In the residence of the Qing Long Family, the first floor of the treasure house!

After Tower Spirit collected all the treasures on the first floor of the treasure house into the tower, Yu Haoran immediately mobilized his thoughts and swept the entire hall directly. !

Eventually, in the corner on the east side of the hall, he found the entrance to the 2nd Layer of the Treasury.

With the help of the strength of Law, you can reach the corner on the east side of the hall instantly.

Looking at the Transmission Formation using dozens of spatial crystals in front of him, watching the top defense Formation outside the Transmission Formation, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but shook the head with a bitter smile.

Whether it is to start the transmission formation transmission or crack the defense defense, it is not something he can easily do in a short time.

In desperation, he can only continue to let Tower Spirit shoot.

Invincible Enemy Battle Moon Ghost Badminton

But when he used his mind to prepare for Tower Spirit, the bloody beast standing on his shoulder suddenly reminded.

“Yu Haoran, Heavenly Profound Continent’s thousands of strength of Law, and the space strength of Law can be ranked third, in addition to the unreachable speed limit and invincible attacks, and the freedom to ignore any obstacle Shuttle endless void. “

As a reminder, the blood-empty beast stretched out its tiny claws, and put a trace of the essence of the space strength of law into his mind.

“Wait until you fully grasp the essence of this space of Law, and you will truly understand the power of Space Law.”

Feeling the esoteric depth of the blood essence beast teaching space, Yu Haoran did not dare to neglect and immediately sat down with his knees bent, and then took out the Bodhi Seed harvested from the Zhenyuan cemetery to help enhance his perception of the space of law. essence.

In this regard, Tower Spirit looked towards the eyes of the Blood Void Beast, flashing a hint of satisfactory expression.

It took almost half an hour for him to barely grasp the essence of the strength of Law, the space taught by the blood-empty beast.

After getting up, Yu Haoran ignored the defensive Formation and Transmission Formation in front of him, instead reaching for the space above his head.

“pu chi !”

Accompanied by a harsh tearing sound, Yu Haoran easily tore a gap through the treasure room consolidated by the Formation.

He then stepped into the gap in the torn space.

“Sure enough!”

Looking at the hall with an area of ​​nearly XNUMX square meters in front, and at least more than thousand thousand placed in the hall, emitting a dazzling rays of light of the divine weapon, Yu Haoran knew that his perception of the space strength of law had reached the Great Accomplishment The environment can reach any place you want to go through the lock of breath and the means of tearing the void.

If we can thoroughly grasp the essence of the space strength of law taught by the blood-empty beast, then the perception of the space strength of law can be promoted to the state of Peak, and finally reach the point where the mind is at will.

“Xuexu Beast, thank you!”

If there is no trace of essence given by the Blood Deficiency Beast to the space strength of law, then he wants at least three to five years for the realization of the space strength of law to reach the Great Accomplishment.

Therefore, after taking back the attention of the divine weapon, Yu Haoran turned his head to look at the bloody beast on the shoulder, expressing his sincere thanks.

“Yu Haoran, to help you raise the level of perception of the space strength of Law as soon as possible, is the transaction content agreed by you and me, so you don’t need to be so polite.”

Far from the enemy, Momo Fang Xianfang

The ship was far away and the enemy ball Momo Fang Xianfang then stepped into the gap of torn space.

Facing Yu Haoran’s sincere thanks, although Xuexu Beast pretended not to care, a flash of joy from his tiny eyes showed that he still cared about Yu Haoran’s attitude.

When he turned his attention to the more than thousand thousand divern weapon in front of him, and found that most of them were Magical Artifacts of honor, imperial, and divine level, Yu Haoran’s eyes flashed with an expression of excitement.

Although Tower Spirit has already promised Tower Spirit to make the hard-worked Ruyi Bell as the carrier of the Chaos Clock Artifact Spirit’s rebirth, and has also successfully integrated the six Primal Chaos Seals, but before the full collection of Primal Chaos Seals, Ruyi Zhong remains his strongest defense, Supreme Treasure.

At the same time, a Primal Chaos Seal recorded in the hands of the Void Artifact Spirit also indicates that it is impossible to gather the remaining three Primal Chaos Seal recorded in a short time, so he also needs to use a special secret technique to continue to improve Ruyi The grade of the clock.

Enemy far away distant ghost ship surgery solitary battle by cold

According to the number and grade of the dive weapon in front, it is enough for Ruyi Zhong to be upgraded to Paragon Level’s other Magical Artifact in a short time.

This will also allow him to have more confidence to face a large number of powerhouses in the Paragon Realm community that is about to return.

However, he is also unwilling to waste too much time reminding Tower Spirit.

“Tower Spirit, I still have to trouble you to continue to shoot, and put these divide weapon in front of you into the tower space of the domain.”


Tower Spirit, which is harvesting the first floor of the treasure house, responded to nodded, and immediately mobilized the paragon grade 3 peak to start wrapping all the divine weapon in the treasure house 2-Layer hall.

Sunchamo Lengke is in trouble

Hou Ke’s ghost Sun Chamo Lengke is in trouble. “When you fully grasp the essence of this space of Law, you can really understand the power of Space Law.”

However, when he wanted to remove all of the divine weapon, there were thirteen special Magical Artifacts, which suddenly burst into unimaginable horror formidable power, which not only broke the Tower Spirit ’s package directly, but also flew in the air. Intended to escape the 2nd Layer of the Treasury.

“I want to escape!”

“Want to go!”

“Give me a stay!”

Seeing the space that directly broke the 2nd Layer of the Treasury, thirteen special Magical Artifacts that were about to escape, Yu Haoran, Blood Void Beast and Tower Spirit simultaneously shot and intercepted.

When using the space strength of Law essence just realized, Yu Haoran directly locked the four magical artifacts of the weakest formidable power.

Use the remaining Space Rule energy to directly conceal the hidden Artifact Spirit of Magical Artifact, and the Blood Void Beast directly traps the five magical Artifacts with the strongest formidable power.

The Primal Chaos Seal of the tower of the space-time domain was mobilized, and oppressed by the innate Supreme Treasure grade, directly surrendered the remaining four Magical Artifacts.

In the end, in less than a second, thirteen special Magical Artifacts that were about to escape, all obediently fell in front of Yu Haoran.

Bend over and pick up a blade-shaped Magical Artifact that he used to seal the space. Yu Haoran examined it carefully and found that the long knife in his hand was not the Magical Artifact of Innate Grade.

Later, he directly mobilized the powerful divine thoughts to penetrate into the Magical Artifact body, and finally at the core of the Long Knife, in the Formation position, he saw a young man wearing a blood-red robe with an eerie atmosphere.

There is no need to guess too much. Yu Haoran also knows that the gloomy man whose cultivation base reaches the Valkyrie Grade 7 Peak Realm is the Artifact Spirit born from this Long Blade Magical Artifact.

It was also under the control of this Artifact Spirit that the long sword Magical Artifact finally broke free from the spiritual package of Tower Spirit.

“Kids, you are courting death!”

After seeing the master who entered his own body, only Emperor Wu ’s Grade 9 Peak ’s cultivation base, after violently defeating the fearsome inner man, he immediately transformed into the form of the body, fiercely split to Yu Haoran.


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