The edge of the blood mist mountain range!

As the top-level Spiritual God powerhouse that has been preached in ancient times, there is a complete inheritance of the Hidden Shi Family behind it. Zhong Limingjing knows the formation of Thunder Punishment and the nature of Heavenly Dao rules.

Even if the rules drove a perfect transformation and fell into a dormant state, Heavenly Dao rules temporarily lost the monitoring of Heavenly Profound Continent.

But a strong intervention by Wu Zhengjun, such as Yu Haoran, to plunder Thunder Punishment is a blatant provocation against the Heavenly Dao rule, and a trample against the iron law of the Heavenly Dao rule.

The Heavenly Dao rule should be punished by instinct and should not sit idly by.

Enemy hate ball is not the most affectionate party

Unless Yu Haoran has the means to keep Heavenly Dao’s rules out.

According to the family Scriptures Pavilion, only the three extinct spirits who can manipulate the Will of Heavens, and the destiny son who can manipulate destiny, have the means to block the induction of Heavenly Dao rules.

Therefore, Zhong Limingjing had doubts about Yu Haoran’s true identity, suspecting that he might have a special mission status.

“Qingyang, please give me a detailed introduction to the growth experience of the Lord of Void Jade Palace Heavenly Palace, including some of his private life and sexuality.”

Since there was already a skeptical thought in his heart, Zhong Limingjing immediately planned to verify the correctness of the previous guess by means of confrontation.

But if the speculative result is true, then the combination of Wu Zhengjun and Zhong Li Shuiqin will bring unbelievable benefits to the Zhongli Family.


After Zhong Li Qingyang responded, he began to introduce Ji Xing’s life experience in detail and some private lives that only top powers knew.


When the lightning flame just touched the skin, an unthinkable pain made Yu Haoran’s expression suddenly startling.

The pain caused by the thunderbolt is not just the torture of the fleshhy body, but also the deepest blow from Divine Soul.

Even with the tenacious perseverance of two generations, facing the double torture from fleshhy body and Divine Soul, he still made him a little persistent and wanted to give up and avoid.

“Yu Haoran, Guben’s condensed spirit, runs the destiny mind to absorb and refine the pure spirit strength.”

Seeing that Yu Haoran only knew to endure the pain caused by the lightning flames, but did not absorb a part of the Divine Vein spirit strength that had been refined, Tower Spirit immediately reminded him with a special secret technique.

With the opportunity of Tower Spirit to use the special secret technique to briefly wake up the mind, Yu Haoran quickly ran his own destiny mentality, and then guided the pure spirit strength that gradually surrounded himself into within the body.

When the pure spiritual strength of the guidance just entered within the body, the fleshhy body tortured by the thunder and lightning flames, like the hungry man saw the delicious and crazy devoured.

Regardless of whether it is a flower or a rare treasure, as long as the grade reaches the first level, it can be promoted to the level of the god level, and the qualities that contain spirit strength and energy will also change.

The pure spirit strength of the first-grade low-grade Divine Vein is not inferior to the divine force condensed by the Valkyrie powerhouse. This is also the power of the Tower Spirit to enable Yu Haoran to surpass the strength with the first-grade low-grade Divine Vein. Wu Zhengjun’s confidence lies.

Therefore, at the moment when pure spirit strength is incorporated into the fleshhy body, even if the sanity is not too clear, Yu Haoran can clearly feel the advanced by leaps and bounds of the fleshhy body.


Five seconds later, as a dull dark thunder sounded from Yu Haoran within the body, the ancient Tong-colored body under the blue shirt immediately surfaced with mysterious textures.

One, two, three, …, the final number of textures reached 99.

Fortunately, with the cover of the blue shirt, Zhong Limingjing didn’t see the amount of mysterious textures that appeared on the surface of Yu Haoran fleshy body. Otherwise, he did n鈥檛 need to understand the life experience and nature of Ji Xing to be able to truly determine Yu Haoran’s identity.

Because the level of fleshhy body condenses the number of mysterious textures when he is promoted to Valkyrie realm, it represents how high his success in Martial Dao.

Like the formation of 99 mysterious textures, it is basically the limit of the potential of the soul.

When the 99 mysterious textures merged into the fleshhy body, a brazen and powerful momentum quickly rose, and after the thunder and lightning flames that enveloped him were directly blown away, the impact rushed into the dark clouds converging at high altitude.

“Yu Haoran, immediately control the momentum of realm breakthrough, can neither disturb the dark clouds that symbolize the Heavenly Dao rule, nor completely shield the exercise of thunder and lightning.” When the arrogant and powerful momentum is about to enter the dark clouds, Tower Spirit, who knows the sea, promptly reminds Road.

The outrageous and powerful momentum dissipated the siege of the lightning flames, and made Yu Haoran wake up quickly from the double pain of torture.

So, after hearing the reminder from Tower Spirit, he immediately withdrew the brazen and powerful momentum that broke out when the fleshhy body level broke through, and let the lightning flame cover him again.

Sun Shushu is not subject to the ghosts alone

At the same time, due to the smooth promotion of Fleshy Body to Valkyrie Realm, his tolerance for pain has increased by at least a dozen times. It can be regarded as being baked by the lightning flame again. Yu Haoran will not lose his awake because of painful torture. Awareness.

“Yu Haoran, while continuing to use Divine Vein’s pure spirit strength to upgrade the level of fleshhy body and Origin Force, try to guide the lightning flame to refine the Divine Soul that knows the sea, and strive for Divine Soul and Origin Force to be promoted to Valkyrie realm at the same time.” After Yu Haoran was shrouded in a thunderbolt, Tower Spirit continued to remind.


Yu Haoran was obviously hesitant about the Divine Soul tempering proposed by Tower Spirit.

Because relative to the powerful fleshhy body that can withstand a certain amount of damage, as long as the fragile Divine Soul has a little damage, it will cause great damage to the entire body, which will affect the breakdown of the auxiliary realm.

But if the use of thunder and lightning to make Divine Soul from the fragile side, the hardness can be worthy of the fleshhy body.

Single-ship battle of Yuangang

Then, he will not only be able to withstand stronger attacks of formidable power, but will also have unimaginable assistance for the Paragon Realm world that does not exist in the future.

So, after repeated weighing, Yu Haoran finally decided to take a risk.

Grit your teeth to guide a ray of lightning, enter the sea-seeing space through the position of the eyebrow, and then slowly merge into Divine Soul at the speed of a turtle.


Sun Qiu Discipline Qiu Gang Fang Qingyou Zhan You

Five seconds after Sun Qiu 鈥檚 discipline Qiu Gang Fang Qing, with a dull thunder sound from Yu Haoran within the body, the ancient Tong-colored body under the blue shirt immediately appeared one after another with mysterious texture.

A kind of pain in which the soul was torn, immediately made him feel as if he was inferior to life, but compared with the pain caused by the recent exposure to the lightning flames, this kind of life is not as good as death, not at all beyond the limit he can bear.

Therefore, even though the pain caused the whole face to appear distorted, Yu Haoran still maintained his sober consciousness, and was still able to control the tempering of Divine Soul by the lightning flame.

Once, twice, three times, four times, …!

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