Sunset over the lake, palace!

“Sit down!”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s gesture, Zhong Limingjing turned his head to Zhong Li Qingyang and the others, and then went straight to the first wide chair on the right side of the hall, and sat down actively. !

Looking up at Xuanbing Dragon Throne in the main hall, Zhong Li Qingyang’s eyes flashed an expression of anger and helplessness, and he actively sat at the bottom of Zhong Limingjing.

Later, in addition to the young beautiful woman standing behind Zhong Li Qingyang, the remaining seven Jinyihuafu old men sat separately according to their respective status in the family.

“Qingyang patriarch, Mingjing Senior, in accordance with the customs of our Heavenly Profound Continent, as the man who comes to the door, should prepare a heavy gift to show our sincerity in courting.” After everyone in the hall sat, Yu Haoran’s face Said with a mild smile.

“In Pill God, with your current status and status, being able to personally go to the door and propose a marriage is already the most precious gift to us of the Zhongli Family, and I dare not expect more non-requests.” Yu Haoran’s tone and attitude Although it seemed very mild, Zhong Limingjing, who had been intimidated, didn’t dare to magnify, and responded humblely.

For this, Yu Haoran just shook the head with a chuckle, and then took out three special jade boxes, three pill bottles and three jade slips from the storage pig ring, and placed them on the coffee table around him.

Later, he picked up a special jade box and slowly opened the jade box. A silver armor exuding mysterious atmosphere appeared in the eyes of everyone.

“The defensive armor of the Shenjingpin contains 9 types of defense formulas of the eight emperor order and the god order. It can resist the Valkyrie Grade XNUMX Peak powerhouse with a full blow without any damage.”

Yu Haoran explained in detail that the special jade box containing the defensive armor Magical Artifact was brought to Zhong Limingjing by means of the Origin Force package.

“At the same time, there are 72 kinds of Gathering Spirit Formation methods that gather the strength of Star inside. It can attract the continuous promotion of strength of Star by itself, and finally has the hope of becoming a Paragon Level and not defending Magical Artifact.”

Since the powerhouses of the Taoist Emperor and Emperor Realm are extinct, the defense-level Magical Artifact has become very precious, and the defense-level Magical Artifact has been very scarce.

The Magical Artifact is not only very rare, but it is almost close to extinction.

The value of Magical Artifact, a defensive armor, is not lost to Magical Artifact, a level-level attack, not to mention this is a defensive armor that can continue to advance.

Therefore, Zhong Limingjing, who reached out to take over the defensive armor, quickly got up and thanked him, and expression faced Zhongli Qingyang seriously.

“Archived secrets!”

“Qingyang obeys!”

After nodded responded, Zhong Li Qingyang, who took the special jade box, looked towards Yu Haoran’s eyes, revealing a complex expression.

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Ignoring Zhong Li Qingyang’s complex god’s gaze, Yu Haoran reached out and picked up the second jade box, which was introduced after opening the jade box.

“Innate Spirit Treasure is a top-level sword weapon that has the power of extreme attack and the ability to confuse opponents.”

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Although the family treasure house and secret house contain more than ten Magical Artifacts of the Innate Spirit Treasure level, most of them are only auxiliary Magical Artifacts, and there are not many Innate Spirit Treasures like pure attack and defense.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Old Ancestor of the nineteen Valkyrie realm, only he has the aggressive Innate Spirit Treasure Qingping sword.

What’s more, the top Innate Spirit Treasure Qing Ping sword has been taken away by Yu Haoran, and it is impossible to ask for a return.

So, Fei Yan Sword is one of his important means to protect the Zhongli Family.

Therefore, after receiving the jade box with the Innate Spirit Treasure flying smoke sword, Zhong Limingjing thanked Yu Haoran and placed the jade box directly on the side coffee table. The attitude of occupying the flying smoke sword was obvious.

In this regard, the same desire to get Innate Spirit Treasure’s smoky-eyed bell Li Qingyang, could not help but secretly sighed, and looked forward to Yu Haoran, to the last special jade box placed on the coffee table.

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But Zhong Li Qingyang was slightly disappointed that the third gift Yu Haoran reached for was a jade slip, not the jade box he expected.

“Ancient Thousand Miles Line created by Zhantai Paragon.”

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“At Pill God, you must be the secret technique of Thousand Miles Line!” Zhong Limingjing, who stood up suddenly, asked incredibly.

Zhantai Paragon is a woman with amazing innate talent and looks in ancient times. She not only set the record for the fastest promotion to the world of Emperor Wu, Valkyrie and Paragon Realm, but also her outstanding memory and understanding. This is called the secret technique.

Unfortunately, later, because of emotional betrayal, she had a deadly weak spot in her state of mind, which caused her to be backlashed by Heart Demon when she hit Paragon Grade 9 Peak Realm. She ended up in the end of Divine Soul, with three original The secret technique has also disappeared into the long river of history.

Otherwise, with her innate talent and perception, she definitely has the power to shake Xingtian Paragon’s ancient first powerhouse.

The secret technique used by Thousand Miles Line is just one of three secret techniques!

Thousand Miles Line is an auxiliary secret technique that can ignore any obstacles, including spatial distance, spatial barriers, Secret Realm barriers, seal formation, etc., and ultimately achieve the effect of synchronous sound transmission and conversation.

If the Zhongli Family can get the secret technique drawn by Thousand Miles Line, then they can communicate and communicate with Old Ancestor who are far away from the endless Void Paragon realm.

This is an unimaginable aid for the Zhongli Family to cope with the complex situation that follows.

“Anyway, if jade slip is in front of you, if Mingjing Senior doesn’t believe it, now he can use God’s thoughts to check it.” Yu Haoran chuckled with a chuckle.

Looking at the jade slip floating in front of him, Zhong Limingjing’s eyes showed a trace of struggling expression.

Because according to family records, the secret technique involved in Thousand Miles Line is very easy to practice. As long as you have the innate talent and understanding of monstrous talent level, you can master the essence of secret technique within three or five minutes.

Although limited by the influence of the Heart Demon oath, he could not contact the Old Ancestor through the secret technique of the Thousand Miles Line, but he could allow the younger generations of the family to possess the evil innate talent to take the humiliation and calamity encountered by the family. Tell Old Ancestor in detail.

As long as you are in the process of negotiating the marriage contract and delaying time as much as possible, then the comet’s Zhenfeng Old Ancestor and Zhenyue Old Ancestor will be able to rush back to the family before Yu Haoran leaves the Los Angeles Lake.

At that time, the two Old Ancestors in the Paragon Realm world will not only be able to kill Yu Haoran and the others, and eliminate the hidden dangers of offending the destiny, but he will also be able to take back the Innate Spirit Treasure Qingping sword.

Knotty is far from being sentimental

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