Bone City!

“Crime day, you are courting death!”

Bone King Paragon became famous during the reign of ancient Fiendgod.

On the day of the march, Xingtian Paragon was just an ordinary martial artist who was looked down upon.

I once looked up to my juniors, but now dare to take the initiative to do it myself, how can Paragon, the good-looking bone king, not be angry!

After violent drinking, Paragon, the bone king, used a soul fire in the Immortal Divinity Realm realm in the soul fire space without concentrating on the Bronze Soul Bronze, condensing a huge bone palm, and fiercely shot at the bone city Judgement Day Paragon.

“Fist Town Mountains!”

Although the bones of the immortal soul fire condensed are strong, they are not strong enough to make him feel jealous. Therefore, Xingtian Paragon not at all uses the martial skills of the power of rule to perceive, but is obtained when the ancestor Bloodline returns to his ancestors. inheritance martial skill.


Iron Fist and giant palm fiercely collided, and a deafening roar sounded at the scene.

Accompanied by the deafening roar, Iron Fist formed by the fist towns flies back directly, making Xingtian Paragon take a small step backward.

And the huge bone palm condensed by soul fire was broken inch by inch, and finally broken into countless small soul fires, and then scattered in countless bones in Bone City.

Seeing that he used the bones of the soul fire of Immortal Divinity Realm to be crushed by the opponent using ordinary boxing methods, the bone king Paragon immediately retracted his inner contempt, and slowly pushed open the condensed bronze coffin. .

Then, a pure white corpse slowly stood up from within the Bronze Soul Bronze.


Yu Haoran’s eyes showed a doubtful expression when he looked at the white corpse that was gliding and translucent like jade stone, and the gray soul fire with the size of a soybean in the skull.

Because according to the normal progression of bone spirits, bone spirits such as Paragon, bone and soul fire should present the nine-colored Paragon jade bones in the Paragon Realm world. At the same time, the volume of soulfire fills at least the entire skull.

“Awesome bone king Paragon!”

Also seeing the bone king Paragon standing up from inside the Bronze Soul Bronze, Tower Spirit expression is full of admiration.

“Tower Spirit, what the hell is this?” Yu Haoran hurriedly asked after hearing Tower Spirit’s admiration.

“Return to the source!”

Tower Spirit only replied a sentence. Yu Haoran knew the expression and expression of admiration and worry at the same time when the bone body and soul fire of the bone king Paragon were different from the normal promotion of bone spirit.

Returning to its origin is everything back to its original state!

Further, it is the bone king Paragon willingly to give up Peak Realm, the way to impact the cultivation base of bones, to make the bones grow flesh and blood, and to give birth to three immortal souls and seven mortal souls.

However, according to the destiny stone tablet memory inheritance record, in order to bring the bones and soul fire back to the original state, at least two realm of the immortal Peak limit is needed.

In other words, what seems to be the ordinary bone king Paragon is actually a horror powerhouse whose cultivation base has reached the limit of the second immortal Peak.

Then, the seven semi-immortal immortal powerhouse projections, and one immortal Peak Realm’s Xingtian Paragon, are likely not opponents of the bone king Paragon.

If the bone king Paragon has not suffered heavy damage that can’t be repaired, how can he capture the soul-concentrating bronze of Spirit Transformation, and how to use the destiny stone tablet to memorize the weakness recorded in inheritance to capture the soul of his skull over Supreme Treasure. fire.

Get up and leave Paragon, the Bronze King of the Soul Bronze, not at all. The horse left the Soul Fire space, but sucked up a child-sized nine-color Paragon corpse from the corner of the Soul Fire space.

“The soul is coming!”

In front of the soul fire of the Immortal Divinity Realm realm in the soul fire space, nine soul fires of Grade 1 to Grade 9 Paragon Realm, eighteen soul fires of Grade 1 to Grade 9 Valkyrie realm beckoned.

Then, twenty-eight soul fires floated to the bone king Paragon.

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Without any delay, the twenty-eight soul fires finally merged into a soul fire emitting nine colors under the fusion of the special seal of the bone king Paragon.

Immediately afterwards, Paragon, the bone king, reached out his eerie pale bone hand to grab Nine-colored Soul Fire, and then pressed directly into the head of Nine-colored Paragon’s corpse.

“An unremaining all beheaded!” The bone king Paragon’s tone was instructed when his nine-color Paragon corpse was thrown to the ground.

“Xintian they are in danger!” Looking at the bones of the nine-colored Paragon thrown out by the bone king Paragon, Tower Spirit’s eyes reminded with a hint of worry.

In this regard, Yu Haoran just shook the head helplessly, not at all what to say.

“Be careful, this is the Paragon Bone spirit that reached the second immortal Early-Stage in the cultivation base!”

The moment the bone king Paragon threw Jiu Cai Paragon’s corpse into the ground, the Azure Dragon Paragon, the body’s cultivation base, reached the limit of the second immortal Peak, immediately noticed the real cultivation base and strength of Jiu Cai Paragon’s corpse, and quickly reminded everyone to pay attention to safety.

After hearing the reminder of Azure Dragon Paragon, the faces of the crowd changed slightly at the same time, and they began to exert their strongest means.

Azure Dragon Paragon took out a jade pendant engraved with White Tiger, used regular power to start the jade pendant, and transformed it into a White Tiger Paragon illusory shadow of Paragon Grade 9 Peak Realm, and quickly arranged the Divine Formation in Sixiang Town.

The imaginary elementary paragon, known as the ancient First Formation Dao powerhouse, immediately took out nine grades to reach the Paragon Level and other formation flags, and inserted them into the nine deadly acupuncture points of the projection body. Then his projection body gradually began to be illusory and eventually disappeared Party in Bone City.

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Lao Tzu Fu Lao, known as the first Rune Dao powerhouse, horse threw away thousands of powerful spells, which were posted in the corners of the entire Bone City.

The source of poisonous old people, known as the first poisonous path in ancient times, was to take out eighteen red and black medicine pills with seductive aromas, and then open all their mouths to swallow them. They originally entered the Immortal Divinity Realm realm. The cultivation base, a realm that soon reached the limit of the immortal Peak.

As for the Xingtian Paragon, which has the strongest Paragon in the ancient world, it is placed with both hands behind it, and the breath of the lake is as calm as the nine-colored Paragon rushing out of the ground.

“Since it became famous in ancient times, people who have offended my bone king Paragon, either the bones have become my people, or Divine Soul has become the source of energy for my promotion.”

Fear the distance

The nine-colored Paragon corpse that rushed out of the ground did not attack. Instead, he used the hollow and deep eyes to glance at the mid-air blue Paragon and the others, and finally his eyes stayed on the side of Xingtian Paragon.

“There is so much nonsense!”

Advocating the bloodthirsty and killing Xingtian Paragon, he was most annoyed by the endless threat before the fight, so he expressed the disdain of coldly snorted and took the lead to attack the nine-color Paragon corpse.


Disdainful and disdainful, facing the nine-colored Paragon corpse of the immortal Early-Stage realm in the cultivation base, he did not dare to directly use the regular martial skill martial skill.

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