Destined Martial God

Chapter 2005: Five Rats

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Outside Xianyang City!


No matter how reluctant Shen Jie's heart is, and no matter how much he wants to slaughter Hao Ran at this time, the reality of man under the eaves makes him finally nodded helplessly, and according to the rules of heaven and martial arts Make an oath.

After receiving the storage ring containing the divine veins, divine medicine, defensive magic weapon and spiritual milk, the protoss strongman Yu Haoran turned and left Xianyang City.

However, he did not return to Zongmen immediately, but instead used the martial arts technique of instantaneous movement of space to blink in front of the cave where the ethereal rat had hidden.

Perhaps because of a completely different experience from the previous life, or because of the resurgence of the Aura of the Celestial Continent, the speed of the empty spirit rat's realm promotion is far faster than that of the previous life.

At the same time, far faster than the top demon-like speed of practice, and surrounded by the help of Ziling Supreme and a group of friends and relatives, Yu Haoran could use less and less places for him.

Therefore, since Yu Haoran ended the adventure in Zhenyuan's cemetery, the ethereal rat with strong self-esteem, carrying the associated elixir to death and soul, returned to the cave where he was nurtured for repair.

Yu Haoran, who could understand the idea of ​​the ethereal rat, eventually respected his choice and let him return to the Dongfu where he met and met again alone.

However, with the perfect fusion of Zhou Tianxing and Sun Moon Star Formation, Yu Haoran's first thought when he was able to transform the heaven and earth aura and the power of the stars into a higher-quality innate aura was to turn the ethereal rat Re-enter the Luma Mansion.

Because congenital aura has unimaginable benefits for the spirit beasts bred by heaven and earth, both in the speed of level and strength improvement, and in the transformation of physique and blood.

Shennian directly locked the coordinates of Dongfu space, and the law of instantaneous movement allowed him to enter the Dongfu quickly.

"This, this, this is the innate spirit beast born from the origin of blood, an ethereal rat that can control the power of time rules!" After seeing the white mouse climbing on the skeleton in the center of Dongfu Valley, he stood at Hauran's **** beast on his shoulder shouted incredulously.

"Blood Deficiency Beast, are you sure?" After hearing the cry of Blood Deficiency Beast, Yu Haoran also questioned incredibly.

"of course!"

When he nodded quickly to confirm, the Blood Demon Beast looked dignified and explained.

"Before the world opened, there was a drop of chaotic spirit blood in the chaos. It was called the origin of blood, and it was also the foundation on which all living beings could nurture."

"After the heaven and earth first opened, five spirit rats were bred by Chaos Spirit Blood. They are the murderous spirit rats that can use the power of the rule of fate, the annihilated spirit rats that can use the power of the rule of destruction, and the predictive spirit that can use the power of the trapped fruit rule. Rat, me who can use the power of space rules, and ethereal mouse who can use the power of time rules. "

"Among them, the ethereal rat has the strongest strength and potential, followed by the murderous rat, followed by the foreknowledge rat, and finally me and the extinct rat."

"Xuexu Beast, my relationship with the Nether Spirit Rat is extraordinary. It can be said that he is a brother of life and death. Why have I never seen him use the power related to the rules of time?"

Although the explanation of Xuexu Beast is very reasonable, and the tone of the explanation is very certain, Yu Haoran still has some doubts and puzzles.

"Yu Haoran, the Blood Deficiency Rat is right!"

It was that Hao Ran's voice of questioning the blood-empty beast had just fallen, opened his eyes, and the ethereal rat slowly got up to confirm it.

Later, he opened his tiny claws, seemingly slow as a walk, but in a moment came to Yu Haoran.

The power of the space law that is about to be promoted to the mystery allows Yu Haoran's induction of space energy to not be lost to the blood-empty beast.

The speed and means of the ethereal mouse appearing in front of him momentarily, it seemed to use the power of the rules of space, but it had nothing to do with space.

"Xiao Kong, why have I never seen you use it and never heard you take the initiative to use the power of the rules of time after reunion of past life and this life?"

The Null Rat's own personal confirmation and the means just shown made Yu Haoran believe that while the other party could use the power of time rules, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

Because this represents whether the ethereal rat has always treated him sincerely, and whether it is worthy to resist the rules of heaven and the heavenly consciousness for him at all costs in the future.

"Yu Haoran, since your cultivation is about to break through the realm of martial arts, you must know the relationship between the power of rules, the mystery of rules, and the power of rules."

Returning to the empty rat on Yu Haoran's right shoulder, a helpless explanation appeared in his eyes.

"Before the separation in the previous life, I did not even break through the realm of martial arts that realized the power of the law. How could I know that I could use the power of the rules of time!"

"After you meet again in this life, the time you spend with each other can be calculated in minutes and seconds, and you simply don't have time to understand my practice."

"Xiaokong, sorry!"

I think that since I met each other, I either have to go around and practice, or deal with some complicated matters, I have no time to care about the practice of ethereal rats.

Therefore, the guilt emerging from his heart made him solemnly apologize to the empty rat.

"Don't, don't apologize to me, because the responsibility is not with you at all!" Facing the solemn apology, the ethereal rat quickly waved a small paw.

"By the way, Xiaokong, what kind of state are you now?"

The apology just didn't want to hurt each other's feelings, so when he saw the ethereal rat didn't care about his usual negligence, he secretly relieved and continued to ask.

Because since the ethereal rat relied on the opportunity of the White Bone City to avoid the level of sanctuary breaking through the surveillance of the three extinct spirits, he could not see the real state of the ethereal rat.

At the same time, combining the power of the time rule with the ethereal mouse just now, the speed of the force that is not lost to the law of space is exhibited.

Therefore, he urgently wanted to know the real state of the ethereal rat.

"The state of respect for the pinnacle of Jiupin, but already has the strength to directly impact the peak of the beast."

Eyes like the abyss, looking through the walls of Dongfu to the direction of the junction of the southern and eastern regions, a look of worry appeared in his eyes.

Yu Haoran knew what he was worried about, once using the memory crystal left by the ethereal rat in his previous life and experiencing the blocking and calamity he encountered when the ethereal rat hit the realm.

Close your eyes slowly and think carefully.

It didn't take long to consider, and it took about a minute to re-open his eyes, Yu Haoran. After a flash of resolute grimace flashed in his eyes, he smiled and said to the ethereal rat.

"Xiaokong, just two hours ago, I and Talim teamed up to successfully arrange the top seal array of Zhou Tianxing and Sun Moon Stars in ancient times, and use the fusion of the two arrays to create the innate aura. Star Wars Array. "

"Now, the entire Manga Mansion is full of pure and rich auras, so this time I came to pick you up and return to the Manga Mansion, and I will help you to cope with the breakthrough of the imperial realm, divine realm, and supreme realm."

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