Rich City, Prince Consort House!

Looking at Zhongli Shuiqin in cheeks slightly red, Yu Haoran gradually closed his face and asked solemnly.

“Girl Shuiqin, do you really like Zhengjun?”

“When I return to Senior Brother, I don’t just like Xiaojun. I love him, and I don’t want to marry him in this life!” He looked at Wu Zhengjun with infinite tenderness, and Zhong Lishuiqin replied for the first time.

“Girl, harp, do you know what difficulties and resistance you will encounter in combination?” Not at all Yu Haoran’s face changed slightly because of Zhong Zhongshui’s heart, and he still expressed his solemn question.

“Senior Brother, if the family opposes my marriage with Zhengjun, then I completely leave the family, and then go with the Zhengjun to the end of the world to be a pair of amphibious and double-sleeping puppets.” After retracting and looking at Wu Zhengjun’s tenderness, Zhong Lishuiqin said with a decided expression.

“Zhengjun, how about you?” Yu Haoran turned his head and looked at Wu Zhengjun without asking about Zhong Lishuiqin.

“Senior Brother, sorry!”

Facing Yu Haoran’s direct questioning, Wu Zhengjun, who was struggling for a while, expressed his apology and bowed his head softly.

“oh! ”

Already knowing Wu Zhengjun’s final choice, although Yu Haoran felt very relieved in his heart, he still kept a serious expression of sigh, got up and stood in front of him, then reached out and pressed his shoulder, reminding him with a heavy voice.

“Jingjun, do you know the origin of the Zhongli Family?”

“Senior brother Yu, I don’t know,” Wu Zhengjun shook his head and motioned.

“Jing Jun, know that from the moment of the end of the world with the water girl, do you have to face countless Martial Venerable, Wu Di, Demi-God, and Valkyrie, and even half-robber Paragon and Paragon hunting?” Yu Haoran continued. Asked.

His face slightly changed, and he looked up at Yu Haoran, Wu Zhengjun didn’t know how to answer.

However, Zhongli Shuiqin, who had considered it in advance, answered Wu Zhengjun on his own initiative.

“Senior Brother, despite the numerous powerhouses of the Zhongli Family, they cannot hide the sky with one hand. I know that there are several places that can avoid the pursuit of the family powerhouse.”

Ignoring Zhong Lishuiqin’s answer, Yu Haoran questioned heavily.

“Jingjun, have you ever considered carefully, when you make a decision of Langya Tianya, will it give me, Ling Fei, and Wujin the same disaster?”

Facing Yu Haoran’s questioning, Wu Zhengjun’s expression turned pale and suddenly he stepped back from the pavilion, his eyes showing the expression of pain and struggle.

In response to this, Yu Haoran did not continue to question and question, but re-sit back to the stone chair, while leaving Wu Zhengjun the time to make a choice, at the same time began to discuss with Tower Spirit and choose a gift suitable for marriage.

As a ginseng fruit that can assist the impact of Valkyrie realm, it must be a gift for the finale.

Innate Spirit Treasure, a blackened sword from Earth Book Artifact Spirit, can be used as a second gift for a relative.

From the Scriptures Pavilion in Zhenyuan’s cemetery, the Five Elements Five Cycles Secret Technique collected by Five Elements can be used as a third gift for the relatives.

Tower Spirit decides to personally craft a defense Divine Item that can absorb the strength of Star and reach the level of the Divine Realm, as the fourth gift for the relatives.

However, according to Tower Spirit’s understanding of inheritance’s family customs, the number of gifts such as active door-to-door visits is generally double, either four or six.

The Zhongli Family tribe is the head of the five hidden Shi Family tribe, and Zhong Li Shuiqin, as the most favored Eldest Young Lady of the Zhongli family tribe, must be treated according to the highest specifications.

At the same time, in order to allow Wu Zhengjun to earn a good face in front of the powerhouse of the Zhongli Family, so that he will not be despised and ridiculed for the gift of his relatives in the future, Yu Haoran decided to give eight to ten gifts.

Now, in addition to the four top treasures he just picked out, he still has four to six gifts for his relatives.

“Hylophone, sorry!”

After struggling with his heart, Wu Zhengjun made the final choice. In the face of friendship and love, he chose the friendship for which he had fought his whole life.

After hearing Wu Zhengjun’s choice, Zhong Li Shuiqin’s face paled, and his eyes were an expression of despair and pain.

Seeing Wu Zhengjun’s final choice, and seeing Zhong Li Shuiqin’s heartbroken, Yu Haoran knew that his repeated interrogations had just reached the ultimate goal, so he temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​choosing a gift, and stood up and faced Zhongli Said Qinqin.

“Shuiqin girl, are you very sad and disappointed with Zheng Jun’s choice?”

Facing Yu Haoran’s interrogation, although Zhong Lishuiqin said nothing, the two lines of tears flowing from the corner of her eyes were enough to illustrate her sadness at the moment.

“Shuiqin girl, just because of my questioning and coercion, and just because Zhengjun’s momentary choice made you shake your feelings.”

“Then, in the future, when faced with the stronger persecution of the Zhongli Family, and in the face of even more difficult choices of intimidation and temptation, how can you stick to your invariable belief!”

Facing Yu Haoran’s questioning, after Zhong Lishuiqin took a moment’s glance, his eyes revealed a thoughtful expression.

Without continuing to question Zhong Lishuiqin, Yu Haoran turned his head and looked at Wu Zhengjun with painful expression still in his eyes, his face angrily criticized.

“Jingjun, when I was just an ordinary person without a chicken, I dared to resist the oppression of the Great Elder and the others.”

“When I only have the strength to enter the Martial Warrior realm, I dare to kill the law enforcement peak alone, facing the Peak Master of the law enforcement peak of the Martial Sovereign realm!”

“When I was just an insignificant a nobody, I dared to fight directly against the most favored prince’s palace in the dignified empire.”

The more Yu Haoran said, the more she felt the anger in her heart, and expression gradually replaced by wrath and anger.

“Today, I am already the cultivation base of the Emperor Peak, and I have the strength to enter the real God of Valkyrie, how can I be afraid of the threat of a hidden Shi Family.”

Facing the reprimand of Yu Haoran angry look, Wu Zhengjun flashed his guilt expression on his face, then lowered his head again.

“Look up!” Yu Haoran roared exhaustedly at Wu Zhengjun, who was still unaware of his mistake.

“Jingjun, although you and I have no blood relationship, in my heart of Yu Haoran, you are the brother of my mother and a fellow, as long as you can get happiness, it doesn’t matter what I pay.

“My questioning and coercion just now is not only a test of the relationship between you, but also hope to make you face each other’s relationship.”

After hearing the roar of Yu Haoran, Wu Zhengjun and Zhong Lishuiqin couldn’t help but think.

In this regard, Yu Haoran not at all disturbed their thoughts, but just stepped to the wind pavilion, and then looked at the direction of the southern region.

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