Inside the Long Family clan, in the treasure house 3rd-layer!

There is a realm of Shudao Shudi between Shudao Great Grandmaster and Shudao Shugo!

The realm of the Great Grandmaster and the pure energy left by the Absorption Technique powerhouse can be used to quickly improve the realm of the magical path, but the process of absorption also contains great risks.

For example: due to your own realm consciousness, you cannot continue to withstand the impact and fusion of the magic energy, which will cause the backlash of the magic path.

The backlash of Shudao is far worse than the backlash of other auxiliary paths of cultivation and Martial Dao.

At this moment, Yu Haoran, who has been promoted to the limit of the Great Grandmaster Peak, is facing the crisis of backlash.

After taking a deep breath, trying to calm down the effects of panic, he began to consider how to resolve the immediate crisis.

Sun Di’s Local Enemies

Influenced by the formation of the bronze coffin seal, when it is no longer possible to cut off the immersion of the magic energy of the same root with different branches, the backlash of the magic channel can only be resolved by consuming the magic energy of the formation.

Breakthrough of the Shudao Realm, although it is the best way to quickly consume a large amount of magic energy, but Yu Haoran does not have much confidence, and can grasp the realm perception of the Shudao Shudi in a short time.

Driving and guiding the energy of the spell further increases the formidable power of the bronze coffin Seal Formation. Although it can also speed up the energy consumption of the spell, it is easy to provoke the resistance of the contraindications in the bronze coffin. backlash.

With the energy of the same root with different branches technique, push the Fuxi Bagua diagram’s innate numerology inference technique to calculate some things that you need to know urgently, and it can also greatly consume the energy of the technique.

And that was the only way he could think of now.

After much consideration, he finally decided to use the realm’s breakthrough and inferred numerology to solve the crisis of backlash he is facing now.

After slowly exhaling one mouthful of impure air in the chest, Yu Haoran jumped directly onto the bronze coffin and sat down with her knees bent.

Subsequently, he took out more than a dozen Bodhi Seeds that could be used to enhance perception, and then used half of the energy he had devoted to assist the realm of consciousness and cultivation.

The other half of the energy is used to calculate the exact position of the remaining XNUMX Primal Chaos Seals and the whereabouts of Feng Qingyun, a teacher.

“This kid!”

Seeing Yu Haoran jumping directly on the bronze coffin, he even started to practice. This made the Blood Demon Beast inadvertently seen, and suddenly did n’t know whether to cry or laugh.

However, no matter what Yu Haoran is doing now about heaven shaking earth shattering, he can’t get too much attention from the Blood Void Beast.

After calming down his inner shock, he thought of the possible consequences and disasters that could result from the release of Xingtian Paragon, so he needed to know if Tower Spirit had any means to defend Xingtian Paragon.

If there is one, it will contribute a modest contribution.

If not, then he will do everything possible to prevent Xingtian Paragon from getting out of trouble.

“Zi Ling, are you sure that the taboo of repression in the bronze coffin is the first Paragon powerhouse in the Middle Ages?

“I’m pretty sure!”

While continuing to use the condensed marks to arrange the burning blood to break through the virtual array, Tower Spirit confirmed noddedly.

“Because Xing Tian has used a special secret secret technique in response to my greetings.”

“Purple spirit, eighteen half-destroyed Paragon powerhouse corpses set by the blood-burning array, can it really break the seal Formation in the bronze coffin?”

“Five to ten percent!”

Looking up at Yu Haoran sitting on a bronze coffin with her knees bent, Tower Spirit said with a look of expectation.

“If Yu Haoran is able to eliminate the three-way energy in the Seal Formation, then the Blood Burning and Deficiency Formula will be able to 100% break the seal Formation of the bronze coffin, otherwise, it will only have half the success rate.”

“Zi Ling, if Xingtian Paragon breaks through, can you completely suppress it, or can you calm his violent and murderous character?”

Sun Yuandi, the distant posterior battle, inspects the enemy


Nodded without hesitation, Tower Spirit said with a touch of tenderness on his face.

“The world only knows that I once challenged Xingtian three times, but I don’t know that every time I challenged, Xingtian can break through the realm bottleneck and eventually advance to a higher realm.”

“Especially the last challenge that caused the punishment of Xingtian was to let him directly promote to the immortal realm afterwards.”

“So, my position in Xing Tian’s mind is not inferior to his mentor, Gui Guzi, and he has the ability to suppress his impulse to kill within the body.”

“That being the case, then I will find a way to continue to improve the defense of Treasury’s 3rd-layer space barriers, and strive to delay more time!”

Tower Spirit’s detailed answer to the question just now completely eliminated the only trace of worry in the Blood Deficiency Beast. At the same time, he also wanted to see for himself the first Paragon powerhouse in the Middle Ages.

“many thanks !”

Looking up at the blood-empty beast rising up, Tower Spirit expression thanked him intricately.


Treasure 2nd Layer!

“It seems that the thief sneaking into the treasure house 3rd-layer is a powerhouse proficient in Formula!”

Hundreds of Valkyrie and the powerhouse in the semi-robber Paragon Realm world joined forces to attack the space barrier for five minutes, not only did not break through the space barrier into the treasure house 3rd-layer, but did not even leave a tiny gap.

The Qing Long Family clan Paragon Peak extreme powerhouse knows that this is someone who uses high-defense formation to enhance the defense of the 3rd-layer space barrier of the treasure house.

Kokoko’s Ghost Enemy’s Solitary Branch Shows Cold

The backlash of Kokoko’s ghost enemy ball is cold and the backlash is far worse than that of other auxiliary paths of cultivation and Martial Dao’s backlash.

The School of Innocent Complex

Moreover, he can probably guess who is in the 3rd-layer of the treasure trove.

“The Octavia Old Ancestor, the hundreds of Valkyrie and half-robber Paragon powerhouse of the Tianmeng League, have already broken through the formation of the family resident’s defense, and are now rushing to kill.”

Just at the powerhouse of the Paragon Peak limit of the Qing Long Family tribe, they are considering how to open the space barriers as soon as possible to avoid the taboo of repression in the bronze coffin. When a valkyrie realm powerhouse stands in front of the treasure house, expression panic Rush in.

“Don’t panic!”

expression After mildly comforting each other, the middle-aged man called Mingrui Old Ancestor considered it for a while, then turned his head to the Bai Daoxian of the White Tiger family and Zhu Ningqian of the Vermilion Bird family.

“Dao Xian, Ning Qian, follow me to see the Alliance Leader’s Travel of Tianmeng!”


Knowing the purpose of Ao Mingrui to meet Ji Xing, Bai Daoxian and Zhu Ningqian responded with a nodded response. The three powerhouses of the Paragon Peak extremes left the Treasury 2nd Layer and 1st Layer quickly, and eventually met hundreds of Sky League in front of the Treasury door. Valkyrie and Paragon powerhouse meet.

“To inform the son of Destiny, I said that Ao Mingrui has a secret that is related to the security of the entire Heavenly Profound Continent, and he needs to join hands with the entire Sky League.”


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