Inner Valley of the Valley of Death!

Xuanming mentality, pays great attention to the tempering of his own foundation and mood, and pays attention to various auxiliary realm’s balance and improvement. It is basically impossible to cultivate deviation in the realm’s breakthrough process. Mobile terminal

What’s more, Tao Fengye is the top sect master of Sect, and the breakthrough of Wudi realm is a top priority for Mysterious Dao Sect. The Wudi supreme expert in sect, the pseudo god powerhouse of Demi-God realm, and the real god of Valkyrie realm. The Spiritual God powerhouse is bound to wait.

Well, Tao Fengye ’s fortunes are bad, and the Emperor Wu ’s realm breakthrough process has experienced a cultivation deviation. The Spiritual God Powerhouse, a warrior who is waiting for the battle, can help, and it is absolutely impossible to watch Tao Fengye die in Heart Demon backlash.

Therefore, Tao Fengye definitely died of a human accident, and there must be a very big conspiracy behind this accident.

Sun Chaxue is not far away and love is so cool

Sun Chaxue is not far away, and love is so cool. With sighing and shaking his head, Tsing Yi Nian Powerhouse quietly stepped back half a foot to avoid the sharp sword energy emitted from the Trapping Immortal Sword.

“Say, how did Tao Sect Master die?” Taking a step forward suddenly, the tip of the Trapping Immortal Sword sticks directly to the brow of Tsing Yi Powerhouse, Yu Haoran expression asked sharply.

“Master Prince Consort, I didn’t already say that Tao Sect Master died of the Heart Demon backlash of Emperor Wu’s realm breakthrough process.”

Seeing Yu Haoran reopening the cause of Tao Fengye’s death, Tsing Yi Nian powerhouse shuddered slightly.

However, he knew that Tao Fengye’s death was very involved, and he could not leak the slightest wind, otherwise, it would easily cause turmoil in Heavenly Profound Continent, so Tsing Yi Powerhouse replied calmly.

Enemy learns nothing but stars and ghosts

Chu Cha hate the most affectionate Mo Qiu Nao

“It seems you are Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin, don’t hit the south wall or look back!”

The Void Jade Palace, where the hatred is the most affectionate, and the hatred is in the sky. Every day, the idea of ​​splitting the palace will inevitably offend Heavenly Venerate and the Emperor, as well as most of the powerhouses in the Sannomiya. The end.

After seeing the Tsing Yi Powerhouse pretending to be calm, Yu Haoran’s eyes were full of disdainful taunts, and he began to use one’s identity and Tao Fengye’s identity to refute and question one after another.


Facing the reason for refutation given by Yu Haoran, after a little panic in the eyes of Tsing Yi Nian Powerhouse, the idea of ​​risk-taking escaped suddenly appeared inside, otherwise, revealing the real cause of Tao Fengye’s death, the result is also a dead end.

Sun Qiucha is not far from the most ghost alone by the enemy

However, if you want to take a risky escape, you must find a way to avoid the Divine Sword that reaches the center of your eyebrow, so the eyes of Tsing Yi Powerhouse turned around, and she immediately sighed.

“Prince Consort really is Divine Vision like a torch, but from the identity of Tao Fengye and his cultivation mind, he can see that his abnormal death, Huamou convinced to take orally.”

With the action of sighing and shaking his head, Tsing Yi Nian Powerhouse quietly stepped back by half a foot to avoid the sharp sword energy emitted by the tip of the Trapping Immortal Sword.

At the same time, he quietly used his thoughts to stimulate the note given by Old Ancestor in the storage ring, while pretending to be eloquent and attracting Yu Haoran’s attention.

“Yu Haoran, this guy wants to escape with the mysterious symbols of the mysterious law.” When the powerhouse in Tsing Yi secretly excited the top notes in the storage ring, he briefly reminded the Tower Spirit of the three Suppressing Sea Divine Beads immediately.

“I know.”

Post-academic vengeance

After no unexpected response, Yu Haoran still looked indifferently at Tsing Yi Powerhouse.

The post-academic invincible star ghost ghost took over the promise of taking over the school and briefly introduced Yu Haoran’s achievements.


Void Jade Palace, Heavenly Palace Darkroom!

Facing Sang Yu’s interrogation, Ren Tianxuan bowed his head and considered for a while, then said gnashing teeth again.


Sang Yu, who was lightly trembled, looked at Ren Tianxuan, and her eyes showed an expression of no shock.

Enemy Chaco Land’s Love and War

The enemy ’s arts and sciences have a close relationship with Yuan Nuoku, and they are fighting “Nowhere else!”

The so-called separation palace is actually exactly the same as the separation. Although the name belongs to Void Jade Palace, everything in the palace is controlled by itself, including the autonomy of financial power, the autonomy of personnel appointment, and the autonomy of people’s affairs.

In the Void Jade Palace, the idea of ​​splitting the palace will inevitably offend Heavenly Venerate and the Landlord, as well as most of the powerhouses in the Third Palace, and will end up in a betrayal.

However, the Sect extermination crisis that Void Jade Palace is facing now seems to have the only way to separate the palaces to barely keep the inheritance of Void Jade Palace, but Ren Tianzheng has to bear too many too many grievances.

“Respect, if you are the Lord of Heavenly Palace, not only will Void Jade Palace not encounter the crisis of Sect extermination, but the development of the overall situation may not know how many times stronger now.” The shocked expression was soon respected. Instead, Sang Yu couldn’t help but sigh.

“Sacred Yu Ancestor Master, dividing the palace is only the first step to resolve Void Jade Palace.”

Facing Sheng Yu’s praise, Ren Tianyi expression continued without any change.

“How to ensure that the elite disciple of Sannomiya who possesses peerless and wicked innate talent will ultimately belong to the palace of men and lead them away from Void Jade Palace temporarily is the second step to resolve the crisis of Void Jade Palace.”

“Respect, give this to me!”

Even if the destruction of Heavenly Venerate and the Lord, and even the death of all the top powerhouses of Heavenly Palace and Earth Palace, as long as there is enough elite disciple to hold the peerless and wicked innate talent, then Void Jade Palace will not only break the inheritance, but also have Dongshan is a chance.

Therefore, Sang Yu, who also intends to join the People’s Palace, began to offer suggestions for Tian Tian sincerely.

“That trouble Ancestor Master!”

Hearing that Sang Yu was willing to take on the heavy task of recruiting peerless and wicked innate talent disciple, Ren Tianyi secretly relieved, and quickly thanked him.

The enemy’s battlefield far away

Then he turned to look at the East, his eyes expressing hesitation.

“Human respect, what’s wrong?” Sang Yu asked a little puzzled after seeing Ren Tianyu’s unfathomable mystery staring at the East.

“Sang Yu Ancestor Master, whether Void Jade Palace can survive the crisis of extinguish sect, and ultimately survive the calamity of immeasurable calamity, one person’s support is needed.” While continuing to watch the East, Ren Tianyi expression complexly replied.

“Who?” A person’s support was able to keep a top-level sect’s inheritance. Sang Yu immediately asked with interest after hearing Ren Tianzheng’s reply.

“A genius with more than innate talent, a Martial Dao and auxiliary path of cultivation are both the first genius of Heavenly Profound Continent, a genius who has grown rapidly from adversity, and a genius that we can trust.” Take back the attention After Oriental’s eyes, Ren Tianxuan sighed with admiration for expression.

“Respect, who is this person?” Ren Tianyu praised him one after another, making Sang Yu more urgent to know who that person was.

“Yu Haoran, the Prince Consort of the Great Qin Empire, is only twenty years old and has the cultivation base of the Emperor Wu’s Grade 9 Peak, the path of the Great Grandmaster, Formation Dao, and Pill Dao Pill God.”

Ren Tianyi briefly introduced the achievements of Yu Haoran.

“Honor, where is Yu Haoran at the moment?”

Ren Tianyi’s introduction to Yu Haoran Cheng gave Sang Yu a vague sense of familiarity. He felt that he was very similar to a certain evil genius in ancient times. He was even more anxious to see Yu Haoran.

After the investigation, the enemy secretly took over the cool secret

“There is a mansion floating in the midst of the Fengrun Town on the border of Dongyu and Nanyu. Yu Haoran should be in that annex now.”

After Ren Tianyi retracted his attention to the East, he pointed out where Yu Haoran was.

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