Sunset over the lake, palace!

Facing Zhong Liqingyang’s hateful glaring, Yu Haoran just glanced at the other person casually, then took the detoxified Sun Dan refined some time ago from the storage ring and passed it to Qingfeng.

He then looked up at Zhong Limingjing, who was sitting on Dragon Throne, and expression asked with a touch of irony.

“Mingjing Senior, is this what you call hospitality!”

In the face of Yu Haoran’s ridicule, Zhong Limingjing was only slightly awkwardly laughed, but did not make any explanation, but turned his head to look at Zhong Li Qingyang, motioned him to continue to explain the cause of the matter, and the poison of the poison.

The Lonely Sword of Hate

The ship ’s lonely gui, which was hated by the distant Gangkufang Square, ignored Zhong Liming ’s savage roar. Yu Haoran used divine thoughts to extract the highly toxic medicinal ingredients from the storage ring, while refining the extracted medicinal ingredients using the pill technique.

“Mingjing Old Ancestor, in the time when you just woke up, Qingyang gave you a detailed account of the current situation of Heaven and Earth, and you have made your own judgment based on today’s complex and changing situation.”

“That is to do our best to maintain the relationship with the child of Destiny, and then use the Child of Destiny’s means of manipulation of destiny to protect the family through countless calamities safely.”

Zhongli Qingyang stepped forward to the first seat on the right side of the hall, and then continued to explain to Zhongli Mingjing.

“The engagement between Shuiqin and the son of Destiny is not only related to the Life and Death of our hundred thousand clansman of the Zhongli Family, but also determines the future survival of our Zhongli Family.”

Ke Yuanxing Fang Fang Mo hated ghosts

Explaining here, Zhong Li Qingyang turned to look at Yu Haoran, looking at Zhong Lishuiqin standing behind Yu Haoran, expression with a hint of shouting.

“So, who dares to destroy the combination of my daughter and the son of fate, and who is our irreconcilable until death of the Zhongli Family, my Zhongli Qingyang will do everything possible to destroy him!”

After hearing the real reason why Zhongli Qingyang opposed Wu Zhengjun and Zhongli Shuiqin, Yu Haoran’s eyes revealed a complex expression.

Because he did not expect that the patriarch of the Zhongli Family, the head of the five hidden inheritance families, would look at the identity of the destiny so much that he would bury his daughter’s lifelong happiness.

If the identity of the destiny’s son had been known for a long time, it would have enabled Wu Zhengjun and Zhong Lishuiqin to perfectly integrate, then he only had to secretly reveal his identity with Zhong Li Qingyang.

In this case, there will not be any conflicts between each other, and he does not need to worry about preparing gifts.

But unfortunately!

The hatred of irreconcilable until death has pushed each other to a complete decisive situation, and then only more bloody methods can be used to achieve the wish of Wu Zhengjun and Zhong Lishuiqin to combine and relieve each other’s grudges.

“Zhongli Qingyang, even Zhongli Mingjing, who has the highest cultivation base and the strongest strength, is not an opponent of Qing Senior Brother Feng, so what means can you use to pull my muscles and peel my skin.” The pale face gradually gradually The rosy, depressed atmosphere gradually increased, and the disguised Yu Haoran was gradually removed, and his eyes asked with sarcasm.

“Yu Haoran, if you and Qingfeng have not tasted the refreshing tea, I can only use special means to summon a few Paragon Old Ancestor in the endless void.”

Although Yu Haoran gradually showed a gesture of detoxification, Zhong Li Qingyang, who had full confidence in the highly toxic formidable power, responded with a proud smile.

“But you and Qingfeng greet the spiritual tea for the improvement of the cultivation base, and you drink the Grade 9 nine bones and nine souls that are incorporated into the spiritual tea. The cultivation base for years and countless years is about to disappear, and your life and death are also gone. Between my thoughts. “

“Qingyang, Yu Haoran really has the poisonous effects of Grade 9!” After hearing Zhongli Qingyang’s attack, Zhong Limingjing stood up suddenly, expressing his excitement.

After being nodded, Qingli Zhongyang used the method of Origin Force to send the tea cup beside Yu Siqi to Zhongli Qingjing and explained.

“Mingjing Old Ancestor, because the highly toxic extraction of the nine palaces, nine bones and nine souls is very difficult, and the family’s stock is not very much, so Qingyang is only in the breeze, and Yu Haoran and Yu Siqi’s spiritual tea blends into this highly toxic.”

The nine palaces, nine bones, and nine souls are highly toxic. They were created by the poisonous old man of the Paragon powerhouse in the ancient times. However, due to the age and the drug prescriptions are lost, they have not been included in the Heavenly Profound Continent’s XNUMX poison list.

Although it has not entered the Heavenly Profound Continent’s XNUMX poisonous list, the formidable power of the nine palaces and nine bones and nine souls is not inferior to the top three poisonous poisonous lists. It possesses the cultivation of the Spiritual and Paragon powerhouse. Horrible formidable power of base.

Therefore, Zhong Limingjing, who reached out to take over the tea cup, did not pretend to use God’s thoughts to look at it, but took out a special silver needle from the independent space opened by himself and inserted it into the tea cup.

Soon, Nine Cyan’s aperture appeared on the surface of the silver needle.

“Haha …!”

Zhong Liming, who threw the tea cup and silver needle directly to the ground, burst into laughter.

With noisy laughter, a strong murderous aura rose quickly from him.

“Yu Haoran, since Zhongli Mingjing became famous in ancient times, I have not bowed my head to the opponent, and have not taken the initiative to soften, but you have suffered the humiliation of softening my kimono.”

Zhong Limingjing smiled for nearly thirty seconds, and suddenly regained laughter, her eyes filled with endless snarling roar.

“At this time, only your blood, Yu Haoran, can wash away my shame.”

“At this moment, only your life, Yu Haoran, will allow me to regain the confidence of Martial Dao in the presence of a weak spot.”

Ignoring the crazy roar of Zhong Liming, Yu Haoran used the divine mind to extract the highly toxic medicine ingredients from the storage ring, while refining the medicine ingredients using the pill technique.

Just after Zhong Limingjing’s roaring voice had just fallen, the eighteen strains of highly toxic medicinal ingredients were refined into a drop of lacquer black with a seductive aroma.

Mind controlled the venom to float to the breeze’s mouth, Yu Haoran expression asked sincerely.

“Clear Senior Brother Feng, if you believe in the toxic abilities of Junior Brother, then please immediately take the venom to release the poison of Jiugong Jiugu Jiu soul.”

Without the slightest hesitation, Qingfeng opened his mouth to swallow the venom directly, thus proving his trust in Yu Haoran’s poisonous abilities.

As the venom swallowed within the body began to take effect, the cultivation base from which the breeze was cut began to gradually return, the pale face was gradually ruddy, the depressed atmosphere gradually strengthened, and the fury of the eyes was given by Murderous Aura. To replace.

“Zhong Liqing Yang, I have to say that your means are really cunning and insidious.”

After the breeze took the venom without any hesitation, Yu Haoran stood up and motioned to stand in front of Lu Yuan and the red hated beast, and then took out the half cup of spirit tea sealed by Tower Spirit from the space of the sea of ​​understanding, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Said.

“If it weren’t for me that Yu Haoran is also proficient in poisoning, and possesses the cultivation base of the poisoning poison emperor, I will definitely take this cup of tea with the poisonous poison of nine palaces and nine bones and nine souls, and then end up losing the cultivation base. . “

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