Inside the Qing Long Family!

After the enemy’s love

Seeing the eyes of Azure Dragon Paragon and Phantom Yuan Paragon often noticed myself, and at the same time felt that the murderous aura and baleful qi of Xingtian Paragon’s body began to gradually weaken, and a bit of an unpleasant thought gradually came to mind. !

“Seniority with blood deficiency, please come to my space of sea awareness for the first time!” The unpleasant feeling that came out of my heart made Yu Haoran, who was cautious, and contacted the 20% body and gibbons who had already arrived in White Bone City While turning his head, he was instructed against the Blood Void Beast.

“Got it!”

No specific reason was asked. After a nodded response, the Blood Void Beast went straight into Yu Haoran’s sea-conscious space.

After waiting for the 20th percentile of the mind, Yu Haoran secretly transferred the strength of Law, which is about to be promoted to the mysterious space, using earth beads at ten thousand meters, 50,000 meters, ten ten thousand meters, and million meters. The coordinates of a space.

“OK! I promise you!”

After nearly five minutes of bargaining, while Xingtian Paragon also removed the ancestral witch and turned, nodded promised the compensation measures proposed by Azure Dragon Paragon and the others.

“Tower Spirit, what will happen next will definitely make you very sad and disappointed, but I hope you can control your emotions as much as possible and don’t do anything impulsive.”

Watching nodded agree to accept the punishment provided by Azure Dragon Paragon and the others, and knowing that the development of things has deviated from Yu Haoran’s own expectations. While feeling completely sunk into the bottom of the valley, his face was gloomily facing the sea space, still immersed In the sad Tower Spirit warned repeatedly.

“Yu Haoran, what’s wrong?” The instructions of Yu Haoran unfathomable mystery made Tower Spirit react quickly from sad emotions, and immediately asked after being puzzled.

“The development is beyond what you and I expected. I’m afraid we’ll be desperate next!” Looking up at the eight and a half-death immortal powerhouse, Yu Haoran’s eyes replied with anger.

“Young man, aren’t you called Yu Haoran?” Looking at the blue clothed youth glaring at himself, Azure Dragon Paragon asked with a careless smile.

Sun Shu received a cold test from Qiu Xian

“Yes!” Yu Haoran nodded replied.

“Clean up all beings within the radius of ten thousand li, and use the power of rules to completely seal time and space.” After receiving a positive response from Yu Haoran, Azure Dragon Paragon turned his head to Vermilion Bird Paragon and Paragon Black Tortoise instructed.


After a nodded response, Vermilion Bird Paragon is responsible for cleaning up all the creatures with life aura, and Paragon Black Tortoise is the regular formation of seal time and space.

When Vermilion Bird Paragon and Paragon Black Tortoise returned to Azure Dragon Paragon, he glanced at the location of Yu Haoran’s heart before continuing to ask with a smile.

“Yu Haoran, are you the son of fate?”

When he heard Azure Dragon Paragon directly pointed out his true identity, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but complexion changed, and immediately wanted to start an escape plan prepared in advance.

Fortunately, his strong mentality cultivation base, and his inner desire to know the idea of ​​the Azure Dragon Paragon and the others plan, finally made him suppress the idea of ​​wanting to escape.

Qiu Qiu Yuan Cool Ship Hate Yu Nao Yu Yu Xue

Sun Yuan is not far away

After taking a deep breath, Yu Haoran nodded acknowledged after mobilizing a hint of fate in the heart space.

“Yes, I am the destiny son who can start and end countless calamities.”

The science of science and technology is shown by Yang Qiufan

Although with the strength of the Immortal Divinity Realm, they can vaguely feel a hint of fate from Yu Haoran, but they still cannot be 100% sure that Yu Haoran is the child of fate.

After all, some demon who can realize the rule of destiny to assist the strength of law can also emit the breath of destiny, but the concentration of destiny is not so strong.

After the invincible party, Cha Mogu showed the ball the most

Now, when Yu Haoran acknowledges himself and the other party proactively inspires the unique destiny of the son of destiny, Azure Dragon and seven other immortal Paragon powerhouse faces immediately express a pleasant expression.

Only the old man Paragon who knew the identity of Yu Haoran’s son of destiny, expression was relatively calm.

Hou Ke did not look at the enemy from Yang Mo

After taking a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the surprise emotions that came out of the heart, Azure Dragon Paragon continued to ask with expression and expectation.

“Son of Destiny, I don’t know if the Destiny Stone Tablet and the Murderous Mouse have recognizing the Master?”

After the unsuccessful ghosts hate you

Now that he has confessed the identity of the Son of Destiny, it does not matter whether the existence of the destiny stone tablet or the murderous spirit rat is exposed, so Yu Haoran admitted without any concealment.

“Yes, the destiny stone tablet and the rogue rat have recognized me as your Lord!”

If Yu Haoran had just admitted that he was a child of destiny, it would surprise seven Paragons, including Azure Dragon.

Then, he now actively acknowledges the destiny stone tablet and the recognizing Master of the Desperate Rat, making Azure Dragon and Lao Tzu and other Eight Supreme feel to be wild with joy.

“Son of Destiny, as long as you are willing to be our guardian family, I hereby solemnly assure you that it will not only make you the patriarch of the four guardian families, but also make you Heavenly Profound Continent unique and unmatched overlord. “

As the strongest semi-robber Immortal Divinity Realm powerhouse on the scene, Azure Dragon Paragon, the first to calm down from to be wild with joy, took the lead in giving out the pull conditions that ordinary people could not refuse.

Follow closely from behind, Laozi, Paragon, expressed a mild promise.

“Yu Xiaoyou, as long as you are willing to become the legacy inheritance disciple of the old man, the old man not only guarantees unreserved transfer to you Pill Dao, but also does his best to make your cultivation base promote within XNUMX years. An immortal realm. “

The ancestor Paragon who followed Lao Tzu Paragon’s response was a guarantee that he patted his chest.

“Son of Destiny, as long as you are willing to become the legacy inheritance disciple of the old man, although the old man cannot teach you the profound Pill Dao, it may teach you the complete slaughter way. At the same time, you can also use the essence of the blood sea within XNUMX years Blast the immortal realm. “

The enemy is far from alone

Subsequently, the imaginary Yuanyuan Paragon, the old man Fusheng and the old man Duyuan also made promises that ordinary people could not refuse.

The enemy is far from being alone. Although the strength of Immortal Divinity Realm is semi-robbed, Kao Xian can vaguely feel a hint of fate from Yu Haoran, but they still cannot be 100% sure that Yu Haoran is the son of fate. Identity.

If other people, such as the son of Pseudo Destiny, will face the half-dead immortal powerhouses who can suppress the three miracles and the Will of Heavens, and will definitely give to be wild when they give a seductive promise. With joy immediately nodded promised.

But Yu Haoran not only did not immediately nodded to promise, but looked somber as if he could drip water.

“Two questions!”

Sun Ke’s Revenge on the Battlefield Jiyang Ship

After the old man of the poison source gave the final promise, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, and tried to calm down the complicated situation inside, then expression stretched out two fingers calmly.

“You speak!” Azure Dragon Paragon gestured politely.

“The first question, you just made a generous promise that ordinary people can’t refuse. What do I need?

Hearing the first question from Yu Haoran, Azure Dragon Paragon’s eyes flickered with hesitation, and he turned to answer briefly after communicating with Vermilion Bird Paragon and Paragon Black Tortoise, and five other semi-immortal powerhouses. Road.

“Just when the calamity of immeasurable calamity is coming to an end, you can bless the breath of destiny of all the dead and souls to the four of us through the calamity rat and destiny stone tablet.”

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