Sunset Lake, outside the palace!

Knot to hate the most lonely ghost Yu Yuna

Thirty seconds!

It took thirty seconds for Wu Zhengjun within the body’s blood to burn, until he used the rule of mystery to forcibly get rid of the strength of Swallowing.

Not only did Tower Spirit not help out in time for such a long time, but it also failed to explain why Wu Zhengjun within the body Bloodline was burning, which made Yu Haoran very annoyed.

“Ah! What happened?” Tower Spirit, immersed in the secret technique, awakened from the secret technique quickly after hearing Yu Haoran’s very annoying cheers, and asked a little puzzledly.

But when he noticed that Wu Zhengjun’s body was as dry as wood, and the terrible devouring breath emanating from within the body, he couldn’t help but shouted at Yu Haoran with a sudden change of complexion.

“Yu Haoran, the horse withdrew the formation of Jiugong Jiuqu Xuansha Formation, and then found a way to move the main army outside the island.”

After hearing the reminder from Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran immediately suppressed the annoyed emotions within the body, and then used the divine mind to notify the XNUMX Martial Saint powerhouses in the cloth array, so that they could evacuate the Jiugong Jiuqu Xuansha array at the same time. Explain to Tower Spirit that you cannot reach Wu Zhengjun’s body.

“After using ordinary rope to tie up the main army, after taking him away from the island!” After hearing the difficulties described by Yu Haoran, Tower Spirit thought for a moment, quickly instructed.

Upon hearing Tower Spirit’s orders, Yu Haoran turned his head to Zhong Li Qingyang instructed immediately.

“Qingyang patriarch, please help you find an ordinary hemp rope, I have urgent use now.”


Since the moment of using his own blood to conclude a contract, Zhong Li Qingyang has decided to temporarily lay down his hatred with Yu Haoran irreconcilable until death before returning to the family of Old Ancestor in the Paragon Realm, and form a temporary mutual alliance to jointly deal with fate The crisis of the Son of Travel.

Therefore, in the face of Yu Haoran’s command, Zhong Li Qingyang nodded the promise, immediately vacated and went straight to the edge of the palace.

Because the palace is inhabited by ordinary people who are part of the Zhongli Family, only their hands have ordinary twine.

“Tower Spirit, what the hell is going on?”

Taking advantage of Zhongli Qingyang to take the gap between ordinary hemp ropes, Yu Haoran hurriedly asked Wu Zhengjun what had happened.

“Yu Haoran, sorry!”

No horse answered Yu Haoran’s question, and Tower Spirit suddenly apologized to him seriously.

“Tower Spirit, what’s the matter with you?” Suddenly apologized, which made Yu Haoran more puzzled.

“Yu Haoran, if I initially obeyed your instructions and traced the cause of the disappearance of bloodthirsty physique while Wu Zhengjun was awake, then I can be prepared in advance for this sudden situation, and it will not make Wu Zhengjun likely to fall into Deadly danger. “Tower Spirit exudes regret, explaining with remorse.


Get to know the far-reaching independence

Hearing the reason for Tower Spirit’s apology, Yu Haoran was both very angry and helpless.

Angry because he believed in Tower Spirit so much, and gave him the important task of tracing the disappearance of bloodthirsty physique, but he did not take it seriously.

Helpless, it was because of his respect for Tower Spirit that he couldn’t blame him at all.

After all, for nearly four years of acquaintance and mutual esteem, Tower Spirit is not only a master of preaching, but also an elder who looks after and guards him.

However, anger turns to anger, helplessness to helplessness.

Now that things have happened, it doesn’t make any sense to investigate Tower Spirit’s default.

The immediate priority is to understand the reasons for Wu Zhengjun’s fatal crisis and the ultimate solution.

“Yu Haoran, the situation that Wu Zhengjun is facing is either the death crisis of Divine Soul’s extinction or the Dragon Transformation opportunity of shedding body, exchanging bones.”

After seeing Yu Haoran not at all blaming his neglect, Tower Spirit secretly sighed in relief, quickly put away the expression of regret and self-blame, and then began to detail the reasons for Wu Zhengjun’s fatal crisis.

After hearing Tower Spirit’s detailed introduction, Yu Haoran looked up towards Wu Zhengjun, like a dead tree, with expressions of expectation and worry.

According to the introduction by Tower Spirit just now, the bloodthirsty physique possessed by Wu Zhengjun does not really disappear, but because of the complex emotional effects of regret, humiliation, anger, and self-blame, he has officially entered the process of being promoted to bloody physique.

If the bloodthirsty physique can eventually be successfully promoted to blood phage physique, then the special physique promotion process will improve Wu Zhengjun’s cultivation base and strength, innate talent and potential, perseverance and perception, not only will he be able to break through Eternal Undying’s Valkyrie realm in one fell swoop, but also There is also no hope of impacting Paragon in a short time.

After all, the demonic path giant blood golem in ancient times was due to the smooth promotion of bloodthirsty physique to eventually become a non-existent Paragon powerhouse.

However, the promotion of bloody physique is not only extremely dangerous and may be killed at any time, but the promotion process also requires an unimaginable amount of pure blood energy, which is why Tower Spirit transferred Wu Zhengjun out of the island.

After all, the moment the blood phasing physique officially begins to advance, the pulling force of Wu Zhengjun within the body will form a black hole, a black hole that can forcibly devour all the blood energies of Between Heaven and Earth, and a paragon powerhouse Resist the black hole of the strength of Swallowing.

If Wu Zhengjun is allowed to advance on the island, I am afraid that clunsman of several thousand thousand under the Zhongli Family will eventually become the energy for bloody physique promotion.

“To Pill God, here!”

When Yu Haoran was worried about Wu Zhengjun’s bloodthirsty physique, he could eventually be promoted to a blood phlegm physique. Zhongli Qingyang, who returned quickly, held a thumb-thick, about ten meters long twine.

“Many thanks Qingyang patriarch!”

After reaching out and thanking the twine, Yu Haoran tied Wu Zhengjun directly with one end of the twine, and then lifted up with the other end of the twine straight, going straight to the blood about seven thousand miles away from Luoxia Lake mist mountain range.

blood mist mountain range, Heavenly Profound Continent, Ten Great Forbidden Land, and the ninth dangerous place. The whole mountain range is not only shrouded by rich bloodline energy all the year round, but the mountain range lives in endless beasts, and hides a lot of ferocious and evil The evil generation is the best Holy Land for Wu Zhengjun to be promoted to the bloody physique.

The blood mist mountain range is also the place where Tower Spirit selected Wu Zhengjun for promotion, which is one of the reasons why he blame himself for not preparing in advance.

Sun Xuecha does not hate the lone ghost by Tongkeyue

After Sun Xuecha did not hate the post alone, Tong Keyue reached out to take the thank you linen, Yu Haoran tied Wu Zhengjun directly with one end of the linen, and then lifted up with the other end of the linen, straight The blood mist mountain range is about seven thousand miles away from Los Angeles Lake.

“Hai Long, I’ll go with patriarch to see what’s going on. You and other Elders will immediately start Qiuyun Luohun array and be responsible for appeasing the clansman on the island.

After seeing Yu Haoran, who left Wu Palace and left the palace and island, eager to know what happened, Zhong Limingjing, after commanding Zhong Li Hailong, immediately led Zhong Li Qingyang into the air and chased away.

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