Hundred Chi Sect’s mountain range!

Houyang’s far-sighted enemy investigation station is at war

“Qian Kun strangling!”

Watching the Paragon Peak powerhouse, which was rushed to death, the articulated ape was sneered without any fear, and he swung his thick sleeves directly at the other side, and lightly shouted. !

After the school of science and technology

Accompanied by the soft drinking of the gibbons, the cuffs of the sleeves fluttered, and the black-and-white Yin-Yang Diagram case emerged quickly.

Subsequently, while the Yin-Yang Diagram case was rotating rapidly, a strong suction force, not losing to a black hole, was formed, which directly acted on the body of the hell powerhouse.

Facing the suction acting on his own body, the confident hell powerhouse did n’t take it at heart at first.

Because he believes that with the strength of his Paragon Peak Realm, he can easily break away from the suction acting on himself.

The ship is not alone, and the school is troubled by solitary skills

But when he really wanted to get rid of the body’s suction, he was not horrified to find that the suction formed in the Yin-Yang Diagram case was like a quagmire. No matter how he struggled, the result was just futile.

“I reincarnation, flowers bloom on the other side!”

Constantly approaching the death threat brought by the sleeves of the gibbons ape, let the hell powerhouse quickly put down the inner contempt, and directly exert the strongest martial skill created by the mysterious death rule Mystery.

With the drunk sound of Hell’s powerhouse, a white flower exuding a strong and holy atmosphere gradually appeared in front of him, and began to weaken the strong suction formed by the Yin-Yang Diagram case.

Seeing the mysterious mysterious martial skill exhibited by the Hell powerhouse can weaken the Bloodline innate talent martial skill that he has cast, and at the same time, the gibbons face has changed slightly, immediately motivating within the body that has completed 90% of the ancestors ’Bloodline, and continue to improve Qiankun strangled the formidable power of Bloodline innate talent martial skill.

In the face of the Yin-Yang Diagram case, the suction power was suddenly increased by nearly ten times, and the white flowers exuding a holy atmosphere had a vague tendency to collapse. This made the powerhouse of Hell instantly gloomy while turning his head and shouting to the void behind him.

“Eighteen Messengers of Hell, come out and help me!”

With the summon of Hell Powerhouse, eighteen dressed in black robes, exuding the same cold and cold atmosphere of the Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak powerhouse, appeared instantly behind Hell Powerhouse.

Then, eighteen black robe powerhouses stood side by side and put the right hand against the back of the front powerhouse, and then mobilized their own divide force and Soul Power, as well as the mysterious atmosphere of the rules of perception and control, all All run into the inside of the hell powerhouse.

Obtained eighteen cultivating exactly the same mentality and martial skills, and realized the same rules of mysterious powerhouse support, the power of hell powerhouse itself, and instantly breaking through the limits of the Paragon Realm, the holy flowers floating in front of him not only grew in size Large, and the formidable power that weakens the Yin-Yang Diagram case’s suction is becoming stronger.

The enemy is the only enemy

Seeing that the other party helped with the help of the eighteen black robe powerhouses behind the organization, Lu Yuan and Wu Zhengjun quickly rushed to help each other.

However, considering the safety of Yu Haoran’s arrangement of the formation, only Lu Yuan, Wu Zhengjun, and the Red-Beasted Beast were able to withdraw to help in the end.

But just after they arrived at the gibbons, three more Valkyrie powerhouses in black robes rushed out of the void to stop Lu Yuan, Wu Zhengjun, and the Red-Beasted Beast who were going to help the gibbons.


Inside the space time tower!

At the moment the white flowers had just condensed, the first Avatar who was closed-door cultivation in the space-time tower suddenly opened his eyes, and through the space-time tower and the barriers of the sea space, watching the floating in front of the hell powerhouse A look of confusion in the eyes of the holy flower.

Vengeance and Geosciences Knot Hate the Cold Enemies

However, when the eighteen dressed in a black robe powerhouse enhanced the formidable power of the holy flower with the same divine force, Soul Power, and the mysterious law, the confusion of the first Avatar’s eyes gradually became clear, and a look of joy appeared on his face. Murmured to himself.

“Blossom, Gate of Hell!”

After muttering to himself, the first Avatar closed his eyes again, and the ten fingers began to slowly condense the barriers that can directly penetrate the towers of time and space and the space of the sea, directly across the marks of time and space obstacles, and continuously integrate the marks into the holy white flowers.

When the condensed marks reached eighteen, and all fuse into the holy white flower, from the inside of the holy flower, a black iron gate that only the first Avatar can see gradually.

At the same time, when the black iron door was completely formed, the hell powerhouse and the eighteen black robe powerhouse input flowers’ Divine Force, Soul Power, and Law Mystery, all penetrated into the inside of the first Avatar through the black iron door.

A Divine Force and Soul Power, a three-paragon Paragon peak powerhouse and an eighteen Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak powerhouse, are unbearable when they are new to the Paragon Realm world, not to mention the death that has reached the state of Peak. Mysterious mystery.

But in the face of such a huge and mysterious energy, the first Avatar can not only fully absorb it, but also its own cultivation base as if there is no bottleneck, it is constantly impacting the new realm.

However, it is very different from the normal creature promotion. The first Avatar’s cultivation base is regarded as the breakthrough Valkyrie realm, and it does not attract the coming of God Punishment.

Enmity to learn alone, Mo Yue troubles me

Moreover, it is considered to be baptism of Thunder Punishment. When the first Avatar’s cultivation base reached Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak, it also did not suffer any bottlenecks and rules. It was easily upgraded to the Paragon Realm world, and finally at Paragon Grade 1 Peak. It is considered a breakthrough of realm.

At the same time, a road gradually emerged in front of the first Avatar, a road that saw no end.

Numerous holy white flowers are faintly open on both sides of the road.


Seeing Lu Yuan, Wu Zhengjun, and the Red Beast that came to help themselves were blocked by the helpers of Hell powerhouse, the gibbons knew that they could not get outside help, and wanted to get out of the predicament, they could only choose to overdraft and return Ancestral Bloodline.

Although the consequences of this will affect his next breakthrough in the Paragon Realm world and delay his time to completely transform Long-Armed Divine Ape, but the consequences of overdrawing the bloodline with Yu Haoran ’s guardianship are in his ability Within the range.

So, without too much consideration, the gibbons started to burn Bloodline within the body back to the ancestors immediately.

But when the returning Bloodline was about to be ignited, the volume of the flowers exuding holiness suddenly began to shrink, and the effect of weakening the suction of the Yin-Yang Diagram case began to weaken, which immediately made the gibbons aware of the other party’s There is something wrong with the mysterious mysterious martial skill.

Quickly extinguish the newly ignited Bloodline ancestor, and continue to improve the suction of the Yin-Yang Diagram case by overdrawing the power of the divine force and Soul Power, and feel the changes of the holy flowers carefully.

“How is this going?”

Looking at the holy flowers that are starting to shrink in size, the hell powerhouse’s eyes reveal expressions of doubt and panic.

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