Southern domain!

After the divine thoughts quietly stayed away from the mountain range, Yu Haoran re-mobilized the divine thoughts to seal the ancient Divine Race in Xianyang City.

At this point, the entire Xianyang City had been completely enveloped by the rich and holy milk of white rays of light.

At this moment, Xianyang City, which had already been evacuated, was full of instruments out of the ordinary, handsome and handsome, and the ancient Divine Race.

The hidden horrors of the Xianyang City Imperial Palace made Yu Haoran enter the city for inspection without taking any risk, and quietly away from Xianyang City, he went straight to Secret Realm, which is a few miles away.

The valley in front of the Secret Realm is exactly like Xianyang City, completely covered by the rich and evil black rays of light, and at the entrance to the Secret Realm, there are several evil and powerful horrors.

According to the breath fluctuation that Breeze emits when breaking through in the parliament hall, Yu Haoran knows that the powerful masters in Xianyang City and the valley are all horrible powerhouses who have half-robbed the Paragon Realm world.

After retrieving the thoughts that were viewed instantly, Yu Haoran used his consciousness to talk with the savage squirrel that dwells in his heart.

“Brother Black Mouse, can you use the destiny stone tablet to find out the true heritage of the ancient Monster Race and the ancient Fiendgod tribe? Have a specific number of powerhouses in the semi-robed Paragon and Paragon Realm realms?”

“Master, I’m afraid not now!”

The desperate squirrel shook his head and explained.

Ke Yuangang, the sole player, overcomes his hatred

“Before my cultivation base was not promoted to the Paragon Realm world, it was impossible to use the fate secret technique to collect information about the semi-robber Paragon and Paragon Realm powerhouses, nor was it possible to use the destiny stone tablet to manipulate the fate of these powerhouses.”

After hearing the explanation of the murderous spirit rat, Yu Haoran’s heart was filled with deep disappointment, and he looked up and continued to pay attention to the direction of the southern region. He looked forward to the ancient Monster Race and the ancient Fiendgod as he and Tower Spirit planned , Because of the hatred of Life and Death accumulated in ancient times, the battle of irreconcilable until death erupts, and ultimately ends with both sides suffer.

But it is a pity.

After waiting for almost three hours, the ancient Monster Race and the ancient Fiendgod tribe not only did not have any conflicts, but they stayed quietly in a place of escape, a picture of preparing to camp for a long time. This made Yu Haoran know that his plan with Tower Spirit was probably unsuccessful.

Because of the ancient Fiendgod tribe that has experienced painful lessons, I am afraid that no more intense conflict will occur before the hidden dangers that can threaten the ethnic group are completely eliminated.

And there is the Qingling Fox Race, which fears that the world is not chaotic, and is famous for its strategy. I am afraid that the ancient Monster Race will not act blindly without thinking in a short time.

The ancient Monster Race and the ancient Fiendgod’s unmoved soldiers will be an unpredictable disaster for the billions of lives of Heavenly Profound Continent.

But for Yu Haoran, it is the best time for him to use this time to accumulate strength.

After all, with the help of regular power and innate spar, he can realize the transformation of cultivation base and strength in a short time. At the same time, his friends and relatives can also use it to impact Eternal Undying’s Valkyrie realm.

With this in mind, Yu Haoran turned to the following Zhongli Mingjing and Zhongli Qingyang to sacrifice.

“Mingjing Senior, Qingyang patriarch, it seems that the ancient Monster Race and the ancient Fiendgod should not harm Heavenly Profound Continent in a short time, so Junior intends to return to the closed-door cultivation of the residence immediately for a period of time.”

“Okay! It just happens that we also need to make some preparations in advance to guard against the ancient Monster Race and the ancient Fiendgod.” Understanding Yu Haoran’s idea of ​​urgently improving the cultivation base and strength, Zhongli Mingjing replied nodded.


Prince Consort House!

After handing over the jade pendant capable of controlling nine superb meat loaves to Qin Lingfei, Yu Haoran returned directly to the practice room in his courtyard.

Consciously informed the 20% body in the domain tower, allowing him to use five congenital crystals and a first-grade low-grade spirit vein to arrange the Spiritual Qi Formation that can transform chaos, while Yu Haoran sat down in the practice room with a bent knee. In the corner, while using the first-grade Grade 1 purple heart to break the soul pill, to restore the potential of overdraft mood, he fully adjusted his emotions and state.

The Formation that can transform Chaos Spiritual Qi is not complicated. It only took less than ten minutes, and the 20th percentile was successfully arranged.

After getting up to signal the 20% to return to the domain tower, Yu Haoran looked at the gray air mass condensed by the Formation in front of his eyes, revealing a trace of expression.

took a deep breath, used secret art to open a gap in the Formation, and then stepped into the gray air mass condensed by the Formation.

But when the right leg had just stepped into the gray air mass, an unimaginable horror pressure made him immediately feel that the meridian of his right leg was almost broken, and the bone was almost crushed.

Fortunately, the damage and pain caused by the horror pressure is still within his tolerance and tolerance, so he gritted his teeth and stepped out of his left leg to enter the Formation.

Under the pressure of the horrific pressure on the fleshhy body and Divine Soul, Yu Haoran sat down with her knees bent, and then began to run the destiny method to attract the Formation. The color showed the light gray chaotic Spirit Qi.

“bang! bang! bang! bang! ”

After just absorbing a few light gray chaotic Spiritual Qis, he within the body sounded four deep dark thunder.

Knot Academic Invincible Ghost Love by Cool Technology

Ending the academic innocence of the ghosts will be an unpredictable disaster for the billions of lives of Heavenly Profound Continent.

With four low-level dark thunder, just upgraded to Valkyrie realm’s cultivation base, fleshhy body grade, divide force and Soul Power, reached the limit of Valkyrie Grade 1 Peak in an instant, and all the same time promoted Valkyrie Grade 2 Early-Stage .

According to the destiny stone tablet’s detailed introduction to Chaos Spiritual Qi, although Yu Haoran knows that Chaos Spiritual Qi is the most suitable energy to enhance realm and strength, but what he absolutely did not expect is that the effect of Chaos Spiritual Qi’s promotion will be so bad.

This made him feel to be wild with joy, and at the same time he was full of confidence in solving the crisis of the ancient Monster Race and the ancient Fiendgod.

Even the three extinct spirits who can manipulate the Will of Heavens consciousness also have the confidence to face it.

After shaking his head vigorously to dispel the thoughts that came out of his mind, Yu Haoran concentrate attention completely immersed in cultivation.

And his own cultivation base and strength, just like sitting on a rocket, began to advance by leaps and bounds.

The enemy is far from defeating the ghost alone


The news of the sudden birth of the ancient Monster Race and the ancient Fiendgod tribe, spread quickly at lightning speed throughout the corners of the Heavenly Profound Continent.

For ordinary forces and Loose Cultivator, the news is as scary as the end of the world. In order to be able to avoid the fierce ancient races of Monster Race and ancient Fiendgod, countless ordinary forces and scattered martial cultivator, either collectively rely on top forces, or Take the family with a mouth to find the remote mountain old forest to avoid the world.

For the top forces and the Loose Cultivator powerhouse, the early birth of the ancient Monster Race and the ancient Fiendgod tribe also hit them completely unprepared, which made them change their original plans, and also knew the true nature of Heavenly Profound Continent Turmoil has arrived.

Therefore, dozens of top Ancestors have begun to use the secret summon to halt Paragon and Paragon Old Ancestor in the endless void.

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