Destined Martial God

Chapter 2001: Purple Spirit Extreme Shock

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In the mountains where Baijimen is!

Along with Hao Ran's loud drinking from the clouds, a strong and horrible suction suddenly appeared at the core of the mountain, and it began to absorb and devour the transformed aura.

With the rapid decrease in the number of innate auras, the true landscape of the mountains gradually emerged.

The original environment can only be regarded as the ordinary mountains. After being rich in the power of heaven and earth and the stars, and after a brief transformation and nourishment of the innate aura, it has become a towering ancient tree, covering the sky, covering the sun, aura, and elixir. Take off, the beauty of a fairyland on earth.

Of course, what really attracted the attention of the scene and the endless void powerhouses was the Baijimen, which sits at the core of the mountain, and the horseman's house floating above the Baijimen.

Countless forced auras of heaven and earth and the power of the stars, after being transformed into innate auras through the formations in the mountains, all converged in the Manga Mansion, and then consumed and intercepted by the Manga Mansion, leaving less than one tenth Of the innate spirit flow into the Baichimen.

Divine thought swept the concentration of innate aura flowing into the Baichimen, even the Supreme and half-immortal immortal powers in the endless void, can't help but want to stay hidden, let alone intercept the innate aura over ten times Nine horses mansion.

The volley floated above the towering spirit of Manma House, and slowly opened his eyes.

First, he looked up at the dominant blood-defining beast in the sea of ​​blood, and was consuming the regular power of the sloppy projection little by little, and then turned his eyes to the edge of the mountain range.

Seeing the severely damaged Yu Siqi, the gibbous ape, Qingfeng, Wu Zhengjun, and the red sick beast, while being taken care of by Lu Yuan, a cold light tower spirit flashed in his eyes, appearing like a meteor on the edge of the mountain.

Without looking at the injuries of Yu Siqi and others, he quickly raised the towering spirit in his right arm, reached out to a dozen warriors, semi-robbers, and supreme powers in the four ancient races, and whispered.

"The years are going!"

An energy exuding a peculiar atmosphere, after breaking away from the finger of the towering spirit, quickly formed a huge net covering the sky, directly covering a dozen strong men of the four ancient races.

"Immediately overdraw 90% of your divine and soul power, drive the rules and rules you are aware of, and try to break the envelope of rule power. Otherwise, you will lose your soul."

While Ta Ling was performing his years of regular martial arts, the completely inferior barge sloppy suddenly felt a very familiar atmosphere fluctuation.

After suffering a fatal blow from the Blood Deficiency Beast, he sloppily glanced at Yu Haoran, who was standing on the edge of the mountain in the volley, and felt the amount of regular martial skills covering over a dozen strong men. .

"Because of the time-honored rules of martial arts, it was created by the Supreme Master Ziling in the ancient times. It can directly deprive you of the essence of life in your body and soul, and you will completely lose your immortal life."

After hearing the reminder that the sloppy projection was dead, the four strong people of the ancient demons directly overwhelmed the divine power and divine power without hesitation.

And a dozen strong men of the ancient Hades and the ancient gods and demons were a little hesitant.

Because of this brief hesitation, the years of rushing rules of martial arts skills are directly integrated into their bodies.

Immediately afterwards, a sense of aging and powerlessness that has long disappeared for many years, allowing them to immediately mobilize divine and soul power, as well as the rules and rules of their own perception, and want to forcefully dispel this feeling that makes them inexplicable.

But what made them feel terrified was that the mobilized divine and spiritual power, as well as the laws and regulations, could not only dispel the senescence and powerlessness generated by the body, but exacerbated the weakening of the physical and spiritual soul by this feeling.

A deadly feeling of Fanghua's death, let their eyes show endless fear.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

Although heeded the reminders of his predecessors in the clan, he overwhelmed his 90% divine power and soul power in time to fully drive the rules and rules of his own perception. All struggles are futile.

Three seconds!

In just three seconds, the seven strong warrior realms fell from the peak middle age to the aging white-haired old man, and eventually turned into endless dust and disappeared in the void.

Five seconds later, the six and a half robbers of the Supreme Realm also entered the process of peaking to aging, and also disappeared into an endless dust in the void.

Ten seconds later, the four powerful men in the supreme realm watched their bodies gradually grow old, clearly felt the decline of the soul, and finally became unwilling to endless dust.

"bring it on!"

After slaughtering more than a dozen strong men of the four ancient races with ease, Ta Ling looked up at the endless void, with a provocative look indifferent.

"Let me see what you guys have been doing in the ancient, middle and modern times for thousands of years. How much have you cultivated! Have you mastered the powerful rules and techniques of the sky!"

the first time!

This was the first time Taling took the initiative to identify himself in front of the crowd, but did not cause a slight sensation.

Because as early as when he carried out the years of regular martial arts, the powerful and semi-immortal realms of the ancient and medieval era in the endless void have already guessed his true identity.

For everyone in the Lima House, not only did they know the existence of Ta Ling, but they also accepted his guidance in practice.

However, Zhigui knows that in the face of Taling's active provocation, the countless Supremes and Semi-Immortal Powers in the Endless Void suddenly became silent.

Because of their bad eyes, they have long been slaying out dozens of strong players of the four ancient races through the martial arts rules of just a few years ago, and vaguely guessed the supreme cultivation and strength of the Purple Spirit.

Although it has not yet been promoted to the semi-immortal realm, its strength has reached the peak of the Supreme Nine Pins. With the rule of martial arts that can deprive the life of Valkyrie and the Supreme Strong, it is basically the first person in the Supreme Realm.

Nowadays, under the premise that the rule of heaven restricts the projection of the semi-robbery of the immortal power to enter the Tianxuan continent, and restricts the body of the Supreme Peak Power from returning to the Tianxuan continent, no one is the opponent of the Supreme Purple Spirit.

Unless it is those who have been lurking on the Tianxuan continent.

However, through the rules of Heaven ’s rule, the warning of the King of Hell was shot just now. I am afraid that those lurking strong men will not dare to challenge Zi Ling Supreme easily, or dare to provoked Haoran easily.

In desperation, the supreme and half-immortal immortal powers in the endless void can only retreat with a sigh.

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