The mountain range where the Qing Long Family belongs!

Although Tianmeng brings together nearly half of the power and powerhouse of Heavenly Profound Continent, compared with the Qing Long Family, White Tiger, and Vermilion Bird families, the number of top powerhouses does not occupy much advantage. !

If it is not behind the consciousness of being able to manipulate the heavens, and the cultivation base reaches the support of the Three Extinct Spirits in the Paragon Realm world, as the journey of the Alliance Alliance Leader, at this moment, I would like to call the soldiers to return to Void Jade Palace.

After all, the Black Tortoise family, known for their defense and formation, has yet to come.

So, after hearing the retreat command of the old Long Family Clan Paragon Peak Extreme Old Ancestor, his eyes appeared puzzled expression.

Invincible Ke Fang Sun Xuemo’s haunting ball

“Alliance Leader, do you think we can take the opportunity to break the defense of the Qing Long Family?”

Looking at the clansman, the guardian family who evacuated the mountain range in an orderly manner, watching expressions of thousands of Valkyrie and half-robber Paragon powerhouse eagerly retreating to the station, and a paragon Peak powerhouse, a second robber who is responsible for guarding the safety of the line, expresses a strong greedy expression Road.

“Xingong, haven’t you heard what the Old Long Family Clan Old Ancestor ordered when retreating! Do you want to face the taboo that terrifies even Paragon Peak powerhouse?”

How can you not understand the idea that people around you want to snatch the Qing Long Family’s accumulated countless years of treasures, but before realizing the reason why the other party suddenly retreated, Ji Xing was unwilling to take risks to attack the Qing Long Family’s place.

“Alliance Leader, do you believe that there is a taboo terrorist powerhouse in the residence of the Qing Long Family?”

Paragon powerhouse, known as Xingong, asked with a sneer.

“Or, with the savvyness of each of the patriarchs of the Qing Long Family, will they allow the residence of the Xu Family to have a hidden danger that can endanger the life and death of the family?”


Faced with Xingong’s back-and-forth questions, Ji Xing didn’t know how to answer. At the same time, the idea of ​​being unwilling to attack the Youth Long Family resident was shaken.

“Alliance Leader, if this is a trap set by the Qing Long Family to save the strength of the guardian family!”

It can be seen that Ji Xing’s confidence has been shaken, Xin Gong continued to remind with a scornful glance.

“At that time, how can you successfully explain to the three Daojun the attack on the guardian family who has lost!”

The original line of faith had been shaken. When he heard Xin Gong’s mention of the three extinct spirits behind him, the horror that instantly appeared in his heart made him immediately look up and speak loudly to the men who had begun to quit.

“Heavenly all obey!”

Enemy grounds are not able to observe the main feathers of Zhanyang

“All powerhouses below the Valkyrie realm, strenuously kill the clansman who is retreating from the guardian family, and must not let anyone who guards the family leave.”

“All Valkyrie Realm’s allies immediately broke through the Qing Long Family’s residence and tracked down the reason for their sudden retreat.”

After instructing all the people in Tianmeng, Ji Xing turned to face the four and a half paragon powerhouses not belonging to Void Jade Palace.

“Let’s help each other too!”


“As you bid!”

Pressing the four semi-robbers Paragon powerhouse that could not hold back for a long time, after an excited response, he immediately turned into a flash of lightning and rushed to the residence of the Qing Long Family.

“Let’s step back to the edge of the mountain range for a while and watch it change!” Watching the full attack on the Tianlong top powerhouse of the Qing Long Family clan defense formation, Ji Xing couldn’t help sighing and turned his head to the two around him. Valoid Grade 6 Peak Old Ancestor instructed by Void Jade Palace.


3rd-layer in Treasure House of Qing Long Family!

Listening to the deafening impact from the bronze coffin, feeling the trembling of the entire treasure house, Yu Haoran asked with a dull expression to the blood-empty beast.

“Blood Deficiency Beast, who is the crackdown in the bronze coffin?”

“I do not know either!”

Similarly, expression grave looked at the bloody beast in the bronze coffin, and shook his head to indicate, while expressing the expression of memories.

“Yu Haoran, this bronze coffin was encountered three hundred sixty fifty thousand years ago from the Great Annihilation in ancient times. It was brought into the treasure house 7rd-layer by a Paragon Grade 3 Peak powerhouse of the Qing Long Family.”

“At the same time, the formation powerhouse of the nine Formation Dao Zhenjin realm of the Black Tortoise family, combined with the three powerhouse realm’s method powerhouse, jointly worked on the taboo seal Formation to completely seal all the breath of the bronze coffin.”

Recalling this, Xuexu Beast suddenly seemed to think of something, and quickly reminded.

“By the way, the azure futon you got in the 2nd Layer of the Treasure was also dropped from the bronze coffin.”

Originally, there was a faint sense of Tower Spirit about the atmosphere inside the bronze coffin. After hearing the words of the Blood Void Beast finally reminding Yu Haoran, his eyes flashed a clear expression of clear comprehension.

Subsequently, he actively left the sea space.

“Tower Spirit, dangerous, don’t come near!” Yu Haoran quickly reminded her suddenly when she saw Tower Spirit who suddenly left her own space and walked towards the bronze coffin step by step.

However, in the face of Yu Haoran’s reminder, Tower Spirit not at all stopped walking closer, just a complicated interpretation of expression.

“Yu Haoran, if there is a taboo in suppressing the bronze coffin, there are three people who will not easily hurt in this world, then my Tower Spirit must be one of them.”

“Tower Spirit, you know who is suppressed in the bronze coffin!” After hearing the Tower Spirit reminder, Yu Haoran immediately realized that he must know who the taboos of suppression in the bronze coffin existed, and asked quickly.

I didn’t answer Yu Haoran’s question for the time being, walked to the Tower Spirit in front of the bronze coffin, directly extended the right hand to press on the coffin, and whispered to himself.

“It’s me, Purple Spirit Paragon!”

The sound of a sudden crash into the bronze coffin suddenly stopped.

“Are you ok?”

After hearing Tower Spirit’s interrogation, the bronze coffin suddenly flew in the air, then turned around the Tower Spirit three times, and fell back to its original position.

“Rest assured, I will find a way to break the seal formation of the bronze coffin, so that you can reproduce the day.” Looking at the bronze coffin completely quiet, Tower Spirit expression solemnly assured.

Then Tower Spirit turned his head to greet Yu Haoran.

“Yu Haoran, come here!”

“Use Fuxi’s gossip chart’s innate numerology to see if you can find the three-strength power of the Seal Formation.” When Yu Haoran came to his side, Tower Spirit pointed to the instructed bronze coffin.


Neither continued to question who the taboos of suppression in the bronze coffin existed, nor did he question Tower Spirit’s relationship with the other party. Yu Haoran nodded responded to Tower Spirit’s order and stepped forward in front of the bronze coffin.

Due to the long distance at the beginning and the sudden riots of the bronze coffin, he had no chance to carefully observe the bronze coffin at all.

At this point, standing in front of the completely calm bronze coffin, Yu Haoran gradually discovered that the bronze coffin was out of the ordinary.

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