Outside Fengrun City!

“Yu Haoran, Wuzhong wants to escape!”

Since Yu Haoran hastily returned to Fengrun City, although Tower Spirit has never expressed any opinions, he has been secretly guarding against Wu Zhong, who can bring fatal danger to Yu Haoran.

So, at the moment when I felt clearly loyal to my loyalty, Tower Spirit immediately reminded.

“Evil Soul!”

After hearing the reminder from Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran continued to mobilize all his strength without hesitation, and quickly performed Sword Art, Zhen Yuanzi’s second move to leave the residual martial skill.

“The sun is shining!”

Yu Haoran suddenly carried out the attack of Sword Art, not at all. It was beyond Wuzhong ’s accident. He immediately overdrawn part of the divine force and Soul Power, and performed the martial skill of the magical order to prevent formidable power strongest move. He successfully resisted the implied damage. After Divine Soul’s powerful sword energy, he directly tears the void in front of him, and intends to escape the Fengyun City to return to the Flowing Clouds Sect faction.

As for the younger generations who were hunted down by Zu Long, Yu Siqi, and Chiyanbei, he had no intention to rescue him.

However, Wu Zhong, who fled in a hurry, ignored a very deadly weak spot.

Those were the first two encounters, which caused some damage to both his Divine Physique and Divine Soul, and his strength has fallen to the edge of the first time entering the Valkyrie realm.

Nowadays, successively overdrawing divine force and Soul Power to perform more formal martial skills, directly letting their strength fall to the realm of Demi-God.

With the realm first entering Valkyrie, and the flash of the double-strength strength of law, which is infinitely close to instantaneous transfer, Yu Haoran appeared directly behind him at the moment Wu Zhong had just stepped into the void gap.

Then, with the help of Trapping Immortal Sword, Sword Art directly penetrated Wuzhong’s heart, causing his Divine Physique to suffer more serious trauma.

“Last name, you forced me!”

Be regarded as the cultivation base promoted to Eternal Undying’s Valkyrie realm, the heart is still a very important point of the Spiritual God powerhouse, the injury and pain caused by the heart being penetrated directly, let Wuzhong express the roar.

Subsequently, he directly consumed one third of the divine force to repair the damaged heart, and continued to overdraw the divine force and Divine Soul’s preparation to perform the contraindicated secret technique.

Even Wuzhong was not afraid when he was in the Peak state, wouldn’t Yu Haoran care if his strength had fallen to the realm of Demi-God.

A trick that can directly attack Divine Soul’s Soul Art, combined with Trapping Immortal Sword and the two-strength strength of Law. Before Wuzhong intends to perform the taboo secret technique, he directly damages his Divine Soul, resulting in his strength. It dropped directly to Wudi Grade 9 Peak.

“Yu Haoran, leave Wuzhong’s Divine Soul to be used to enhance the formation defense of the Prince Consort mansion.” As Yu Haoran continued to perform Sword Art’s intention to directly kill Wuzhong Divine Soul, the tower-conscious Tower Spirit suddenly reminded .

“Okay, then you do it!”

Yu Haoran was able to use Divine Soul of Valkyrie Realm powerhouse to enhance the formidable power of Prince Consort’s defense formation.

However, he did not know how to ingest Divine Soul from the Spiritual God within the body who had not died, so he could only leave it to Tower Spirit to handle it.

“You don’t have to deal with Wuzhong Divine Soul. You should deal with the Fengrun City first!” After responding to Yu Haoran’s order, nodded, Tower Spirit performed the secret technique to take Wuzhong’s Divine Soul, and laughed warned repeatedly.

The three encounters were short, which led to the end of the battle between Zulong, Yu Siqi, and Chiyanbei and Flowing Clouds Sect.

After taking a closer look at the two sides that were fighting, knowing that Zu Long, Yu Siqi, and the Red Giant Beast had the absolute advantage, Yu Haoran did not intervene in the fighting between the two sides, but flew to the side of Qin Lingfei and Jian Wujin.

“Prince Consort !”

“At Junior Brother!”

After experiencing the ups and downs of Life and Death, Qin Lingfei and Jian Wujin, after seeing Yu Haoran, who relied on their hearts, returned safely, they flew into his arms with emotion.

“It’s okay, I’m not coming back safely!”

Reaching out and framing Qin Lingfei and Jian Wuren’s fragrant shoulder, Yu Haoran smiled and relieved.

“Moreover, this time I have harvested enough cultivation bases and strengths for you to realize the inverse treasure of shedding body, exchanging bones, so that you will have enough cultivation bases and strengths in the future to defeat and kill the Spiritual God of Valkyrie Realm. . “

After hearing Yu Haoran’s relief, the sword gradually disappeared without emotion, and expression left his arms with a hint of shame.

Of course, Qin Lingfei, whose face has been cultivated to a certain degree, was torn apart by Yu Haoran forcibly, and then she was reluctant to leave her arms.

“Master pay respects to Prince Consort!”

After waiting for Qin Lingfei to leave Yu Haoran’s arms, Lan Rong and the others who were at 100 meters away, dared to run to pay respect.

“Get up!”

Yu Haoran held up Lan Rong and the others with a wave of his sleeves, and then expressed gentle praise.

“Yes, you did very well just now!”

“Many thanks to Grandpa Prince Consort, these are what his subordinates should do.” Facing Yu Haoran’s praise, Lan Rong and the others expression hurriedly kneeled and procrastinated.

“Recently I will retreat and impact Pill Dao Pill God’s realm. After realm breakthrough is successful, I will refine a batch of medicine pill that can help breakthrough Martial Saint, Martial Venerable and Wudi realm.”

After shaking hands to signal everyone to get up, Yu Haoran smiled and gave the promise he had just decided.

“At that time, Martial Venerable and Emperor Wudi are just your starting point. In the future, you may even have a chance to impact the real God of Valkyrie who has broken the mystery of Life and Death and become the Spiritual God of Eternal Undying.”

“Many thanks to Prince Consort’s love, his subordinates will definitely grapple with the land and repay Prince Consort’s grace.”

For Martial Venerable realm’s peerless powerhouse, for innate talent and the potential of Lan Rong and the others, it was a distant dream.

Today, Martial Venerable and Wudi realm are just the starting point of their Martial Dao cultivation, and they will even become the Spiritual God who will never die in the future.

The promise that Yu Haoran just gave made them feel non-excited, and at the same time they completely conquered their loyalty and thanked them directly, kneeling on their knees.

After waving for the second time to signal Rong Rong and the others to rise, Yu Haoran looked up at Zulong, Yu Haoran, and the Red-Beasted Beast that ended the battle at the same time, and then directed Rong Rong and the others instructed.

“Martial Venerable, Emperor Wu, and Demi-God realm’s powerhouse corpses all contain unimaginable Life Essence. You collect all the corpses, and then I will arrange a formulation in City Lord Mansion that can intercept the corpses Life Essence. , To help you improve your cultivation base and strength faster. “

“Subordinate to obey!”

Another top-notch medicine pill, and a formula that can intercept Life Essence, Yu Haoran has made Lan Rong and the others more loyal to everything they did, and immediately flew out of the air and then collected those The powerhouse corpses of Martial Venerable, Emperor Wu and Demi-God realm.

“Back to Prince Consort House!”

After taking Zulong back to the beast pet space, Yu Haoran was instructed against Yu Siqi and the Red-Beasted Beast that returned to the city.

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