Qing Long Family resident, in front of the three-story treasure house!

Blood Deficiency Beast, the powerful Spirit Beast that drew from the blood source, is the same as the empty spirit rat and the murderous spirit rat. !

The blood-virtual beast, which feeds on the space rule energy scattered between Heaven and Earth, is not only the unique existence of Between Heaven and Earth, but also one of the few that can completely suppress the existence of Ten Great Ominous Beasts in ancient times, including even Heavenly Dao The rules are helpless ominous beast

Normally, the blood-deficient beast inhabits the turbulence of space faults, and uses the turbulence of space to sharpen the congenial Supreme Treasure-level fleshhy body.

Only when he senses the energy fluctuations of the Space Rule will he actively leave the presence of the space fault.

Because Tower Spirit’s ontological space-time tower contains a lot of time and the energy of Space Rule, they had a very tragic conflict in ancient times.

The result of the final conflict was Artifact Spirit, who was a member of the Tower of Time and Space. Under the helpless situation, at the cost of Self-destruction Divine Soul, he completely perished with the Blood Void Beast.

Originally, Tower Spirit, who accepted all the memories of Artifact Spirit, thought that in this world, there would be no bloody beast that could use the power of Space Rule.

After all, the Great Annihilation of ancient times caused the shattering of the rules of fate, Natural Law of Time, Space Rule, trapped fruit, and rules of destruction.

Unless a creature can re-understand the space strength of law, and gradually upgrade the space strength of law into the space law mystery, and then use the space law mystery with great perseverance and wisdom to reunite the space rule fragments scattered in the world, Only then can the Space Rule reappear.

Having experienced changes in ancient, ancient and recent times, Tower Spirit knows that no one can successfully perceive the strength of law except Yu Haoran.

Not far from the enemy

Without the existence of the Space Rule, it is impossible for the world to breed again, and to grow a bloody beast that has reached the realm of Paragon Realm.

Therefore, the blood-empty beast that appeared in front of the three-layer treasure house at this moment can only be the blood-empty beast that had been born in ancient times.

Although it is unknown how the blood-empty beast survived the Divine Soul Self-destruction of Artifact Spirit, Tower Spirit knew that Yu Haoran’s plan to steal the deep inside information of the Qing Long Family was shattered.

Because when your cultivation base has not recovered to the Paragon Grade 9 Peak limit, there is no way to temporarily take the bloody beast.

Due to the memory inheritance of the destiny stone tablet, there are very few records of the Blood Deficiency Beast, so after hearing the Tower Spirit’s detailed introduction, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but think deeply.

In the case that the Murderous Rat cannot control the fate of the opponent, and Tower Spirit is not the opponent at all, it is reasonable to immediately give up the plan to steal treasure.

But just now, the bloody beast used its long tongue and bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl to devour the three half-paragons Paragon powerhouse of Yumeng. Yu Haoran vaguely found something wrong.

Because of the space’s acute sense of space, he discovered that the bloody beast’s tongue and bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl appeared out of thin air, and there was a faint trace of spatial fluctuations in front of the three-layer treasure house.

This is too abnormal for a blood virtual beast that can use the power of Space Rule!

After all, to the extent that he is now aware of the space strength of law, when he performs the Space Law martial skill that moves momentarily, he can achieve the degree that the space is completely still.

At the same time, combined with Tower Spirit’s introduction to the blood-virtual beast’s habit, he can always guard the treasure house of the Qing Long Family, indicating that the treasure-house must store the space Supreme Treasure that attracts the blood-empty beast.

Therefore, after repeated weighing, Yu Haoran finally decided to venture into a treasure trove.

After hearing Yu Haoran’s speculation on the true status of the Blood Void Beast, Tower Spirit carefully speculated and finally nodded in favor of Yu Haoran’s risky decision.

But you need to be fully prepared before taking the risk.

Hou Di Ji Ghost Enemy Ball Mo Na Ke Di Yuan

Hou Didi, the enemy of the ball, Momo Kedi, was accompanied by a scream like a mouse, and the void in front of the entire treasure house suddenly broke like a mirror.

Therefore, after signalling Yu Haoran for a moment, Tower Spirit returned to the top of the ontology domain tower, and then returned to the sea-conscious space with nine formation flags showing a light purple color.

Subsequently, he mobilized the space-time energy in the tower of the ontology domain, silently inserted the nine shallow purple formation flags at different positions in front of the treasure house, and merged the condensed marks into the nine shallow purple formation flags. Signaled that Yu Haoran could do it.

After taking a deep breath, after taking out the Trapping Immortal Sword that can improve the space’s martial skill formidable power, Yu Haoran left the tree in hiding and stepped closer to the door of the treasure house step by step.

When he stepped up to the door of the treasure house, and installed a gap that rushed into the formation of defense, the long tongue that had disappeared disappeared behind Yu Haoran.

“Space cutting!”

At the moment when the long tongue just appeared, Yu Haoran, who sensed space fluctuations in advance, turned around suddenly and immediately cast the Space Law martial skill he had prepared.

Kou Suncha picks up after Yang Chou’s trouble

“Bang, bang, bang …!”

The innumerable space blades formed by space cutting, at the moment when the long tongue was ready to attack, were chopped in the tongue.

With the continuous sound of impact, the blades of space that can easily cut through the void, but could not break the defense of the long tongue, were bombed.

This alone can prove the truth of Tower Spirit’s understanding of the blood virtual beast.

In response to this, Yu Haoran immediately mobilized the space of Law without panic, and forcibly started the Trapping Immortal Sword sword body, and directly performed a Space Law move that he did not really control: a dagger.

Perhaps it was because of the strong pressure brought by the Blood Deficiency Beast, or maybe because he had not relaxed his perception of the space strength of Law, and finally cooperated with the Trapping Immortal Sword to successfully perform the Space Law move.

The sharp sword energy that appeared instantly in front of the long tongue was cut directly at the tip of the tongue.


With the sound of a tearing sound, sharp sword energy directly broke the powerful defense of the tongue, and cut a wound about XNUMX cm in length at the tip of the tongue.

Then a white energy like glittering and translucent flowed out from the wound on the tip of the tongue.

“Pure Space Rule energy!”

Seeing the white energy flowing out of the tongue tip wound, Yu Haoran flashed a hint of surprise expression, and immediately used the space law martial skill, which instantly moved, in front of the tongue tip.

As soon as a sleeve swept away all the white energy that flowed out, he also directly triggered the Trapping Immortal Sword of all formidable power, and directly pierced the wound of the tip of the tongue that had lost its defense.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak …!”

Sun Ke Qiu Ke’s enemy investigation

With a scream like a mouse, the void in front of the treasure house suddenly shattered like a mirror.

Then, a whole mouse appeared pure white and appeared in front of Yu Haoran.

Looking at the 100 meters long tongue that was stabbed by Trapping Immortal Sword, I thought that easily swallowed the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl of the three and a half paragon powerhouses, and then looked at a white mouse the size of a slap, Yu Haoran’s eyes came out Incredible expression.


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