Qinghu mountain range!

Under the premise of ensuring that Yu Haoran’s life was not harmed, the attack just launched by the thirteen powerhouses actually used too much power.

Therefore, in the face of the mysterious yellow energy hood that appeared out of thin air, and successfully resisted their joint attack, the thirteen powerhouses did not feel the slightest surprise.

And when they re-mobilized more of the divine force and Soul Power, and plan to continue the heavy damage of Yu Haoran, a horror murderous aura that completely solidified the entire Qinghu mountain range, making the XNUMX powerhouses ready to operate unable to resist complexion changed Let Nalan Purple Marriage and her elders who have n’t done anything ca n’t help but the complexion changed, so that Aohao and Buffel who have already arrived soon ca n’t help but the complexion changed, and make use of the Will of Heavens The three extinct spirits in the Qinghu mountain range couldn’t help but complexion changed.

Because only the truly non-existing Paragon powerhouse can emit the Murderous Aura to instantly solidify the entire Qing Lake mountain range, which can make the powerhouse in the semi-robbing Paragon Realm world fear.

Kick the ball and learn to defeat the enemy

After Divine Soul temporarily controlled the fleshy body, Tower Spirit double-checked Yu Haoran’s condition.

Over 90% of Life Essence is overdrawn, leaving Yu Haoran less than a thousand lifespans.

Overdrawing more than 90% of the potential not only allowed Yu Haoran’s strength to fall directly to Martial Ancestor Grade 1, but also almost ruined the future foundations of the impact on Valkyrie and Paragon Realm, and lost the immortal hope of impacting Eternal Inextinguishable.

The nine heavy injuries suffered by Dantian and Shihai not only failed to make Dantian unable to continue to consolidate the divine force, but even Shihai Space was on the verge of collapse.

Since reincarnation, no matter what dangers are encountered, no matter how powerful the enemy is, even the most critical situation of Witch God Space and Bone City, even the same innate Supreme Treasure level void and Kendo luck, None of Yu Haoran has encountered such misery today.

This made Tower Spirit unable to resist the anger, while emitting a horror murderous aura that instantly solidified the entire mountainous mountain range.

“You all have to die!” The Tower Spirit said frostily, watching the crowd with murderous intentions.

Although I do n’t know why Yu Haoran was able to distribute the Murderous Aura in the Paragon Realm world, but considering that he was able to use the special secret technique just now to gain the strength of the 9nd Paragon Peak Realm with the cultivation base of the Emperor Grade XNUMX Peak Realm, so the scene No one dares to despise his changes.

The thirteen semi-moving Paragon powerhouses who were just involved in the siege quickly backed off a distance, and then used the mysteries of their own perceptions to start a tentative attack.

After glancing across the crowd, Tower Spirit looked up at the void of the mountain range, expressing indifferently.

“Three Exalted Spirits, if you also want to kill Yu Siqi who is too oblivious to cultivation, then please show up directly.”

“If not, then disperse the Will of Heavens knowledge immediately, don’t keep peeping at the situation here.”


An unknown valley at the border of South and East!

“Who is he?”

Feeling the gaze of Yu Haoran, I can directly see the Will of Heavens consciousness through the void obstacle, and pay attention to myself through the Will of Heavens consciousness. This makes the stars frightened and ca n’t help but want to know Origin of each other.

Silver Moon, who was equally frightened, cast his gaze directly on the burning sun with slightly frowning frowns.

“The seven innate Supreme Treasures at the beginning of Heaven and Earth, the third-ranking Tower Spirit, is the respectful purple Spirit Venerable of billions of souls, and is also the most promising Nine Great Paragons in ancient times. Peak powerhouse. “

In the face of starry interrogation, in the face of Yinyue’s gaze, Shao-ri realized the Will of Heavens through his control, and looked up at his own Yu Haoran, expression complex.

“Zi …!”

After hearing Zhuo Ri’s introduction, Yinyue and Fanxing couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air, and looked at each other, and found the shocked expression in their eyes.

The Artifact Spirit of the space-time tower has purple Spirit Venerable who manipulates the rules of space-time. For these special beings, they are like idols, and they are one of the few that can directly hurt their existence.

“Sunburn, what shall we do next?”

After being shocked, Yinyue would like to know whether Shao-ri’s attitude towards the Purple Spirit Venerable is a risky shot or a temporary concession.

End the game without blocking the square ghosts and tricks

“Temporary concession, striving for reconciliation!”

After learning the ball, the square ghost Mo Ji Ji Ji obtained the consent of Tower Spirit, and the black eyes slowly disappeared into the void.

After Zhuo Ri’s simple reply, he immediately closed his eyes and controlled the Will of Heavens, intending to have a simple communication with the Purple Spirit Venerable.


Tower Spirit’s words just made a dozen powerhouses who were about to cast the mysterious rule stop, and looked up towards the mountain range, staring at the empty space of Fang, revealing a vigilant expression.

“oh! ”

The warning sound of Tower Spirit had just fallen, and a sudden sigh came from the mountain range void.

Immediately afterwards, a black indifferent eye slowly emerged from the place where the sigh was made.

When seeing the black eyes emerging from the mountain range void, the eyes of a dozen powerhouses from the ancient Monster Race, the ancient Demon Race, and the ancient Nether tribe only showed a dreadful expression.

After the ball to the post

But for the powerhouses of the inheritance of the government family, Wuyougu, Mysterious Dao Sect and other ancient times, in addition to dreadful expression, the eyes are also doped with deep fear.

Looking at Yu Haoran without any trace of fear, watching the powerful Divine Soul of Yu Haoran fleshy body, watching Yu Haoran knowing the tower of the field that radiates the energy of time and space, black eyes express a complicated invitation.

“If you have time, please go to the unknown valley at the junction of the southern and eastern regions!”

“No problem! I will definitely go.” Tower Spirit nodded agreed on behalf of Yu Haoran.

In this regard, Yu Haoran, who returned to know the healing of the sea space, also revealed a complex and expected expression.

After all, he needs to know the three extinct spirits who can control the Will of Heavens consciousness, and whether his attitude towards himself is enemy or friend, and then use this to determine his next plan.

After school, far away from the post

With the consent of Tower Spirit, black eyes slowly disappeared into the void.

At the moment when black eyes disappeared, he quickly withdrew attention to the Tower Spirit in the mountain range, and his eyes full of sharp murderous aura were cast directly on the scene.

Then, he slowly raised his arm, reached out to the guardian’s seven and a half paragon powerhouses, and said quietly.

“Death cut!”

If the strength gap between the real world of Valkyrie and the half-captive Paragon Realm is like stone and mountains.

So, the power gap between Paragon Realm and Paragon Realm is like the disparity between mountains and the entire Heavenly Profound Continent.

Therefore, the seven guardians of the family, Paragon Powerhouse, do not believe that Yu Haoran can cross such a large gap and directly possess the terrifying power of Paragon Realm.

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