Qinghu mountain range!

The unspoken coldly snorted sound of the elders of Nalan Purple Wedding, although it made Yu Haoran very uncomfortable, but he not at all clearly showed.

After all, the other party’s gaze alone can infer that the fact that Qingfeng reinvented the fleshhy body with Yunhun Dan is enough to prove that the other party ’s cultivation base has been promoted to a realm that he cannot reach for the time being.

In order to be able to continue to conceal the identity of the destiny’s son and continue to hide the fate of the fate stone tablet and the rogue spirit rat in front of the advancing enemy, he can only try to avoid irritating the other person and not turning his face completely.

“Master, the 3000 meters north of Qinghu mountain range, there are three alien powerhouses hidden!”

When Yu Haoran adjusted his unhappy mood by taking a deep breath, there was a sound of a terrifying spirit rat reminding in the heart space.


Upon hearing the reminder of the desperate squirrel, Yu Haoran’s eyes showed a hint of doubtful expression.

Because according to the destiny stone tablet memory inheritance’s appellation for all living beings, only powerful races such as the ancient Demonic beast and the ancient Fiendgod are eligible for the title of alien.

Get to know the most distant grandchildren of Chayuan

Today, the powerhouses of the ancient Monster Race and the ancient Fiendgod tribe have appeared. The remaining powerful races have either been completely extinct or they have been hiding in endless void.

Gacha Chayuan ’s most ghostly strange ship Sun was still wondering about the origins of the three alien powerhouses, but when he heard the murderous spirit rat mention the hell god dog, Yu Haoran suddenly thought of holding it in Youniucheng, Youniushan. At that auction, the kid who encountered the black puppy, but did not fear any powerhouse children and azure clothed old man.

So, who is the alien who can shoulder them?

“Master, these three alien powerhouses are Ah Hao, who owns Wu Di Grade 9 Peak, An Chao, who owns Demi-God realm, and Buffalo who owns Paragon Peak Realm.”

While Yu Haoran wondered about the origins of the alien race, the Murderous Rat continued to introduce the identity and cultivation base hidden in the void powerhouse.


But after the voice of the Murderous Rat introduced just stopped, he immediately said in a self-denial.

“There is also an alien companion Demonic beast, a hell god dog whose cultivation base has reached the ravaged Paragon Peak Realm.”

Originally still wondering about the origins of the three alien powerhouses, but when he heard the murderous rat mention the hell god dog, Yu Haoran suddenly thought of the auction that was held in Youniushan, Youniushan, and the encounter The black puppy, but no fear of any powerhouse child and azure clothed old man.

Now that the other party’s origin has been guessed, and they can continue to procrastinate through conversation, Yu Haoran refocused on Nalan Purple Marriage and her elders, flashed to the north of the Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment rewarding energy, and then arched towards the north The void greeted.

“Yu Haoran is very honored to be here!”

Yu Haoran suddenly appeared on the north side of the Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment reward, and immediately caught everyone’s attention at the scene.

When they heard Yu Haoran pointing out that the powerhouse hidden in the void turned out to be the prince of the ancient Hades, they could not help but change the complexion.

Succeeding Ball Doesn’t Make Stars Meet Sun Zhanlian

Post-Science Chou Gang

Although the ancient Hades have never really dominated the ancient continent, but there is no power of a hegemonic level, no powerhouse in the Paragon Realm world dares to underestimate the ancient Hades.

Because the ancient Hades’s understanding of the soul and Divine Soul, and the control of the soul consciousness and soul, it is difficult to avoid the absence of the Paragon Peak level, so when they heard that the ancient Hades prince also came to the Qinghu mountain range, they even had The two old men, Black Divine Dragon, Bai Linghu, and Demon Race in Paragon Realm, were jealous of expression.

Even the two beauties of Wuyougu could not help but frowned.

“I didn’t expect Lord Prince Consort to remember the prince.”

Three seconds after the end of Yu Haoran’s greeting, the void outside ten thousand meters north of Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment suddenly came with a slightly naive laughter.

With the tender laughter, a child hugging a black puppy, with an old man in a Tsing Yi and a young man in a gray robe, walked out of the void slowly.

Among them, the man in the gray robe year looked towards Yu Siqi who was receiving the reward from Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment, and his eyes flashed a sharp murderous aura.

“This Prince Consort keeps the gift from the prince, how can I forget you!” Yu Haoran, who did not notice the man in the gray robe, took out a token with a devil image engraved from the storage ring, and laughed. Replied.

After seeing the tokens taken out by Yu Haoran, A Yihao’s eyes flashed a bit of cold light, with a hint of complaint in his tone.

“Master Prince Consort, it’s been nearly two years since the Prince gave you the token, but you haven’t given any reply to the Prince. This is not quite kind!”

“His Royal Highness, you’re wrong with this Prince Consort.”

Communication is the best way to delay time, so in the face of Ao Hao’s complaints, Yu Haoran immediately fought back, while speaking as slowly as possible, and talking nonsense as much as possible.

“At the time, in Yiyuan Pavilion in Youniu, Ben Prince Consort was receiving a token from this Senior …”

Using memories, exclamations, statements, and interpretations, Yu Haoran was able to explain the reason for not responding to each other after a full 30% delay.

By this time, the time agreed with Tower Spirit was less than 30%.

Yu Haoran’s intentional delay was just too obvious. Everyone at the scene could see it at a glance, but no one deliberately exposed him, nor interrupted him with words or shots.

In the eyes of everyone at the scene, the reason why Yu Haoran did this is definitely to get enough time for Yu Siqi to accept the Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment reward, so that he can successfully break out with Peak Realm’s cultivation base.

Although the cultivation technique of the Taixuanxin method is very powerful and the supporting martial skills and secret techniques are also very powerful, but limited by the influence of Yu Siqi’s own cultivation base, she can successfully accept all the rewards of the Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment. Gao Cheng.

For Supreme Heart Sutra, who knows little about Nalan Purple Marriage, thinks that Yu Siqi has become the cultivation base of Valkyrie Grade 7 Peak at most.

For the ancient Monster Race and Demon Race powerhouse that have had several conflicts with the Paragon, Yu Siqi is considered to be the cultivation base of Valkyrie Grade 8 Peak at most.

As for Hao Hao and Buffel, who have specialized in Tai Paragon and Tai Xinfa, they are the same as Qingfeng’s speculation that Yu Siqi may become the cultivation base of Valkyrie Grade 9 Early-Stage.

So, surrounded by six powerhouses in the Paragon Realm realm at the scene, Yu Siqi was successfully accepted all the rewards of the Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment, and it was impossible to escape in the end.

That’s why they didn’t interrupt Yu Haoran’s delay plan and did not attack Yu Siqi.

Yu Haoran, who is good at figuring out other people’s thoughts, uses the advantage of the other party to make wrong judgments in the absence of information, so he intentionally shows a weak spot that delays time.

The enemy is not the most affectionate.

The enemy ’s ball is not the most affectionate. Momo refers to the ancient Ming people ’s understanding of the soul and Divine Soul, the control of the soul consciousness and soul, even the absence of Paragon Peak level is unavoidable, so I heard the ancient Ming people When the prince came to the mountain range of Qinghu, even the old men who had the black Divine Dragon, Bai Linghu, and Demon Race in the Paragon Realm Realm, expressed dread expression.

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