Sunset over lake, in front of the island!

Ship hate Yuanke Xing coolly hate the moon

Seeing Yu Haoran’s unmistakable Murderous Intention, he quickly took out the General Ge of the Sword Sword, and asked with a hint of nervousness.

“Last name, what do you want to do?”

After all, with the information system of the Zhongli Family, Yu Haoran knew that Yu Haoran had the power to slay the newcomer realm powerhouse.

Ignoring his own director Ge, Yu Haoran closed his eyes slowly, and took a deep breath.

The ship hated obscurity and blocked the party to reveal itself

“I hate observing the party alone and revealing myself” “But if there is any accident or injury to my Junior Brother, then I will surely let the Luoxia Lake blood flow into a river, and the Zhongli Family will completely disappear into the long river of history. I Yu Haoran says it does. “

After reopening his eyes, he directly mobilized Soul Power into the vocal cords and shouted into the depths of the island.

“Listen from the Zhongli Family, if my Junior Brother is safe and sound, look at the face of the water girl, and I will not blame you for the humiliation that we have brought to our brother today.”

“But if there is any accident or injury to my Junior Brother, then I will surely let the Los Angeles Lake blood flow into a river and make the Zhongli Family completely disappear into the long river of history. I have said it.”

After leaving the threat of a complete break with the Zhongli Family, Yu Haoran directly inspired Tower Spirit’s top rune made in advance, which instantly disappeared in the eyes of Director Ge and the others.

“Arrogant and ignorant junior!”

The Zhongli Family, as the head of the five hidden Shi Family families, has never obeyed the ancestors ’teachings, but has never dared to provoke the Zhongli family.

Kodiek Hate the Ball

The reason lies in the deep inheritance and heritage of the Zhongli Family, the strength and means of terror.

They are the four Divine Beasts of the four guardian families, and they are definitely not afraid to threaten the Zhongli Family as blatantly as Yu Haoran.

Therefore, watching Yu Haoran and Wu Zhengjun who quickly disappeared in front of the island, the ears echoed the threat of Yu Haoran, who was full of intense murderous aura, the angered general manager, waving his natal sword weapon and cursed.


In a majestic palace in the depths of the island, a beautiful garden, Zhongli Shuiqin is cheerfully facing a young woman with a temperament and grace and looks like Celestial Immortal, telling her various experiences of leaving home.

When she heard that Zhong Li Shuiqin was in danger, the young beautiful woman felt very nervous.

After hearing Zhongli Shuiqin’s successful resolution of the crisis, the young beautiful woman secretly sighed in relief.

However, when Zhongli Shuiqin made a vague reference to Wu Zhengjun and Yu Haoran, the young beauty placed a tight grip on the jade fist of her sleeve, and her eyes flashed a worried expression.

“Mother, senior brother Yu once gave Qiner a gift, and a counter-treasure that can assist in the promotion of Valkyrie realm. Qiner intends to transfer it to Lord Father.”

Although Yu Haoran has promised himself, he will take out a ginseng fruit as a gift for the marriage proposal, but considering the restrictions of father on the father in the family, it is very likely that the ginseng fruit used to propose marriage cannot fall into the father’s hand. .

Therefore, when telling her experience, Zhong Lishuiqin has decided to give her one ginseng fruit to father, hoping to make father feel comfortable and promise her marriage with Wu Zhengjun.

“Oh! I don’t know what a treasure treasure my baby daughter is going to give to my father?” Zhongli Qingyang, who happened to be back in the back garden, could not help laughing when he heard the treasure that Zhong Lishuizhen was going to transfer.

“Father, is a counter-treasure that can make you startled.” Rushing to meet Zhongli Qingyang’s Zhongli Shuiqin, he took out a special jade box from the storage ring and replied with a smile.

“Oh! Show me.”

I can make myself a supreme expert of the Emperor Grade 9 Peak Realm, patriarch startled of the head of the five hidden Shi Family clan, understand the daughter’s vision of Zhongli Qingyang, and immediately came out with interest to take over the jade box.

But at this time, the side of the back garden suddenly sounded the threat of Yu Haoran.

The end of the game is not the most exclusive battle star Sun

“Listen to the Zhongli Family, if my Junior Brother is safe and sound …, then I will surely let the Los Angeles Lake blood flow into a river, and make the Zhongli Family completely disappear into the long river of history. I said, Yu Haoran.”


After hearing Yu Haoran’s threat of intense murderous aura, Zhong Li Qingyang suddenly smashed the stone table in front of him, gnashing teeth said.

“Ignorant children dare to threaten the Zhongli Family, the head of the Hidden Shi Family. It seems that the Great Qin Empire no longer needs to exist.”

The enemy learns to hate Ke Yuangang alone

“Father, what did you do to senior brother Yu and Wu Zhengjun?” Suddenly, Zhongli Shuiqin, who took back the jade box, asked with a panic.

During the time he lived in Prince Consort’s residence, Zhong Lishuiqin understood all aspects of Yu Haoran’s personality and character.

After learning to check the distant stars coolly

If the family did not do too much, or if Wu Zhengjun suffered a very serious injury, and he treated Wu Zhengjun’s feelings with Yu Haoran, he would never turn his face flatly, and it would be impossible for a murderous-looking break with the Zhongli Family. .

“A soft egg that relies on a woman’s position, a bastard who wants to rely on my daughter’s position, I let Mr. Ge Fiercely humiliate and drive out of Luoxia Lake directly.” Zhong Li Qingyang replied indifferently.

“Father, how can you treat senior brother Yu and Wu Zhengjun like that!” Zhong Li Qingyang’s evaluation and approach to Yu Haoran and Wu Zhengjun made Zhong Li Shuiqin incredibly loud.

Yu Haoran’s success not only has nothing to do with the combination of Qin Lingfei, but the Great Qin Empire can continue to grow and develop, and Yu Haoran has played an unimaginable impetus.

Had Yu Haoran not relied on the advanced Pill Dao cultivation base to produce a large number of top-notch medicine pills, it would not have been possible for Qin Emperor to cultivate tens of millions of Martial King, Martial Sovereign and Martial Saint realm masters in a short period of time.

If it weren’t for Yu Haoran to win the double title of the Southern and Five Realms Hidden Dragon List, the Great Qin Empire would not be able to get the rewards from the potential Dragon Qi, and could continue to harvest countless talents with top, peerless and monstrous talent levels.

If it weren’t for Yu Haoran’s annihilation of the beasts that traverse the mountain range alone, and the ancient Fiendgod tribe born from reseal, the Great Qin Empire would not be able to do everything for the military and civilians, nor would it be possible to occupy the central area like a hot knife through butter.

Such a terrible genius of evil spirits, in the eyes of father, turned out to be a soft egg relying on a woman’s position. Zhong Lishuiqin did not know how he reached this conclusion.

An academic faraway star flies alone

At the same time, what made Zhong Li Shuiqin unacceptable was father’s evaluation of Wu Zhengjun.

If it wasn’t for his hard-working pursuit and incomprehensible style of Wu Zhengjun, it would be impossible to accept his own affection.

If it weren’t for Yu Haoran’s two successive promises, Wu Zhengjun wouldn’t have promised to come in person to ask for a marriage.

“Qin’er, if it wasn’t for your mother’s plight, begging me to let the two boys make a living, as early as the end of the five-domain Hidden Dragon List battle, those two boys have die without a burial site.”

Facing the loud questioning of the Zhongli Family, Zhong Li Qingyang’s eyes showed a hint of scorn.

“So, I asked Mr. Ge to humiliately drive out of Dawnbreak Peak. It can be said to be very kind.”

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