Rich City, Prince Consort House!

“Hu …!”

After slowly spitting out the stagnant air that accumulated in the chest, Yu Haoran opened his eyes slowly, his eyes exuding a hint of happy expression.

At the Zhenyuan cemetery, with the help of the horrific Thunder Tribulation formed by the destruction of Divine Thunder, he was successfully promoted to the perfect realm of the ten emperors of the Emperor, and he began to obtain three Innate Spirit Treasure and twenty by threatening the Earth Book Artifact Spirit. Nine ginseng fruit.

Later, he accepted the destiny gift from Black Tortoise Divine Beast to learn his true identity.

After school, hate and hate Fang alone

After school, hate and hate Chou Fang alone, Mo Xianfeng Yuan “Senior, whether you come to Fengrun City this time is good or malicious, as long as you can completely confess, I will not be investigated afterwards.”

Then, because Fengrun City was under siege by the Flowing Clouds Sect Valkyrie powerhouse, he hurriedly returned to the rescue.

I have never had time to carefully examine, feel, and consolidate the strength of the realm breakthrough, nor to know the limits of my realm breakthrough.

Now, after nearly two days and two nights of consolidation, he knows that with the horrific Thunder Tribulation formed by the destruction of Divine Thunder, not only the cultivation base has reached the limit of the perfect emperor of the ten emperors of the Emperor Wu, but also touches the life and death strength of law. A bit of mystery, already has the strength to directly impact Valkyrie realm with the help of ginseng fruit.

Of course, with the deep accumulation of Martial Saint realm and Martial Venerable realm, he is not in a hurry to break through the Valkyrie realm at this time, and he still hopes to continue to realize the leapfrogging of cultivation base through the accumulation of perfect realm in Wudi Shipin.

Sun hate not far away

After taking a deep breath, after forcibly suppressing the joy that came out of the heart, Yu Haoran took out the Pill Dao cultivation left by Zhen Yuanzi from the tower and realized the jade slip, and began to re-examine the record of how to break through Pill Dao Pill God realm, for the next Pill Dao realm’s breakthrough is ready.

Sun hated it. Yang Gang was too far away from Ke Guifang. “I didn’t expect it from Pill Emperor, remember Hu!” Seeing that Yu Haoran had recognized his origin, Hu powerhouse expression sighed complicatedly.


When Yu Haoran was immersed in the jade slip of Pill Dao cultivation, Lan Rong expressed anxiously to Qin Lingfei and asked.

“Her Highness the Princess, the situation outside Fengrun City is becoming more and more urgent. Your subordinates hope that you can now wake up the retired Prince Consort and let the Prince Consort come out to preside over the big picture.”

“General Lan, Prince Consort, before the retreat practice, specifically told him that no matter what happened outside, he could not disturb his practice.” Facing Lan Rong’s request, Qin Lingfei simply refused to consider it Road.

“Her Highness the Princess, according to the line of sight of the subordinates placed outside the city, the number of powerhouses gathered outside the city at this moment has reached nearly a thousand people.”

In the face of Qin Lingfei’s categorical rejection, Lan Rong took a deep breath, tried to calm down the anxious mood, and hoped to introduce Her Urness the Princess’s determination to wake up Prince Consort by introducing the urgent situation outside the city in detail.

“Whether it is Kaicheng to meet the enemy or to leave Fengrun City, Grand Prince Consort needs to make a decision quickly.”

“If you continue to delay, I’m afraid I won’t be able to leave at that time.”


Qin Lingfei’s eyes flashed a little hesitation when she heard that the number of powerhouses in Martial Venerable’s gathering of Martial Venerable was close to XNUMX.

But thinking of Yu Haoran’s solemn instructions before the retreat, she couldn’t immediately make a decision to wake him up, and for a moment she didn’t know what to do.

“General Blue, what happened?”

Although immersed in the perception of Pill Dao cultivation, it is impossible to detect what is happening outside the practice room, but Tower Spirit, which has ended the consolidation of realm, has been paying attention to the situation of the mansion.

Therefore, after seeing the argument between Qin Lingfei and Lan Rong, he directly awakened Yu Haoran who entered jade slip.

“Prince Consort !”

Sun Xuecha could not receive the ball from the star alone

Seeing Yu Haoran stepping out of the practice room, Qin Lingfei flashed a surprise and ran to him.

“My subordinate has met Prince Consort!”

After kneeling on knees with respect, Lan Rong immediately introduced in detail what happened outside Fengrun City in the past two days.

Hearing a part of the powerhouse of Lan Rong who couldn’t see the cultivation base suddenly, outside Fengrun City, Yu Haoran frowned slightly and spread his thoughts, and looked carefully.

When he saw the thousands of powerhouses in Fengruncheng’s foreign exchange gathering, most of them were just Martial Venerable and Wudi’s cultivation base, his eyes showed a hint of doubt.

“Yu Haoran, is it because of the ginseng fruit?” I also saw the powerhouse of the city’s foreign exchange gathering, Tower Spirit considered it a little, and then reminded expression grave.

After all, when Yu Haoran obtained all the ginseng fruits of the Ginseng Fruit Tree by threatening the Earth Book Artifact Spirit, there were more than 40 powerhouses on the periphery of the mountain range, including the Guardian Family, the Hidden Shi Family Family, and the Heavenly Martial Sect.

Ginseng fruit can help break through the powerful effects of Valkyrie Realm, I am afraid they will make them do some crazy things.

Ship hate Branch is not the coolest by Qiu Fengfang

“Probably not!” Yu Haoran shook his head and retorted.

Because of Tower Spirit’s reminder, he was not skeptical at first, but outside the Zhenyuan cemetery and Fengrun City, he has exposed his strength not to be lost to the first real Wushen.

If it is really because of ginseng fruit, then the powerhouse that is gathered outside Fengrun City at the moment must be the cultivation base of Valkyrie Realm.

Otherwise, coming to the powerhouse of Martial Venerable and Emperor Wu Realm, there is no slight threat to him who has the real power of entering War God.

Since you can’t guess the reason why the powerhouse gathered in Fengrun City, it is better to face it directly, and then get the answers you want from the mouth of those people.

After having a decision in his heart, Yu Haoran rose into the air and headed straight outside Fengrun City.

“Look, Yu Haoran is out!” Yu Haoran just landed on the city wall, a cultivation base with only the Emperor Grade 2 Peak Realm’s powerhouse, immediately reminded loudly.

The reminder of Wudi Grade 2 Peak powerhouse made the eyes of thousands of powerhouses gathered outside the city immediately turn to Yu Haoran standing on the city wall.

After school science hatred the most cool war granddaughter too

“It’s you!”

Taking a closer look at the powerhouse that just sounded a reminder, Yu Haoran immediately thought that the other party was in the battle for the Hidden Dragon List in Yangyu, and he had commented on his strength.

“I didn’t expect that Pill Emperor remembered Hu!” Sighed with a complex sigh as Yu Haoran recognized his origin.

When Yu Haoran participated in the Hidden Dragon List battle in Central Realm, he was just a marvelous genius of Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak limit, and he was the peerless powerhouse of the top Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak Realm.

Nowadays, although he has become the Supreme Expert of Wudi Grade 2 Peak Realm, the achievements of the other party are beyond his ability to catch up and surpass.

“Senior, I don’t know why you meet outside Fengrun City at this moment?”

The opponent ’s comments during the match had a great effect on improving his popularity. Yu Haoran not at all forgot this feeling, so the tone of the interrogation was relatively mild.


In the face of Yu Haoran’s mild interrogation, Hu’s powerhouse glanced at the people around him, showing a hint of hesitant expression, not knowing how to answer.

“Senior, no matter whether you come to Fengrun City this time is goodwill or malicious, as long as you can completely confess, I will not be held accountable afterwards.”

Seeing that Hu’s powerhouse was talking and stopping, Yu Haoran was probably able to guess that he should have some fear, so by giving a forgiveness guarantee, let the other party reveal the true truth.

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