Qi and the acquired Spiritual Qi, which is also called the world’s spiritual energy.”

After a long distance, Sun Qiu took a cold look at the main cool

Forcing Tower Spirit, who was shocked, was still there, and the expression of shock expression remained.

“The chaos energy is the basic energy that can create Five Elements.”

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