Outside Fengrun City!

Faced with the threat of Yu Haoran, the original white-haired old man was gloomy, the corners of his mouth were slightly skimmed, and expression slightly asked disdainfully.

“Yu Haoran, do you dare to kill me!”

“Old fellow, what do you say!” Yu Haoran sneered at the white haired old man who stretched his finger to his head just now.

“Yu Haoran, why did you dare to kill Zhiyuan Elder just now, because you don’t know the true identity of my Lord of Void Jade Palace Heavenly Palace.”

Facing the demonstration by Yu Haoran, the white haired old man not only did not have the slightest fear, but expressed a threat of pride.

“Now that you have checked the memory of Zhiyuan Elder, you must know the identity of the Child of Destiny, Lord of Heavenly Palace.”

“Now do you dare me!”


Facing the arrogant threat of the white haired old man, Yu Haoran’s means of counterattack was very simple and rude. A ancestor witch’s inheritance fist directly blasted the opponent’s fleshhy body and Divine Soul into pieces.

“Don’t say that you are an act recklessly Elder. It’s considered the son of destiny to appear here. I Yu Haoran can’t kill him.” After glancing across several Void Jade Palace Martial Venerable and Emperor Realm’s powerhouse, Yu Haoran’s proud statement Road.

“Master Prince Consort, thanks!”

Seeing Yu Haoran’s unscrupulous direct bombardment of Void Jade Palace Elder who threatened himself, Hu surnamed powerhouse and immediately thanked him, cup one fist in the other hand, and then left Fengfeng by tearing the void. Outside the city.

“Three seconds, now I give you three seconds to leave!”

After Hu’s powerhouse left Fengrun City by tearing the void, Yu Haoran stood indifferently towards the thousand powerhouse outside the city, giving a final warning.

“After three seconds, the person who stayed at the scene chose to be my enemy, and Yu Haoran was the only one to end with me, and that was Divine Soul’s destruction!”

“Three!” After giving the final warning, Yu Haoran started the countdown directly.

In the face of Yu Haoran’s warning and countdown, Qian Martial Venerable and Wudi’s powerhouse showed hesitant expressions in the eyes of more than half of them, and the remaining half of the resolute people were those who had directly and indirectly hated him. .

“Two!” Yu Haoran continued the countdown!

Although the countdown that Yu Haoran shouted was just the most common voice, but for the thousand powerhouse outside the city, it was not lost to the godmight of the Valkyrie realm powerhouse.

This also made many people with hesitant expressions, and gradually made up their minds to leave Fengrun City.

In this regard, although the five powerhouse faces of Void Jade Palace are very ugly, not at all continue to threaten their words.


As the countdown ends, Yu Haoran is directly instructed by Qin Lingfei and the others.

“Choose an opponent that suits you according to your strength and means. Let’s do it!”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s orders, they have inspired Qin Lingfei and the others who defended Magical Artifact, took out the strongest attack of Magical Artifact of formidable power, and directly killed more than XNUMX Martial Venerable and Emperor Realm’s powerhouses outside the city.

“General Lan, immediately attacked the Formation and strangled the opponents of the Martial Venerable realm.” When Qin Lingfei and the others rushed to their opponents, Yu Haoran faced Lan Rong and the others instructed who had already started defense and attacked the Formation.

“Subordinates get orders!”

The six Generals and eighteen Commander joined forces to attack the Formation, quickly condensing a dorsal bi-fin, the head of the Sphinx Divine Dragon.

貔貅 Divine Dragon, after making a deafening sound of tyrosine, roared towards the hundreds of Martial Venerable powerhouses outside the city.

Tower Spirit uses the attack formations arranged by nine Divine Beast mountains, and has reached the level of Early-Stage. Under the joint control of Lanrong 7 Martial Saint powerhouse, it can exert the power of Wudi Grade XNUMX Peak.

Just to deal with the peerless powerhouse of Martial Venerable realm, Lan Rong and the others will not make any mistakes, and there will be no danger at all.

Therefore, Yu Haoran didn’t pay attention to 貔貅 Divine Dragon who madly killed Martial Venerable powerhouse, half of his attention was on Qin Lingfei and the others’ body, and half of his attention prevented someone from escaping.

Five of them, Fangman has the lowest cultivation base, only the realm of Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak.

However, she used the poison of Heiman and the Divine Dragon blood essence of Heiman to make every Emperor of the Emperor who had encountered the poison of Heiman completely eroded into a drop within three to five seconds. Drops of black water with a foul smell.

Yunxiang’s cultivation base ranks second to last, and has just been promoted to the top Martial Venerable Grade 1 Early-Stage realm.

But in the face of Emperor Wu ’s realm ’s powerhouse, Nether Soul’s new poisonous poison formed by the poisonous source combined with the source of the five poisons, let her show no lethality.

With the help of the Hidden Dragon List battle in the South and Central Regions, and a large number of top-level medicine pills refined by Yu Haoran, Qin Lingfei has been promoted to the top Martial Venerable Grade 9 Early-Stage realm.

But she wasn’t born to fight well. Even with the help of Innate Spirit Treasure Jin Ye scissors, the speed and number of beheaded opponents were far worse than Yun Xiang and Fang Man.

The cultivation base was promoted to the top Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak. The sword was flawless and affected by special reasons. The very ruthless degree of the shot was far less than before. She also had the help of Innate Spirit Treasure Binding Dragon Rope. And the number is the same as Qin Lingfei.

Fortunately, the cultivation base was promoted to Wu Zhengjun of Wudi Grade 3 Peak Realm. Not only was his strength improved by advanced by leaps and bounds, but he had also been inspired to the limit of bloodthirsty physicals, which made him more brave and shot more brutal.

Wu Zhengjun is the person who has the best shooting speed and kills the most enemies.

After seeing the hundreds of times of enemies, Qin Lingfei’s five people occupy absolute wind and advantage, while Yu Haoran breathed a sigh of relief, the divine mind directly locked the five Void Jade Palace powerhouses who wanted to sneak away.

As Lan Rong and the others used the Divine Dragon gathered from the Attack Formation to kill all Martial Venerable realm powerhouses and joined the siege of the Emperor Realm powerhouse, the five powerhouses from Void Jade Palace quietly took out a rune.

“I want to escape!”

After seeing the dark-inspired runes intending to escape the five Void Jade Palace powerhouses of Fengrun City, Yu Haoran sneered, with the assistance of the flash dual system strength of Law, appeared directly in a realm with a Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak limit, about 40 years old In front of the young people.

The lock of the gods mind, the attack of the ancestral witch fist, and the moment of easily killing the opponent, Yu Haoran instantly appeared in front of a blue clothed year man of Void Jade Palace who had just been promoted to real emperor Wum.

With the same mentality and the same ancestral witch inheritance, after spending the same time bombarding his opponent, he continued to use the speed of the dual-strength strength of Law to bombard Void Jade Palace’s two other Emperor Powerhouses in succession.

When he used the flash dual-strength strength of Law to appear in front of the last and strongest opponent, and intended to continue to use the ancestral boxing method to kill the opponent, a feeling of extreme lethality, allowing Yu Haoran to quickly mobilize the dual-speed Back of strength of Law.

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