Prince Consort mansion, practice room!

With the deep accumulation of Valkyrie Grade 8 Peak Realm’s cultivation base, fleshhy body grade, divide force and Soul Power, and then with the baptism of Thunder Punishment and the reward of Thunder Punishment, Yu Haoran has sufficient confidence to be able to Break through one’s own cultivation base to Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak in one fell swoop, and have infinitely close to the strength of a paragon Realm.

But such a result was obviously not what he wanted.

After experiencing the breakthroughs of Martial Saint, Martial Venerable, and Emperor Wu ’s cultivation base, he is well aware of the difficulty of perfect realm breakthrough for Valkyrie Ten Pins.

If you do not take advantage of the cultivation base breakthrough and the help of Thunder Punishment, it will take at least ten or eight years to impact the perfect realm of Valkyrie Ten Pins purely by means of hard-working closed-door cultivation.

After school ball ground far post love ghost by sun branch

If the post-learning distant sentimental ghost by Sun Branch thinks about transposition, he may not be able to make such a choice.

Although you can get the long lifespan of Eternal Undying by upgrading to Valkyrie Realm, in the face of the complex and changing situation of Heavenly Profound Continent, facing the potential pressure brought by the ancient Monster Race and the ancient Fiendgod tribe, you can always face the Three Extinct Possible threat.

Not to mention ten years or eight years, he was too long for three or five months.

Ships can’t detect everything

Therefore, after careful consideration and weighing, Yu Haoran finally decided to give up the idea of ​​assisting realm breakthrough Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak, intending to continue to improve his own potential and accumulation through other methods, for the next one to breakthrough Valkyrie’s ten real realm Be well prepared to lay the groundwork for a Paragon-free realm in the future.

After having a decision in his heart, Yu Haoran was planning to withdraw the formation of the Chaos Spiritual Qi and reduce the consumption of five congenital crystals. When the spirit of Tower Spirit suddenly burst into his mind, he suddenly heard.

“Yu Haoran, this is the highest quality energy level of Heaven Heaven and Earth, and it is also the most suitable chaotic Spirit Qi for improving the cultivation base and strength!”


While nodded confirmed, Yu Haoran also explained in detail the specific cause of the chaotic Spiritual Qi.

After all, from the five emotions and logic that Tower Spirit found and slaughtered in time, the five congenital crystals that can transform the Chaos Spiritual Qi must be confessed to him.

Chaos Spiritual Qi turned out to be a congenital spar born of the queen within the body!

After hearing Yu Haoran’s explanation, Tower Spirit was grateful for his cautious approach, and quickly made his request.

“Yu Haoran, when you met me for the first time, I once told you that in order to recover the injuries between me and the ontology domain tower, a lot of pure Life Essence is needed. I wonder if you still remember?”

“Of course I remember,” Yu Haoran nodded replied.

After all, when he first met, Tower Spirit directly accelerated his life in three months in exchange for Life Essence of his lifespan for three months. How could he forget this unforgettable thing!

“Actually! For our innate Supreme Treasure and Innate Spirit Treasure, born of chaos, using pure Life Essence to treat injuries is only helpless.”

“The best way to truly heal our wounds is Chaos Spiritual Qi, because the trace of energy inherent in Chaos Spiritual Qi can reach us as …!”

“Tower Spirit, then you can directly heal with Chaos Spiritual Qi!”

Fang Xuexue

Yu Haoran, who suddenly stood up, stepped out of the Formation space and directly interrupted Tower Spirit’s detailed introduction to chaotic Spiritual Qi, and showed his attitude.

“Yu Haoran, I …!”

After the hate is far away from the cool square by Yu Yu

The enemy’s reconnaissance is not subject to a close inspection

Yu Haoran, who has already practiced with Chaos Spiritual Qi, should have a good understanding of the powerful effects of Chaos Spiritual Qi on cultivation base and strength improvement.

In the face of such a precious treasure, he was able to send it to himself without any hesitation, which made Tower Spirit instantly impressed and didn’t know what to say.

He may not be able to make such a choice if he thinks in other words.

“Tower Spirit, you and I have known each other for almost four years. It can be said that this World is the person who knows and knows my Yu Haoran best.”

Seeing Tower Spirit, who couldn’t even speak, Yu Haoran was able to understand his inner excitement at this time, but the over-excited emotion would affect the recovery of the injury and would waste the precious chaotic Spiritual Qi, so he immediately pretended Unhappy gesture criticized.

“With the relationship and feelings between you and me, in the face of the chaotic Spiritual Qi that allows you and the ontology domain tower to quickly recover from injuries, you only need to tell it, you don’t have to test me around.

“Yu Haoran, sorry, I know!”

After expressing a deep apology, Tower Spirit took a deep breath, quickly calmed down the emotional emotions, and then carried the ontology domain tower and landed in the formation space.

Sun Xuexue is not the most lonely Mo Yang Wo Tong

“Yu Haoran, based on the number of chaotic Spiritual Qi transformed by the five congenital crystals, can recover at least about 70% of the damage of the Tower Spirit in Space and Time, and also allow me to return to the realm of the Paragon Grade 3 Peak.”

Although Yu Haoran did not give up the chaotic Spiritual Qi in selfishness, Tower Spirit could not be selfish without any expression, so he absorbed the chaotic Spiritual Qi in the Formation space and expressed his solemn assurance to Yu Haoran.

“At that time, whether it ’s the Three Extincts who can control the Will of Heavens, or the Paragon powerhouse that returns to Heavenly Profound Continent from the endless void, and the ancient Monster Race and the ancient Fiendgod tribe Paragon Divine Beast, they never want to hurt you Every cent. “

After hearing the assurance from Tower Spirit, although Yu Haoran’s face had not changed at all, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because, just as Tower Spirit thought, he had experienced the improvement effect of Chaos Spiritual Qi on the cultivation base and strength himself, and he was more aware of the preciousness and importance of Chaos Spiritual Qi.

From the perspective of his real thoughts, in fact, he is unwilling to selflessly transfer all the Chaos Spiritual Qi to Tower Spirit, but intends to reserve it as a perfect realm that will impact the Valkyrie Ten Pins in the future, even without the important auxiliary means of the Paragon Realm.

Resentment is not the most spooky to take the test enemy

But Tower Spirit has been guarded and cared for as much as Father in these years, and has been corrected and taught as a teacher, making him unable to act in accordance with his true heart.

In the end, he could only endure his heart’s perseverance and make a helpless move that made Tower Spirit grateful.

Fortunately, Tower Spirit finally gave him a guarantee that made him feel that he had selflessly given up the chaotic Spiritual Qi. At least he had a good harvest, and he also had some time to improve his potential.

“Tower Spirit, take your time to recover from injuries with Chaos Spiritual Qi!”

Although the guarantee given by Tower Spirit made him feel more comfortable, but the thought of the precious chaos was absorbed by Tower Spirit little by little, there was still a little pain and resentment in his heart.

So, holding on to the thought of not seeing or worrying, Yu Haoran turned around and left the practice room.

“Yu Haoran, rest assured!”

Watching Yu Haoran stepping out of the practice room, Tower Spirit secretly swears with his fists clenched.

“As long as my cultivation base can restore the Paragon Grade 3 Peak Realm, then with the integration of six wishful clocks and space-time towers in the Primal Chaos Seal, no one in this world can easily hurt you.”

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