Treasure 2nd Layer inside the residence of the Qing Long Family!

Enemies hate solitary enemies

After the enemy was not far away, Chamo went out to fight early

“Tower Spirit, the azure futon under me, is it the treasure used by the ancient man Paragon to cultivate meditation?”

Based on the feelings when refining Breaking Realm Pill, and combined with the seemingly weird command of Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran has probably been able to guess the true origin of the azure futon.

But he still needed real confirmation from Tower Spirit.


I also noticed the difference in the state of Yu Haoran pill concocting. While confirming by Tower Spirit nodded, a look of joy and expectation continued to explain.

“Yu Haoran, because of their different interests in training and assisting realm, I didn’t have much contact with Laozi Paragon in ancient times.”

The enemy is invincible

“But for the Paragon and several Artifact Spirits of the Innate Spirit Treasure, I went to Taixuanguan nine times and asked my father Paragon to refine the medicine pill.”

“Every time I use Paragon to make the medicine pill I need, I will sit on the azure futon under your knees.”

“And the result of each pill concocting, whether it is Divine Pill of Grade 1 Grade XNUMX or Paragon Shengdan beyond Grade XNUMX, he will eventually succeed in refining successfully.”

“At the time, I thought that his success rate of pill concocting was so high, because of his powerful Pill Dao ability and the Innate Spirit Treasure Qiankun furnace he used.”

“But now it seems that it has a lot to do with this azure futon!”

After hearing Tower Spirit’s further explanation, Yu Haoran was surprised, and a special thought suddenly flashed in his head.

Although this idea seems very risky, it is worthwhile to really learn the secret of azure futon.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran decided to get up and leave the azure futon directly, and then covered the azure futon directly with the dantian fire condensed by the pill technique of nothingness. Then he began to burn the azure futon with all his strength by refining the medicine ingredients.

“Which Fellow Daoist is joking with old man!”

When the dantian fire just started to burn the azure futon, a gentle and kind voice suddenly sounded from inside the azure futon.

With a gentle and kind voice, a charitable old man wearing a long robe with a beard embroidered with the Yin-Yang Diagram case and a long white hair, slowly emerged from the azure thin group.

“Illusory shadow of Laozi Paragon!”

When seeing the white haired old man emerging from the thin azure group, the Tower Spirit expression changed, and then immediately appeared in front of Yu Haoran with the ontology space-time tower.

The Blood Demon Beast immediately left Yu Haoran’s shoulder and made an attack gesture, then looked at the white haired old man with strong vigilance.

“It was the Purple Daoist!” Said the white haired old man with a gentle smile on his face after seeing the Tower Spirit standing in front of Yu Haoran.

“Purple Spirit has met Fellow Daoist Li!” Tower Spirit expression bowed indifferently.

“Able to use the Space Rule energy, and possess a bloody beast that robs immortal foundation!”

His eyes moved from Tower Spirit to Paragon, the blood-virtual beast, and after a flash of surprised expression, his attitude was immediately straightened and paid respect.

“Li Er has seen Senior with Blood Deficiency!”

“Fellow Daoist Li, you’re welcome, now the blood deficiency is called Senior in front of you!” Facing the solemn respect of the old man Paragon, the blood deficiency beast did not dare to return to the courtesy.

As the innate Spirit Beast, which is the origin of blood, the blood-virtual beast’s ability to sense power is far stronger than Tower Spirit.

Although the old man Paragon is just an illusory shadow, he can vaguely feel a fatal danger from the illusory shadow.

After the invincible ghost ball, the enemy is too hateful

Sun Xue, a distant place, is alone

This feeling of lethal danger was only experienced in the Artifact Spirit of the Chaos Clock, the ancient Fiendgod tribe Sovereign, and the ancient Netherworld Sovereign and Azure Dragon Paragon.

Sun Xue, a distant place, has nothing to do. “Every time the result of pill concocting, whether it is Divine Pill of Grade 1 Grade XNUMX or Paragon Shengdan beyond Grade XNUMX, he will eventually succeed in refining.”

And those five powerhouses are already the puppets who broke through the Immortal Divinity Realm, and were promoted to the Holy Powerhouse of the Immortal Divinity Realm.

Gaze returned to Tower Spirit’s body, and then directly crossed Tower Spirit’s looked towards Yu Haoran, and the expression of shock and joy immediately appeared in the eyes of Laozi Paragon.

However, as the cultivation base has broken through the immortal Peak powerhouse of Paragon, Laozi Paragon’s powerful mentality cultivation base allows him to quickly recover from shock and calmness, and then praised nodded as a strict teacher.

“Yes, nothingness medicine pill has been promoted to 2nd Layer, and Pill Dao cultivation base has also successfully broken through to advance to Pill God’s realm.”

“Young man, as the next generation of old man Pill Dao inheritance, your performance is very gratifying to the teacher.”

Invincible Ke Dusun Cha Zhan Leng Gui Qiu Tong

In this regard, although Yu Haoran did not refute the praise of Lao Tzu, Paragon, but a glance of discomfort was enough to show that he did not agree with the identity of the other person who claimed to be a strict teacher.

For several years, Pill Dao cultivation base was able to successfully upgrade Pill God’s realm. Although the aid of the illusory coagulation pill technique played a great role, the secret technique of the illusory coagulation pill technique was his risk of life. From Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak Realm’s Miao Cang sailor’s income is not what Laozi Paragon called the next generation inheritance.

At the same time, the cultivation technique of One Qi Becomes Three Purities was also obtained from a cave house left by a Martial Sovereign powerhouse in his previous life. It also has nothing to do with the inheritance of Laozi Paragon.

As a half-death immortal holy powerhouse that even the bloody beasts are afraid of, Laozi Paragon can certainly see the unpleasant expression that Yu Haoran’s eyes flashed through.

But he didn’t care, he said with a gentle smile on his face.

“Disciple, because the teacher was able to become the first person of Pill Dao in the ancient period, in addition to the original pill technique of void condensate, it also has a lot to do with the assistance of two Supreme Treasure.”

“The first Supreme Treasure is the Innate Spirit Treasure Qiankun furnace that was born of chaos when Heaven and Earth was first opened. The Qiankun furnace can not only refine the medicine ingredients and solidify medicine pill by itself, but also the chaotic fire contained in the pill furnace. , And it will improve the quality and grade of medicine pill. “

“But unfortunately, in the face of the Great Annihilation of the ancient times, the teacher can only bring the endless voids of the Qiankun furnace, which cannot be given to you as a gift.”


Hearing that Laozi Paragon promised to donate Qiankun furnace, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but coldly snorted, and his inner dislike for Laozi Paragon became stronger and stronger.

“The second Supreme Treasure is an azure futon made from the ancient spiritual object ivy, which was conceived from the ancient period Heaven and Earth. It was made by old man and Yunzi.”

Pretending not to hear the coldly snorted sound of Yu Haoran’s dissatisfaction, Laozi Paragon reached out to the azure futon under his feet, and continued to be gentle with a smile.

“The Ivy created by Heaven and Earth can not only eliminate the influence of Pill Master’s impetuous emotions, but also allow Pill Master to concentrate attention completely into medicine pill refining, and the innate Spiritual Qi contained in rattan can also enhance pill concocting. Speed ​​and success rate. “

Having said that, Laozi Paragon reached out and sucked the azure futon under his feet, and then sent it to Yu Haoran by the means of godly parcel.

“Today, the Supreme Treasure of this azure futon is a gift for you as a teacher.”

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